WordPress Website Care Package

WordPress website care package and support

We'll look after your website tech so you can grow your business with less stress

Don't add website maintenance to your to-do list

Have you ever experienced any of these stressful things?...

  • You get an email from a customer telling you that your site is not loading or the forms or checkout aren't working.
  • Someone tells you that they tried going to your site, but saw a message in their browser that says it's insecure.
  • You try and log in for an urgent site edit and your admin panel has disappeared.
  • Your site is taking forever to load and you have no idea what to do to fix it.
  • Someone on your team tried to update some plugins and your site stopped working.
  • You desperately want to ask a quick question, but your hosting company keeps directing you to someone overseas that only speaks in the language of "tech".

"It's been invaluable..."

"Having your team available to assist us over the past few months has been invaluable.  What you have achieved on our behalf has enabled us to ensure that our website was up to date, monitored and that some of the changes we wanted were able to be executed seamlessly.  It has been appreciated."

~ Rosemary McPherson, Egan Associates

What you get in the WordPress Website Care Package:

package inclusions

  • Daily backups so you don't lose any updates or customer data in case your site goes down
  • Ongoing updates to WordPress, themes and plugins. We'll ensure there are no conflicts between version updates that can cause your site to crash and test major updates before making them live.
  • Malware and security scans to find any dodgy code that hacker's might place in your website without you knowing.
  • Database optimisation to make everything run fast. We'll delete any old revision files or "junk" your website is storing that you no longer need.
  • Page load speed optimisation - If we notice any slow pages, we'll let you know how to fix it.
  • Manage your site security by making sure you have a valid SSL certificate.
  • Monitor your site's uptime - we set up alerts so we know if your site ever goes down. Then we fix it.
  • A monthly report so you can see the work we have done

Plus get these Bonuses!

  • List your site with Google Search Console and manage the alerts
    The Console's tools help you measure your site's Search traffic and performance and sends you alerts for any issues that need to be fixed for Google optimisation.
  • Broken link check & fix so Google does not penalise your site
    If you are linking to old pages or resources that no longer exist we will find the links that not longer work and help you fix them.
  • Lifetime access to our masterclass training library
    Learn how to grow your brand and business online! This video library is not for sale and is only available to our clients.

Packages start at $80/month.

Plus get 10% off our hourly development rate. (see FAQs below for ideas of what we can do)

Have questions? We have you covered...

This package is perfect for anyone who knows the importance of having a fast website that does not crash.

It's also perfect for you if you...

  • Are a small business owner that can’t afford or does not want an IT team
  • Know you should not be messing around with website software and plugin updates, or doing backups yourself, and just want a site that works well
  • Put new blog posts up, including finding images.
  • Optimise Google Business listing
  • Install and analyse Crazy Egg/Hot Jar heat maps and provide suggestions for design improvement; then do those improvements
  • Install a live chat - Facebook Messenger or another one.
  • Add new pages, such as sales or landing pages for a specific marketing campaign
  • Linking sales pages to your payment gateway (like Paypal or Stripe)
  • Adding email list forms to your site (i.e. like Mailchimp, Active Campaign, etc.)
  • Adding social media feeds
  • Updating staff pages with new bios and images
  • Popups to promote specials or collect emails

Yes.  We will need to have a look at your site first to see what package you need for hosting. If you sign up for our Care Package you will receive a discount for hosting.  

You can cancel at anytime past the 6 months. Just use the contact details we share with you when you sign up and let us know.  We request that you give us at least a 7 day notice so we have time to remove our tools from your site and stop your next charge.

We love WordPress, but just like any other software it's prone to bugs and problems over time, so it needs to be updated and maintained to keep it working properly. 

Also, due to its popularity many WordPress sites are the target of hackers. If you don’t regularly update your software and plugins it's only a matter of time before your site is compromised by hackers. Most hackers are more savvy than IT professionals, highly skilled and try to cover their tracks. 

Once they gain access they plant dodgy code in your site. They then try to steal your data, put another site in the place of yours or just take your site down. Once they get this far, it's a difficult situation to recover from, so you need to be pro-active and keep your site updated.

Think of your website as the garden you spent so long planting, watering and caring for. Stay with us for a second…

It looks amazing at first. Then over time the weeds creep in and the bushes become overgrown. Before you know it your flowers can't grow because there are too many weeds surrounding them.

This is similar to what happens over time to a website. Many website owners buy hosting and set up their site and think that's all they need to worry about.

Then they put up blog posts, add content and do other things to make the website look nice and work they way they want, but they don’t realise or know how to do the “weeding” required to keep their site strong.

Your database over time becomes unruly and sucks up your hosting resources, which slows down your site.  It needs to be cleaned (or weeded) ongoing to keep your website in good working order.

Once you click on the "get started" button above we will ask you for access to your website.

We will login and look at:

  • how big your site is (i.e. how many pages, posts, products, etc)
  • what plugins you have
  • what theme you have (what your website was built on)
  • if it has been maintained with recent updates to your plugins and theme
  • your page loading speed to see where issues are
  • your current hosting to see how much space you have, and if it updated and secure

Based on what we discover we will let you know if you need an additional "Site Clean Up" package with us or if we can get started immediately. 

We will send you payment options and you will start getting a monthly report and email from us showing you what we did each month.

Yes, this package is a minimum 6 month contract.  Why? There is a lot of set up work with the bonuses we provide.  Plus you get your first month for free!

STEP 1: Apply now

We need to check the current health of your site.
It's free, with no strings attached, should you not wish to go ahead.