Content Strategy for a Website
They say content is king, but where do you start when considering a content strategy for a website? Producing content just for content’s sake will waste time, but when done backed by a strategy to help increase website conversion rates, it will make your business money.
What You'll Learn
Growing your brand online has as much to do with your image choices and colour palette as it does with using ongoing brand awareness strategies to attract new clients.
What You'll Learn
There are different types of copywriting formulas based on what you want to achieve. Overall we teach direct response copywriting because it is designed to get someone to take action! However, storytelling and education is just as important when used at the right time and right place in your customer journey.
What You'll Learn
Writing to be found in the results of search engines is an art form. You not only need to find the right keywords, you also need to use them in the right spots so your pages can be found. Using your blog posts is an excellent place to rank for the keywords you want to be found for.
What You'll Learn
When creating content is the intention to sell something? Wether that is packing your knowledge as a course or wanting to know what to say to sell more through your content, these resources can help.