Episode 75 Transcript

Heather (00:05.688)

Natalie, welcome, welcome to the show. I'm so excited that we are gonna have a really great chat about marketing, but also your business. How's it going?


Natalie Alaimo (00:14.066)

I'm good. Thank you so much for having me. I've been really looking forward to it. So it'll be good to have a chat.


Heather (00:18.128)

Me too. I've been hearing about you lately and guys, as you know, I've said before, whenever I want to get to know somebody more, I just like literally have a chat with them and ask them questions and hit record so you can be a fly on the wall. So good. All right. So with that in mind, I love to start with some tactics and we'll go more into your business and what you do after that. But, um, Natalie, during times when your, your business is hectic and growing,


Natalie Alaimo (00:33.166)

Such a great idea.


Heather (00:47.948)

and has a lot going on, how do you personally stay away from that like hustle, crazy stress moment? How do you ground yourself? How do you keep yourself going? If you have a few tips or tactics you can share, that would be great.


Natalie Alaimo (00:57.263)



Natalie Alaimo (01:00.762)

Yeah, so I don't think it's always been as chill. I haven't been as chill as I am now.


I used to think that I had to kind of do everything myself, which obviously makes things really hard but one of the things I think is really important is I Don't know what where I got the concept from but if I've made an appointment external to Myself and outside of my home office. I will stick to it. So one of the things I do is I focus on Health and fitness and I make sure that they're booked into my calendar


Heather (01:38.511)



Natalie Alaimo (01:39.68)

Pilates which means that between 8.30 and 9.30 that's where I am. I've booked it in, I've paid for it, I can't cancel it. So it's like any other meeting in my calendar which I find that doing that makes me actually attend and then I know when I attend then I'm actually better within the business and within life in general because I'm not just always at my desk. So that's one thing that I think has really helped me over the last 12 to 18 months.


Heather (02:08.945)



Natalie Alaimo (02:09.62)

really key. The other thing that, and I'm still working on this, is team and systems. Probably a combination of both, like having good systems for the team so that I am not the only one with all the information in my head, because I'm like, oh my god, we've been working together five minutes, why can't you figure out everything that's going on in my head yet? So you're actually creating those systems.


Heather (02:16.921)



Natalie Alaimo (02:37.122)

has been good and it's always a work in progress. So that's something that definitely has been good for me in terms of overwhelm and yeah, and less hustle. And I think the other thing that I am working on getting better is I'm really good at helping my clients do this, but kind of creating my own marketing foundations and systems so that there's not that whole stress of.


Heather (02:49.073)



Natalie Alaimo (03:05.542)

where's the next client coming from, where's the next lead coming from. So putting in those kind of baseline systems as well, I think has been really, really good. Yeah.


Heather (03:17.368)

I might talk to you about that a little bit later in our conversation because that's a good point. And I am the same Natalie. I have four Pilates that I go to. I love that you like Pilates too. But literally it is in my calendar for four days a week and it is non-negotiable unless there's like an absolute crazy fire in the business. And I'm like a huge believer in that. So I love that you said that. So true.


Natalie Alaimo (03:19.597)



Natalie Alaimo (03:26.035)



Natalie Alaimo (03:29.869)



Natalie Alaimo (03:39.514)

Yeah, I do pilates so that I can originally I started because my back went out and I wanted to keep I do a tap dancing class a week. So pilates was my way that I could tap dance and now I'm training for a half marathon. And so the running and the polite like they all kind of work together to strengthen my back to do the things I want to do. But yeah, like I know that pilates is definitely one of those ones you miss a week and you realize it. But when you go each week, you kind of don't realize until you miss it. And you're like, Oh, hang on.


Heather (03:47.232)



Heather (03:51.56)



Heather (03:58.536)

Oh my God.


Natalie Alaimo (04:07.788)

bit sore now or what's been happening there?


Heather (04:10.26)

I'm so the same, yeah, because I started for scoliosis in my back and it's starting to give me like arthritis in my neck being all out of alignment. Yeah, if I don't go for four days even, I start getting headaches. I have to, I just have to do it.


Natalie Alaimo (04:18.356)



Natalie Alaimo (04:22.035)

Yeah, yeah, it's just one of those things that you would think that, yeah, you I would, before I started, I would have been like, oh yeah, Pilates, whatever. But it's made such a massive difference. And I only go once a week. So four times a week, I can only imagine, like, how much better you would be. Yeah, yeah. Yeah.


Heather (04:31.061)



Heather (04:36.644)

It took me a while. But yeah, no, gosh, it is so like so important team. Absolutely. I always see themes in my conversations with who's on the show and fitness and getting outside is a big one and obviously teams and systems. We're going to talk more about your marketing foundational systems coming up because that'll be a cool chat. But


Natalie Alaimo (04:52.494)



Heather (05:02.98)

Let's talk a little bit more about what you do because I know you work very much in marketing specifically and sort of the meta Facebook ads space. And you have a couple of different options as well. So what, what are the different ways people work with you?


Natalie Alaimo (05:09.548)



Natalie Alaimo (05:14.81)

Yeah, so basically, I like to call myself like someone that optimizes funnels and then helps you use ads to amplify them. And at the moment, it's just the meta ads. I do run Pinterest ads for one client, but that's not like something I want to get into more right now. But the kind of my goal


Heather (05:23.745)



Heather (05:30.988)

Yeah. Yep.


Natalie Alaimo (05:36.118)

is for particularly women in business, I think it's important for everyone in business, but to have a way of being able to bring in particularly leads and sales as well would be an added bonus that is kind of always working in the background. I think there's too much emphasis at the moment on organic social media showing up all the time, you know, posting this and doing that, writing a book, all of these things which are great for visibility and brand awareness, but if we're not getting the


and we're not getting the sales that makes it really hard to sustain a business and I see that creating online funnels and for people that Don't know what funnels are basically like a sales process and then using ads to help you Get enough people through so that you can actually See whether it's working and that you can actually get some results from it with the goal to scale it to be profitable So I basically help people put that infrastructure together and I do it in So there's some clients I work with you and are done for them


Heather (06:31.044)

Yeah, nice.


Natalie Alaimo (06:35.932)

capacity so


I kind of run and manage the ads and then I also have a program called Just Add Magic where it's done with them so we do the technical ad setup but we consult a lot on the funnels to get that right because that's the other thing people don't realize that your ads don't work if your funnel doesn't work if you're sending people to crap like you're going to get crap results and it's not necessarily Facebook's fault it's easy to blame them but it's they really do work well together so helping people get their funnel stuff right and then their ads is really what


Heather (06:53.841)

Ha ha!


So true.


Natalie Alaimo (07:08.4)



Heather (07:09.588)

Love it. Love that you said that as well. I was literally just having a conversation with somebody. It was more even broad around the website in general too, around they were talking about their ads and they're like, oh, they're not like, they're not performing very well. I'm like, do you know how many people see the ads? And then they also just Google you after that as well, because they want to see your, your like Google testimonials and then they want to see your website. If you have a crap website, definitely funnel, they'll literally just not do anything.


Natalie Alaimo (07:17.461)



Natalie Alaimo (07:28.045)



Natalie Alaimo (07:34.018)

Oh, yeah. 100%. Yeah. People don't realize that stuff. Yeah. They're like, well, if I just do this, it'll all work. And it's like, it's an ecosystem. Yeah.


Heather (07:40.012)

So funny. No.


Heather (07:46.684)

Or, yes, ecosystem, well said. And also they're like, they put up an ad and they spend $10 a day for a week and they're like, it doesn't work. I feel like there's a lot of education or re-education in some case with certain business owners on actually understanding expectations of ads and what they, because they're magic. So actually on that case, what do you think like?


Natalie Alaimo (07:54.61)



Natalie Alaimo (08:08.372)

Oh, definitely.


Heather (08:14.864)

What would you say to somebody if they came to you and they're like, Natalie, ads don't work for me. I'm tried everything. I, you know, they're very skeptical. What, what do you, do you have an answer? Do you, what do you say to people around ads?


Natalie Alaimo (08:24.019)



Natalie Alaimo (08:27.831)



I would probably, no, I was going to say, I'd tell them to go and find somewhere else, someone else, but no, depending on, I would be, honestly, no, I would be looking at what they'd done and then trying to explain how ads can work. And I think also there's been a big shift in ads in the last few years with iOS 14 updates and all of those things. So the heydays of, you know, I started running ads in 2010 or something. And you know, if we'd all known what was going on,


Heather (08:33.677)



Heather (08:45.617)



Natalie Alaimo (08:59.368)

to happen, we all would have spent a million dollars and had, you know, a million people on our email list because that's how cheap ads were. Fast forward to today where it's not the case. And what I think a lot of people...


Heather (09:05.581)



Natalie Alaimo (09:11.102)

are doing is just, well, following advice that they're finding online. Sometimes, you know, meta have these reps that some of them are wonderful, some of them are terrible. Um, and they follow that advice, but because they don't have an understanding of the whole structure of how someone comes from discovering them to buying from them, they're trying to solve too many problems within that one ad and they don't have the systems in place to actually make that process work.


Heather (09:19.645)

Oh, yes.


Natalie Alaimo (09:41.336)

So they're blaming this section here and you know, obviously you do stuff with websites as well many years ago We were web designers and people be like, okay, so my websites live. Where's all the traffic? It's the same principle like you just don't put a website up and people just flock to it It's the same with an ad you don't put an ad up and it's magically gonna work unless the rest of it is Right, and I think it's just a lack of understanding of the whole infrastructure and how it works and which pieces you need to make it work and


Heather (09:52.909)



Natalie Alaimo (10:10.896)

then with any marketing, there's optimization along the way. Like you need to make.


Heather (10:15.304)



Natalie Alaimo (10:17.034)

tweaks and changes. Yeah. And I think that's probably the biggest lie that people are told. You know, there's a social media post of how I made $50,000 in four days with an email sequence. And, you know, it's like you did that because of all of these things you had in place and you just sent the right four emails in that moment. Yeah. So, yeah, you're right. There is a lot of reeducation around what it actually takes to be successful online.


Heather (10:44.124)

And I'm really glad you just explained that. And I think people that are listening, you guys take away that thought of having an ecosystem. It's if your ads are not working, it might be because your funnel's broken, your offer is not good. Maybe your ads crap, maybe your targeting is bad. Like there's maybe your email fault, maybe your sales system. Like there's so much that goes into it. And it's magic when it.


Natalie Alaimo (11:04.086)



Heather (11:07.2)

And that's why I want to transition now into you telling us how you worked with a client from point A to point B. I'm happy for you to do shout outs if you want or keep their name secret up to you. But yeah, tell me about somebody that came to you and what was happened as a result.


Natalie Alaimo (11:20.229)



So where I find that I am best suited is for people who have all the bits and pieces. There's some coach going around and I don't know who it is that I think tells people to create as many lead magnets as they want. So I end up with people that have like a hundred lead magnets and maybe one or two offers and they can't seem to get the connection between their lead magnet and what they're selling. So I'm really good at bringing all those pieces together into like a one simplified funnel that's going to work for them.


Heather (11:34.344)



Oh my.


Natalie Alaimo (11:51.996)

Lady Jackie, I talk about her in my master classes, so that's fine. She had, she was running a live multi-day challenge for, like a live challenge. She teaches business owners how to create their own graphic designs in Canva, but she's not just a Canva teacher, she's a graphic designer, so she talks about, you know, white space and design principles. So basically we took that funnel that she had that she'd run live because she didn't want to keep showing up and running live


Heather (12:13.326)



Natalie Alaimo (12:21.456)

time and we made it into a three part video series where people could buy her course that is in the funnel at $6.99 but outside of the funnel it's $8.99 and what we found is that she now spends $300 a week on ads, she makes them return $932 a week back and she adds 75 people to her database each week. So


Heather (12:41.98)

Oh my gosh.


Heather (12:45.945)

That's amazing.


Natalie Alaimo (12:47.542)

So it's a full ROAS and I should say, cause I spoke to a guy this morning, I'm like, sounds great. But once you scale up, you're not going to get a full ROAS on ads, but still, you know, that's almost $50,000 a year that she's getting in revenue for, you know, once the funnel set up, she looks at the ads once a week, she fills out a metric sheet and it just kind of ticks away in the background. Like that's a really nice, comfortable baseline income that doesn't require you to do, you know, a whole lot of stuff to get.


result where you know if you were trying to get that many people through your funnel with organic traffic it's a lot more time output in the types of content you have to create and all of those types of things so yeah so that's one story I have a lot of other done for you clients but they're spending you know millions like I've got one client that spends a hundred and thirty thousand a month on Legion and it's just not like it works for them but it's just not realistic for most people go that much on Legion like it's because


We know the funnels and they make millions per year, but it's just not as relatable as I could spend $300 a week on it Like that's a little bit more relatable to a lot more people. So that's why I like to tell Jackie's story


Heather (14:00.388)

No, it is, it is a nice story. And I am actually curious on the flip side of that too, because I know there's listeners here that are really growing quickly and they do have larger budgets. So on for the larger budget, um, because you, do you said something around scaling, you know, your ad. So you said, you know, you can't get for return on ad spend as you scale and grow the whole time. So what happens from spending like 300 a week to 130, I think you said thousand a month or whatever it was. What?


Natalie Alaimo (14:08.458)



Natalie Alaimo (14:20.328)



Natalie Alaimo (14:26.847)

month year.


Heather (14:28.676)

because you work everywhere in between, what does somebody need to consider if they are a larger business and they are spending more in ad spend?


Natalie Alaimo (14:37.342)

Um, so a couple of things. So when you're spending more in ad spend.


it's even more important that your funnel is dialed in terms of so like I was talking to someone this morning about this often when people start with ads they will start to use their warmer audiences and what me what that means is these are all the people that were hovering around that knew you they then see your ad and then they buy and everyone's like yeah I've got this is working my funnel's perfect but then as soon as you start to bring in cold traffic that don't know you


Heather (14:47.815)



Heather (15:07.005)



Natalie Alaimo (15:13.432)

funnel starts to see leaks and starts to see things that aren't working. And so it's really important that you try and test your funnels with cold traffic. And as you scale up, you will find that you have to hit cold traffic. Otherwise, like you just can't build enough warm traffic. And that's when you need to know every step of the funnel, where it's going to convert and also even back to, so there's so many different points that we look at across the spectrum, but you want to know that, you know,


So I had one client that I'm still working with she has a $400 program We know that if we can keep her cost per purchase under $150 through what we're seeing on ads manager Then the funnels going to be profitable, but during a 12 month period she spent 500,000 on ads and made a million so that row as is only two But if I gave you $500,000 today, and you said in 12 months. I'll give you back a million I'll be like how many 500 thousands can you take?


Heather (16:12.621)

Yeah, totally right.


Natalie Alaimo (16:14.354)

Yeah, so I think the most important part is really dialing in the metrics in the funnel. And then if you wanted to expand, for example, outside of just meta ads, someone that sees your ad on Google or YouTube or Pinterest or TikTok, they work differently through the funnel. So I guess to summarize your answer, I think it would, I would say it would, it comes back to knowing the data and it comes back to knowing how people are moving through that funnel.


Heather (16:43.872)

Excellent. So now my next question is going to be, um, what do you find? Can, what can you sell quote unquote from meta ads? Um, because you've mentioned like obviously lead magnets into various challenges, um, paid, you know, products and coaching or whatnot, but what, what do you find?


Natalie Alaimo (17:03.177)



Heather (17:05.412)

What can you sell? And I guess, and we can talk about e-commerce as well if you want, but if we're going, you take the conversation where you go. But I guess my context behind the question is, if somebody's listening to this and they're like, oh, I do some random weird thing over here, will that work for ads? What works, what doesn't work?


Natalie Alaimo (17:11.788)



Natalie Alaimo (17:21.236)



Do you mean as in sell directly or sell through some type of funnel? Funnel. Yeah. Okay. So I believe that if your audience is on Facebook.


Heather (17:27.76)

We'll say funnel, we'll say funnel. Yeah, yeah.


Natalie Alaimo (17:35.43)

you can, it will work for them. Obviously there's certain niches that potentially work better or certain audiences, but if your audience is there and you can get them into your funnel, then you can definitely work with Meta and their ads. You know, there are a higher percentage of women on the platform than men, there's different demographics like ages and those types of things, but just because your audience may be smaller on Meta isn't necessary.


a bad thing because the way the ads work is like a bidding system. So if everyone is targeting women between the ages of 34 and 50 you're in with a lot of competition. So if you say wanted to target teenage girls for example for whatever your product is then you're less likely to have that competition on that platform. So the question so I would make sure that your audience is on there and then it's a process of working out your funnel in terms of making it work.


Heather (18:33.412)

Really smart. And then if we're talking about a funnel, what do you see is working best for the entry into the funnel? Can you go straight to discovery call? Do you need a webinar? Do you have to start with a lead magnet? What's a good entry point?


Natalie Alaimo (18:34.74)



Natalie Alaimo (18:46.914)

It would depend on what you're selling. If you're selling something, I believe, like some type of course or online program that's under a thousand dollars, you can most likely do that with, I'm not gonna say a PDF, but a video series or masterclass and that can be all automated. Anything that's over a thousand dollars can potentially still be sold with a masterclass, but then obviously


is generally better booking a call, but you can go from say PDF to a call or you can go from master class to call or master class to sale. I guess the thing is people


are like, Oh, I need to have a video series or I need to have this. But mostly it's about making sure that we're going through the stages of attraction, nurture and converting within the audience. And also, I think you need to work on what works for your audience, but also works for you. So if you are terrible on video and you splutter over all of your words.


Heather (19:50.728)



Natalie Alaimo (19:52.362)

do an audio series, do you know what I mean? Like don't do something just because everyone else is doing it if you're not very good at that. Yeah, you need to make sure it works to your strengths as well.


Heather (20:02.432)

Excellent. Okay, so I'm going to ask another question about ads. And this just is because of all the business owners I hang out with as well. So there's this whole like question, obviously, you know very well about it, but do lead forums work on Facebook? Like where people put their details straight into a form on Facebook ads. And I'm going to give you context around this question because I was talking, I was at an event actually recently and I was talking to somebody.


Natalie Alaimo (20:06.254)



Natalie Alaimo (20:20.384)



Natalie Alaimo (20:27.79)



Heather (20:28.64)

And he's like, Oh yeah, man, the lead forms are excellent. I'm just like getting so many leads. I'm like, yeah, but are they converting? He's like, Ooh, that's a really good question. I'm like, are they converting? And he's like, probably not so much. So I want to talk about the power of conversion and then the different tools that Meta gives us and what do you think is working best to get highly qualified leads?


Natalie Alaimo (20:36.481)



Natalie Alaimo (20:44.59)



Natalie Alaimo (20:52.99)

Yeah, so I...


don't have a strong opinion either way. I have run multiple tests for different, different ad accounts work in different ways. Some ad accounts you run lead forms and they work just as well as sending people to landing pages. Other ones they're triple the price and the quality of the lead is terrible. So I always say to people test and I think it also depends on where they are in the funnel. I think the, I think when you're doing


Heather (20:58.376)



Natalie Alaimo (21:25.492)

direct to call ones, they don't work as well. But I think that's more because it's a bit spammy and people didn't know they filled it out and all of those things as opposed to them actually physically coming to a page. The other thing to consider is when people leaving Facebook


Heather (21:35.066)



Heather (21:40.578)



Natalie Alaimo (21:45.234)

They're a little bit more committed because they're not part of the whole like doom scrolling type thing They physically have to put their details in plus it gives you an opportunity to showcase your branding Which then is another touch brand point and all of those types of things plus you're building a website audience as well Um, so it used to be that facebook would reward you with a lower cost per lead because you're keeping people on the platform I haven't found that is the case in more recent months moving forward. Yeah


Heather (22:03.068)



Heather (22:12.972)

Yeah. I'm really glad you said that. And, um, especially around testing and how it works for some people, not the other, because that you guys is a smart marketer right there, you know, if you, if you're out there and somebody's telling you, you have to do this or this tactic, I'd be aware, I'd be wary of it without them saying, we'll test this tactic or test this. And that's everything that you've been saying is like, you've got to test, you've got to optimize, you've got to tweak. And that.


Natalie Alaimo (22:20.459)



Natalie Alaimo (22:32.968)



Natalie Alaimo (22:38.924)

in the


Heather (22:39.644)

That's the difference. And that's why I think a lot of people are getting burned in ads is that they're being treated in a set and forget model, right? Yeah.


Natalie Alaimo (22:43.72)

Mm, 100%


Yeah, definitely. And you know, even things down to, there is a lot of misconception online and I've seen so many ads, you know, we can get you cheap leads on Facebook. It's like, well, that's great, but I would prefer to have a $10 lead over a $5 lead if the $10 leads are going to buy as opposed to just having people on my database. And again, that just comes back to testing and working out how people are moving through your funnel and you know,


clients to test. So one client will test the number of people that join the wait list for their course, for example, and that's like a really nice indicator of lead quality. Other clients have got what we call a tripwire, which is like a small offer on the thank you page. So we look at that conversion rate for them. And I think you just need to always be...


kind of testing the leads that are coming in to test their indication of their good fit for your for your business as well and to see whether they're actually going to be a good fit for what you're actually trying to sell them.


Heather (23:47.099)



Heather (23:51.628)

All leads are not created equal. Oh my gosh. Uh, I want to talk a little bit about your setting up your marketing foundational systems, because even talking to


Natalie Alaimo (23:55.27)

100%. Absolutely 100%.


Natalie Alaimo (24:07.167)



Heather (24:09.136)

Like I was just talking to a very large real estate company that's been around for a long time and they literally have zero marketing systems. And it's like, hurry up, get that out. Hurry up. So, I mean, we're, we're talking about established businesses that don't even have this. So it'd be really cool to have a chat with you about, you know, what, what you're doing, what is, what is setting up a foundational marketing system look like or mean to you?


Natalie Alaimo (24:20.522)

Oh, God.




Natalie Alaimo (24:31.338)

Mmm. So one of the things that I'm really passionate about, and it's kind of what I did with what Jackie and I did with her business is having that baseline.


So obviously lead gen is really important across the board, but having a way to set your ads up so that they are paying for themselves in some regard is going to make it easier for you to want to keep investing in lead gen because you're getting some return back. So the way I like to set up a really simple system for people is do you have um, as just a simple structure of a funnel that is always generating leads, but then having something on the back end of that, whether that's a trip wire,


ads bin but having some way of getting a return between 14 and 30 days because what I've found for people is it then gives them the confidence and the comfort with their ads to invest more which then sees their business grow so it really is just about having always on lead gen and making sure then you're also selling something because what I often find is people will set up lead gen and then they're like oh I got busy so I didn't send an email out this week or


Heather (25:35.302)



Natalie Alaimo (25:43.292)

So it's really easy to set up a simple funnel where you're getting people to download a PDF and then you're sending them a series of emails Over you know anything from 7 to 14 days and offering them to buy something You know you're only looking for 1% of those people to buy something if that 1% of people buy a $99 program for argument's sake then chances are you covered your list building spend or At least made a dent in the money that you're spending and then you're going to keep obviously nurturing them with emails


with ads and then to obviously sell them more stuff later on. I think people are too used to the like, obviously Ecoms, a very different model, but people are too used to all. I just put this out at why aren't people buying straight away? We need more touch points. We need more, you know, building relationships with people and all of those things. And that can take doesn't have to take a lot of time, but it does take some time. And it does take some nurture. It's not just like seeing an ad by straight away.


Heather (26:41.972)

Again, back to the ecosystem, you guys, and I just am going to hammer this home because I want people to really see or recognize that you if one ad doesn't work, it's not the ad is the ecosystem. So yeah, so good. So are you building that in your business? Is that what you've been focusing on? Is your solid sort of funnel?


Natalie Alaimo (26:55.086)

I mean, 100%. Yeah.


Natalie Alaimo (27:01.998)

Yeah, so I have I have various ads running at the moment at all different times. I have just a nurture sequence at the moment, but I'm in the process of setting up. I've just run a master class a few weeks ago, so I'm putting that on Evergreen so that I can continually get books calls for my.


Heather (27:07.548)



Heather (27:17.253)



Natalie Alaimo (27:21.878)

my done with you program. The other thing is I had for a very long time a lead magnet running that was great and I was getting a really good cost per lead but it wasn't the right fit for people that were ready to take the next steps within my business which I think is another really important thing is making sure that your lead magnet is a match to your offer and that you're attracting people at the right level to actually invest with you. So always having, I always have


Natalie Alaimo (27:52.092)

of lead gen master class to book a call and then also nurture ads as well so that's kind of my baseline stuff and I also have almost set up we have obviously the same operations manager so she will tell you that it's not quite there yet but evergreen emails so I'm terrible at doing anything I'm good at projects I'm not good at showing up every day to do things so I have this content that is going to be scheduled to kind of go out evergreen so I don't have to go


Heather (28:05.677)



Heather (28:11.098)



Natalie Alaimo (28:21.892)

crap it's Tuesday I need to send an email what should I do and it's not always a last-minute thing so yeah


Heather (28:27.62)

I'll still tell you I plan mine and I'll still tell you that, oh crap, it's Tuesday. That's not, it really is a hard thing even if you have it planned, right? I mean, we're only human.


Natalie Alaimo (28:36.843)

Yeah. I'm just going to set it up on automations and just have them flowing through.


Heather (28:43.484)

Just go. Do you, did you ever hear of a guy named Brendan, Brendan Bruchard? He's, um, he's an author. God, I don't, his name came to me. I'll tell you why in a moment, but he's an author. He's done a lot of like, uh, expert academy, I think is what he was known for 10 years ago or whatever. Um, I remember I went to one of his events, probably 10 years ago, and he said that he literally has a funnel or pre done emails that he set up to go out for. He could.


Natalie Alaimo (28:50.247)



Natalie Alaimo (28:55.249)



Natalie Alaimo (29:00.51)

Yeah, yeah.


Natalie Alaimo (29:06.338)



Heather (29:13.18)

Go for three years.


Natalie Alaimo (29:15.77)

Wow, that's intense. And you probably just rotate it after three years because no one's gonna remember what you said.


Heather (29:18.216)

I was like, what?


Heather (29:22.3)

They're not going to remember. And he literally had all his launches pre-written. So somebody would come in because there was all evergreen launches and they, they would come through one launch and then newsletters and then one launch. And it was like a full on pre-written done crazy email structure that he had. I know. And I immediately thought the work that went into that be phenomenal, but like if you had something like that, imagine just kind of looking at the data and pulling strings.


Natalie Alaimo (29:27.962)

Oh wow. Yeah.


Natalie Alaimo (29:40.326)

that that's fantastic yeah


Natalie Alaimo (29:50.382)

Mmm. Yeah, that'd be so good. Yeah.


Heather (29:51.324)

and tweaking it over time. I know, I know. And I think it's even me talking out loud to you now around foundations and just always working smarter, always working smarter. And you know, what you said about having people coming to you with like a hundred lead magnets and stuff, to me that doesn't feel like you're working smarter. It feels like you're working harder.


Natalie Alaimo (30:14.29)

Oh, and so many people I think work so hard on so many things that I feel that aren't really moving the needle in their business. And it's yeah, and you know, obviously, there's different platforms and different places for people in different platforms. But I think at the end of the day, if you're not getting enough people to see your offers, you're always going to be struggling.


to get traction and to get, you know, get your business where you want it to be. And I think that people need to switch their focus from content creation and more into lead generation and what does that look like for your business? Because without leads, you can't get sales and it's just, yeah. And it's such a terrible slog for people. You see people, you know, taking so long to try and get the traction in their business and get it to where they want it to be.


Heather (30:43.228)



Heather (31:08.741)



Natalie Alaimo (31:08.831)

And it all just comes down to like a lack of legion most of the time. Yeah.


Heather (31:12.677)

Mmm, really beautifully summarized. I love that. Okay, Natalie. So if people want to work with you first, who do you work with? Who's your perfect client?


Natalie Alaimo (31:19.101)



Natalie Alaimo (31:23.062)

So I work mostly with people that are selling something online, course creators, coaches, consultants, some service providers, depending on their structure. And I feel that I work best with people that have some resemblance of a funnel and I can help them put all the pieces together to create that profitable and automated funnel using paid ads. So they're the people that I work with mostly. Yeah.


Heather (31:48.008)

Perfect. And how do these people work with you? Where do they go to learn more?


Natalie Alaimo (31:54.29)

Oh, yeah. So if they go to natalieolimo.com, which is my website on there, I do have some ad management available, but most people kind of fit into the Just Ad Magic program, which is where we help them optimize their funnels. We set up their ads and then we help them monitor and manage their ads moving forward. So, yeah. Yeah.


Heather (32:14.32)

Really cool. You guys go check Natalie out. If that sounds like you, you need to go check her out. Now that you're fully aware and reeducated, if you needed to be on actually ads and actually what they do, and, and that you need a machine behind them. And then if you need that machine in your question, what you need the Natalie is absolutely a place for you to go and hang out. As we wrap up Natalie, what, um, do you have any last comments or things that have come to mind throughout our conversation that you'd like to share with the listeners?


Natalie Alaimo (32:23.981)



Natalie Alaimo (32:27.394)

I'm nervous.


Natalie Alaimo (32:44.686)

Hmm good question. Um, I Don't know I don't think so Um, I think kind of maybe going back to what we were talking before about less hassle less hustle like focus on what's important in Your business what's going to move the needle and then make sure you're giving yourself enough time to actually step away from your business and decompress Because I think that's super important as well


Heather (32:46.668)



Heather (32:54.362)



Heather (33:07.152)

Beautifully said. Thank you guys as always for tuning in. It's been an absolute pleasure having you here. And there were some really phenomenal tactics and tips and ideas in this episode. So thank you for being here and thank you, Natalie, also for being here as well.


Natalie Alaimo (33:20.246)

Thanks so much for having me.