Episode 80 Transcript

Heather (00:05.886)

Hey friends, welcome back to episode 80. My gosh, we're on 80. Look, the other day I woke up at 5 a.m. And no, this is not a normal thing for me. Although the idea of being sort of part of the 5 a.m. club is quite intriguing. I don't know if you guys have heard about that. I think it's Robin Sharma who announced that and there's like whole app, the 5 a.m. club.


Look, no, it's not normal for me. So when I do it, and especially it's on a Saturday morning, it means I'm doing it for a reason. So I joined this private networking call with Kevin Thompson, who I just interviewed in the last episode. So make sure that you go back and check that out because it was incredibly valuable conversation. And through meeting him, I knew that I wanted to be exposed more to his networks as well.


So the call was at 5 a.m. He does these calls every now and again, sort of these mastermind types of calls. And it was 5 a.m. because they were basically all based in the States and it was their Friday. So yep, woke up at 5 a.m. on a Saturday. And in my quest to let go of the how, like I've spoken to you guys about this in my Goals for 2024 podcast, as well as the eight tips of how I'm gonna get to those goals. A big part of that is to let go of the how, constantly being obsessed with, how do I do it, how do I do it? And also, so with that quest of letting go of the how, but also rediscovering my passion in my business and what I do, I'm saying yes to more opportunities that are like these calls. And moments where I can be more vulnerable. Because it's hard for me, I think it's hard for most of us, right, to actually really be open and honest about where we need help and where we're struggling with things. So I had this call.


It was two and a half hours of my Saturday morning and I wanted to share some of the themes that came up for me in this call. Cause I thought you guys might find them helpful as well. On my quest as well to forever be looking for ways to have a more balanced life and to enjoy my life more and to enjoy my business more. I just have a feeling that maybe some of these things will help you too. So there's four things that I really learned on the call or four themes that came up for me on the call. And the first one was to ask


Heather (02:25.826)

for help. Yes, be honest when you need it. And let's be honest with each other. You pretty much probably need it a lot. I mean, unless you're a solopreneur and you're happy to stay a solopreneur, if you are growing a business and you have a team and you wanna grow that team in that business, you cannot do it by yourself. You're gonna need to ask for help. Be honest about what you're not good at as well.


One of my big ego things this year is going like, yeah, there's definitely things in digital marketing with my business website love that I'm very good at, but there's things I'm not. And why should I keep trying to learn them and buy courses for them? Like, why? I don't need to, I have a team, I'm growing my business, I'm scaling right now, like you guys, a lot of you guys. So yeah, be honest with what you're not good at, be okay with it and ask for help from team members or other resources to accomplish those things.


and be honest about what you don't want to do either. Cause then you're obviously going to ask for help around the things that you don't want to do. So number one was asking for help. And that was a big part of this call, this sort of networking mastermind call that I was part of. There were four of us on it with Kevin, the host, and all four of us were there basically to help each other and to ask for help. And in the episode before, you'll hear a good conversation that we had around understanding how to ask for help, but also being open to receive and how so many really successful people struggle with receiving. So that was a big part of the call. It was, you know, asking for help, but being open to hearing great advice from these other amazing people on the call. So number two was be around good people, of course. There are incredible people on this call, but it got me thinking about how that's an important theme in my life as well. I've recapped.


You know, I've told you guys the story in the past of moving to Australia. And there's sort of this pivotal moment when I was out, you know, working at a Tony Robbins event in, uh, up in Brisbane, Gold Coast area of, uh, Queensland in Australia. And after the event ended, I was with this incredible group of people. And I kept hearing the Jim Rohn quote, you're the average of the five people that you spend your time with. And that was a big eyeopening moment for me to.


Heather (04:42.434)

that I needed to be around more incredible people than probably what was in my current peer group at the time. So that's big, right? So really, you know, that's always been a theme in my life, I suppose, is to revisit the people in my life and are they incredible? Do they drive me forward? Do they bring out the best in me? Do they challenge me? It's also why I started this podcast. I mean, two reasons. One is to, you know, reach out my business network and perhaps have referral partners back and forth. Some of us, you know, share business.


back and forth, you know, when it's aligned really well, there's a few people that I've had on the show where they're like, I'll just send my clients to you and vice versa for them, right? So that's a big reason. But number two, also equally as important is the community that comes with it. I very carefully select the individuals that I interview on this show for a reason, because I want to get to know them and I would love to have them in my network. So that's important. Also,


Being around good people, the other day I had a team call, my first team call, like where my core team, we all got together and we spoke about the year ahead and our roles and what's happening for the company. And I had this moment on that call and I was like, wow, what an amazing group of people that I'm surrounded by. And I think that's something for you guys to think about too in your business. Are you proud of your team? Like, do you look at them and where they shine in their gifts and their strengths and how they compliment each other and how they do things?


That is their gift, but not yours. Like, do you look at them and are you like, wow, my team's amazing? So that's also something that came to my mind in this call. And also it's why I go to conferences and why I also wanna run my live events this year is because you can be around incredible people. So number two, be around good people. Number three, sometimes it is good to not know the backgrounds of the people that you're talking to.


And you're not gonna know that at conferences, are you? But on this call, what Kevin did, which was really cool, was we didn't actually know who's gonna be on the call with us. He just puts these networking calls together because he loves million dollar relationships. And he literally was just like, here's gonna be three other amazing individuals in addition to you, Heather, you're not gonna know who they are. That's on purpose. Because I want you to come and be open on the call and not come in with any, you know,


Heather (07:07.566)

Oh, this person's better than me, or this person's not where I am, et cetera, right? So smart and such an important theme and reminder for me, no matter where you go, whether it's the grocery store down the street or it's to a conference or whatever, you're in a webinar with a group of people, you won't know them unless it's the keynote speaker and you've read their bio, right? Or your friends coming with you, you won't know them. And you'll never know the incredible people that might be sitting right next to you.


And everyone is incredible, right? We all have amazing stories and wisdom to share. So just keep in mind that you never know who's sitting next to you and always to be open and honest and offer value to every person that crossed your path. And number four, give openly, give openly. It was, like I said, really helpful not knowing who the people on the call were because I could share ideas openly with them.


I wasn't sitting there questioning if I was like total amateur or if they already know all the things I'm going to share with them. It was just a really good reminder with these very successful people that they too have asked for help and don't know how to do things themselves. That's why they were on the call. They were open to ideas. And by the way, there were some really successful people on the call. When I got to know them, I was like, oh my God, can't believe I just gave you that advice.


You probably already know that, but you know what was interesting is that being open, openly giving to each other. It was like the egos went out the door and it was such a really good environment. I don't know. It just is still sitting with me, right? And I'm going to be reaching out to the, to the guys that were on the call and hopefully get a couple of them on this podcast because they're having incredible journeys in business themselves. So four things that came to mind on this 5 a.m. wake up for me were ask for help.


You can't do it alone, you guys. Be around good people. Sometimes it's okay to not know the backgrounds of the people that are around you. And in actuality kind of equalizes the playing field where you don't have to kiss somebody's ass because you're like, oh, they're like, you have this huge company or they're gonna do this for me or do that for me. It's nice to kind of just be with people and value them for who they are in that moment and not to be too woo-woo you guys. But think about it, right?


Heather (09:32.114)

And number four is give openly. So over to you, what are you trying to accomplish over the week ahead, uh, to do things differently, or maybe there's something you want to try that you've never done before that maybe you've always been too scared to do. I mean, I, I raised my hand and said, yeah, no worries. I'm going to wake up at five with four complete strangers. Well, three were complete strangers. Yeah. And we'll just give openly and share about our businesses. All good. What about you? What are you going to do in the week ahead?


I challenge you. There any 5 a.m. wakeups out there as well? Let me know by the way, you guys. I'm on social media. You can find me. There's my business, which is website love, Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Heather Porter as well. I think Heather Porter's a TikTok. Heather Porter, look for me either way. Reach out to me, DM me, respond, email me. Come to websitelove.com.au and there's a contact form on there or hustlerebellion.com. Reach out to me, let me know, you know, if you have any cool stories that you wanna share as well. I love hearing from you guys. I love the reviews that you're leaving from me online as well and the different podcast platforms. Very grateful to you. So thank you guys and I will talk to you soon. Bye bye.