This is a LIVE IN PERSON EVENT: Early Bird Pricing Ends Soon!

Stop Guessing. Start Growing:
The Marketing Playbook for Serious Business Owners

Join our live event to get the insider strategies successful businesses use to attract better clients, increase leads, and get real results.


You’re arguably successful. But you’re also stuck.
There’s no other way to put it!

You are achieving admirable revenue numbers per annum—but your takings have plateaued, and you’re struggling to grow further.

So you’re trying to figure out WHY. Do you need to offer different services? Add more revenue streams? Increase your pricing? Cut costs? Try another marketing method to get leads?

Feel familiar? Like a snapshot from your brain, and workday?

Firstly, you’ve done incredible to get here. You have a proven business. You’ve achieved more than many other businesses will ever have.

But right now, do you...?


    You hustle hard day-in, day-out, without seeing extra revenue results from the time you put in. You’re becoming jaded, dispirited and losing your passion for your work.


    You’re regularly craning your neck to see what other business owners are doing to boost their bottomline, and adopting that—a digital summit here, a content marketing push or Google ad campaign there. But, months (and often 💰💸) later—you still find yourself stuck in the same place.


    Do you keep saying yes to everything your current clients ask for (often without billing extra on top of the original briefed amount)?


    Concerned that achieving sustainable growth without compromising service is a tough task—how can you make more without delivering less or disappointing people?!


    You feel flat. You're proud of all you've achieved in your business, but keeping it going is no piece of cake. It takes a LOT of you to maintain, let alone grow.


    But then you have moments where you see businesses hitting higher targets and wonder, messy self-doubt creeping in… "Why can't we have that too? Where are we going wrong?"


You've worked so ‘effin hard to get to this point, you're probably wondering, how can you grow further without completely burning out.


What if we told you there are several mistakes you’re probably making when it comes to growing your service-based business further?

(Mistakes that are actively preventing you from scaling successfully, keeping you in overwhelm + massively slowing your growth.)



Diversifying your income streams or adding service ranges, digital courses and recurring revenue. The fact is, you don’t need to ADD things into your business to grow past this point — you need to simplify, streamline and systematise.



You know the drill. You're jumping through hoops, being “yes men/women”, and always agreeing to evolving requests and client demands. Yes, we know you want to deliver exceptional service. Still, there comes a point where this “custom” approach becomes impossible to scale, and leads to stagnation + frustration.



You’ve been getting increasingly introspective in your business and it’s no surprise! You’re constantly putting out fires at work, and, as the founder, you’re needed in so many areas of the business—it's no wonder networking has fallen off your list of priorities.

Are any of those ringing true?

The truth is, what got you here
won’t get you to where you want to go.

Big things have to change to reach bigger profit margins without burning out or dropping the ball with clients. You need to redefine how you’re doing business—and do it dramatically different to help you grow further.

It’s time to scale back your services in order to scale UP.

Which is what this event is all about.
William Adames

"Heather is clearly a seasoned pro in her field and is the best I’ve seen"

William Adames
Community and Business Engagement Coordinator,
Ku-ring-gai Council


Olivia Bc

"There is nothing that she doesn’t know about social media marketing"

Olivia Ruello
Previous CEO,
Business Chicks


Jack Dp

"Anyone who gets the opportunity to learn from Heather should grab it with both hands, and never let go"

Jack Delosa
The Entourage



A Two-Day Intensive For Established Service-Providers Seeking to Scale Successfully

Have you been stuck around the high six figures to $1million/year mark for longer than you'd care to admit?
YOU are the service provider we’re here to support. At this LIVE event, you’ll learn a new way to scale (without adding $ to your budget to diversify your income streams—or sacrificing your sanity for your business & clients).


Because at this point in your business, you need real results.

We won't be teaching trite, small-fry tactics, like how to write high-converting, cheap Facebook Ads or a killer sales script. Because that's not the level you play at. You already have a team or contractors to create ad copy or high-performing sales pages. and the skills to conduct high-converting sales calls.

Instead, we will go straight to what will actually make a shift for you.



Let’s redefine and optimise your packages, so you can leverage what you’ve created to command higher rates and bigger profit margins.

Because scaling past $1million is best achieved by simplifying your offer(s) and your delivery—so you can leverage what you’ve already created to start hitting some bigger numbers and charging higher rates without working harder.

You’ll learn why and how to refine your service to be scalable and sustainable. (As a CRO agency, we’ve spent years honing offers for our clients. The reality is, your offer makes or breaks your ability to scale.)

Then, with your new premium-priced, scalable offer mapped out we’ll work on your conversion-focused marketing calendar—with built-in sprints, scarcity and urgency, so your team is not passively promoting but actively bringing leads in.

BEFORE Creating Your Irresistible, Scalable Offer:

Modifying the service delivery process for every client—which takes up time, even if you're just delegating the delivery to your team.

You have to micromanage delivery to ensure best service is delivered because little things are constantly in flux.

You, the business owner, are over-involved in the delivery process

Going over scope is the norm, so you're not making as much as you could—and NEED—on most projects.

Caught in a price war where you over-deliver and under-charge to keep your income up.

You're often beaten down on price, making it hard to grow further by eating into your profit margin.

Always exchanging time for money, making it hard to grow.

AFTER Creating Your Irresistible, Scalable Offer:

Easy to implement delivery systems and processes—so you can control output/service quality as it's repeated every time

You spend less time briefing your team, removing yourself from day-to-day delivery/biz ops.

Controlled/clear client expectations mean you meet and delight them. (Improving the likelihood of positive reviews, word of mouth recommendations and referrals).

Google/Facebook Ad spending comes down—or profits go up—as your scalable offer is also optimised for sales/conversions.

You can step away more, relying on your team to deliver—and focus on higher ROI activities such as sales, PR, improving your marketing, and developing systems.

You've cracked the code for scaling—with confidence that you've got the offer to help you do it.


High-quality referrals are one of the best ways to bring in clients. We’ll help you build a robust referral network that provides pre-qualified, warm leads.

It can cost over $100 to get a lead—and even more time, money and energy to convert a cold lead into a piping hot one. By contrast, your referral network can be the cheapest, quickest, most effective way to get business.

But many founders and business owners get so focused on their day-to-day operations that they neglect relationship-building and their broader business community.

So why not come and make valuable connections to help you increase your referrals?

👉 You’ll be grouped according to business alignment, industry and/or location to ensure you’re complementary and set up to make real, meaningful connections that help each business thrive and grow.

👉 We’ll also teach you all the best practices to set your referral partnerships up for success. (Sharing the systems we use to keep our high-level partnerships running smoothly and successfully—no discontent or confusion.)

Think about it:

“Time could be money, but relationships ARE money.”

~ Joe Polish

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"Heather’s extensive knowledge was delivered in simple bite sized chunks so business owners could take away some key tools to help them grow their businesses."

Anne Kenyon
Hornsby Chamber of Commerce


Anna Lee

"An incredible deep understanding of all things social media and digital marketing"

Anna Lee
Digital Content & Partnerships Specialist,
The Entourage



"Our business is now fully automated online and bringing in new clients every day."

Anna Fernandez
Pier to Point Wellness Centre


What’s included in your event ticket
(how it all breaks down):

  • Learn our proven strategy for optimising your offer to scale—and how to package what you sell to help you reach your income and lifestyle goals.
  • Workshop your own irresistible, scalable offer.
  • Gain feedback on your new offer from other established, experienced business owners—so you’re crystal clear on the key selling points and how to pitch it to partners and prospects.
  • Map out how you will market and sell it. Now you’re clear on what you’re selling, you’ve got to figure out how to get people through the door and commit! So, we’re taking your sales strategy to the next level by sharing our CRO know-how.
  • Network with complementary businesses and service providers.


Thursday & Friday, 10am to 5pm

As founders and business owners ourselves, we understand your predicament and have designed the schedule with your needs in mind.

We know you’ll probably need to put out fires first thing, handle urgent emails from clients/customers/suppliers and your team, and ensure things are running smoothly behind the scenes. So we’re starting later to make sure you can do that.

The event is spread over Friday and Saturday deliberately—so you’re only taking one day off work, and have one day to rest and recharge for the week ahead on Sunday.

What you will learn:


STEP 1: The purpose of your business and how much revenue you want to make

STEP 2: Developing one signature package to get you there fast

STEP 3: How to choose your USP and establish your new reputation to reel in higher rates


STEP 4: How to create an irresistible AND scalable offer so doing business with you is a no-brainer

STEP 5: The channels to focus on so you can easily increase your prices and sell your new scalable offer

STEP 6:  How to fine-tune, track and measure your new sales conversions (this is the main difference between a 6 and 7 figure business)

Choose how you want to attend:

Melb Venue


MicDrop South Melbourne
Level 5, 111 Cecil St
South Melbourne, VIC 3205

Thursday, Nov 28 & Friday, Nov 29, 2024
10am - 5pm AEST

Includes lunch on both days!

Price goes up to $697 in Oct!

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Coming Soon in early 2025.

Get on the wait list below now:

ways of having difficult conversations at work

"After following what I learned, sales are up 35% and newsletter opt-ins are up 50%"

Sabrina Lynn
CEO, Rewilding for Women


Aleksandra Pinneri

"The best investment to my business that I ever have in my 14 years of business"

Aleksandra Pinneri
Director, Unveil the Beauty


Andrea Clarke

"Data driven expertise and cutting edge ideas"

Andrea Clarke
Author & Founding Director, CareerCEO


Still not convinced? 🤔

Think about it this way. Would it be worth it if…?

  • You met your new referral partner that's going to give you 10 clients a month. Even ONE client a month!
  • You’ve a new, improved package primed to test then actively implement in your business—one that will better enable you to hit your growth and profit objectives.
  • You received feedback from prospective referral partners, peers and experts at the development stage that helped you refine your offer. (No guessing, stressing or dropping handfuls of cash on a private Mastermind).
  • You have a one-page promotion plan to market this new offer immediately—you can hand it to your team post-event—to attract good prospects and close more business.
  • You have a checklist of everything to consider as you test and implement this offer, covering Marketing, Sales and Operations.
  • You get out of the FUNK and lull you've been stuck in —and feel a buzz of positivity & enthusiasm around what’s actually possible for you in your business, rather than struggling to see a way forward.

Leveraging The In-Person Experience to Get Better ROI

This is a fully-immersive in-person event—focused on clarity, collaboration, and putting plans into action.

So you can step away from working in your business + spend two days working on it.

With this live event, you’ll get hands-on support from our expert trainers; and get away from distractions to absorb the teachings, action them, and make a difference in how you run your business.

You’ll receive feedback, advice, and perspective on your package (and problems) from your peers.

And there will be 0% chance of the training gathering dust in a digital drawer on your desktop.


Answer honestly now...

How many online courses have you taken over the past year? How many are currently uncompleted? How many have you actually implemented? 😬


And how lonely or frustrated have you become on your business journey? It’s not as if you can talk about your struggles with your team—you don’t want to spark fear in them or risk them losing confidence in your business. But at the same time, a Mastermind experience where you can confide in peers and get support often costs well into the 10000s. (Not this time, though!)

This environment will move the needle forward SO much more than just sitting at home stressing, or pestering your partner with your work woes.


"My 1 on 1 sessions with Heather are INCREDIBLY valuable and each time leave inspired and confident. Highly recommend her coaching and expertise."

Kath Dunstan
Founder and Director,
Boutique Equines



"Heather offers great mentoring, tips and tricks in helping you drive more sales"

Ashley Lind
Lind Jewellery-Design


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"We continue to draw on Heather's knowledge and experience and highly recommend her for training and consultancy in all things 'online'."

Leanne Cooper
Well College Global


Meet your host Heather Porter

Heather Porter

Heather Porter is a CRO & Marketing Expert, business coach and speaker who teaches online marketing tips to businesses that want to grow sustainably.

She got her start managing events globally for some of the world's top speakers like Tony Robbins.

In 2006 she co-founded the Billionaire Adventure Club, where she brought entrepreneurs to work with the Richard Branson School of Entrepreneurship in South Africa and other social enterprises globally.

She is also an Amazon Kindle #1 bestseller, co-author of 4 business books and host of 'That Social Media Show' on the Bizversity business app used in over 100 countries.

She is a mentor for the members of The Entourage and Business Blueprint, and 1 of 5 Meta Community Trainers in Australia. She also teaches Digital Marketing at the University of Sydney's Centre for Continuing Education.

Plus, she's a Meta Certified Media Buying Professional.

Uni Of Sydney    Cert Media Buying Pro 800   Trainer Lead Trainer Square 800

Is it time to get over the profit plateau, crack your income ceiling and grow?

Come join us LIVE!

You will walk away with clarity of how to position what you sell to reach your first $1million year and beyond. And you will have met new contacts that could potentially help you grow your business through referrals by selling this new "offer". Plus, a marketing plan to start promoting it.

Have your accountant raise their eyebrows at your new numbers and ask what you have been doing differently.


"WOW! I am learning so much. Heather gives such great information as well as telling you simply how to make a big impact."

Amy Leschke
Alma Lily Natural Therapies



"Her suggestions and advice are always well thought out, she cares about the results we get and I'm so grateful we have her on our side!"

Marian Rafael
One to One Group


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"I love Heather and what she brings to my business. Practical advice and service that works."

Scott TrevethanFanatics
- Managing Director,
Financial Fanatics


Still have questions?

Got more questions? Get in touch

Get the high-level “service design” strategy—and richer referral network—you need to scale.