Episode 71 Transcript

Heather (00:03.008)

Alright you guys, welcome to the show. Sharon, how's it going?


Sharon Jurd (00:07.546)

I'm amazing, thank you. I'm so happy to be here and have a chat and talk about all things exciting.


Heather (00:18.101)

I am too. Guys, I purposely didn't like start talking too much to Sharon before I hit record because I thought we'd have a really fun conversation. I just want you guys to listen in on it. So that's what we're gonna do. Sharon could not be like the more perfect person for this as well because you'll find out soon, not quite yet, but soon, you'll find out around all the projects that she has in her life. So she's gonna probably have a really different perspective and excellent perspective on.


Sharon Jurd (00:29.166)

Thank you.


Heather (00:44.432)

how to work a little bit smarter through those really tricky growth, high growth, crazy, overwhelming times. So for all the listeners, they know I like to jump straight on into some really great tips and tactics. And that's what we'll do with you as well. What do you do Sharon in the times of craziness, manicness, where you are just so busy? How do you keep control over that and keep grounded?


Sharon Jurd (00:58.37)



Sharon Jurd (01:08.114)

That's a great question because I own nine companies, right? And so people think that my life is in chaos and it's not. I tell you what, the one, the biggest tip I have is I have an ideal week. And so it's not a perfect week, but it's an ideal week. And what that means is I have everything structured in, so I don't forget.


You know, so the things that are not urgent or unimportant sometimes get put aside, put aside, put aside, where I have that time booked in. So I know, like, you know, when you wake up in the middle of night go, ah, I have to do that. I go, ah, that's Thursday, nine o'clock. And so I know what I'm doing when I'm doing because my belief is he who controls your time controls your income.


Heather (01:51.132)



Sharon Jurd (02:02.946)

So I'm very, very in control of my time. And I'm very disciplined about that. Because some people don't like it sometimes because I am disciplined around it. And so people come to me with their chaos and say, to give you an example, I pay my accounts on Thursday.


And sometimes people in my company come and go, can you pay this bill? It needs to be paid urgent. And it's a Tuesday. The answer is a hard no. I don't pay accounts on Tuesdays. I pay them on Thursdays and they'll be like, but it's urgent. No, it's a hard no. So, um, because if I did that, I would be, you know, jumping to everybody's chaos and not getting anything of my work and what I need to get done.


Heather (02:43.544)

Yeah, makes sense.


Heather (02:56.816)



Sharon Jurd (02:56.866)

Um, and so I have to, I never say, oh, okay, just this once, because once you do that, then that opens it up. So on my days, you know, I know, and my team know what I'm doing, you know, and my clients know what I'm doing. Uh, so I share that with everybody. I get my hair done every Friday morning at 8 AM. My clients will text me going, I know you're at the hairdressers. Can you call me when you're going afterwards? Uh, because they.


You know, I share it and I don't, I don't lie about it. I don't just go, Oh, I've got an appointment. I'm going to get my hair done. I'm really honest about it because that's important to me. As it is, you know, someone else might get a massage or play golf. Um, that's what I do. So having that ideal week and being very disciplined and in control of your own time. Yeah.


Heather (03:31.448)

Yeah. Yeah, that's nice. Yeah.


Heather (03:50.232)

So because you own so many businesses, how do you then break it, that ideal week down into the individual businesses that you have, do you have a rule for doing that as well?


Sharon Jurd (03:59.654)

Yes. So like on Mondays, to give you an example, I do all the meetings with all of my teams. So I, I'd like to film it in my boardroom. So I sort of sit in the boardroom and everybody comes in, whether it's virtually or in person and you know, they're coming and going, but I stay all day. And so what I do is I have the meetings for all of my companies on Monday. So that gives the team the opportunity to go away for the week and do what they do best.


And then they don't normally have to see me again, unless something's come from that meeting. So they in that meeting, we might go, well, let's meet up on Thursday and do that. And so I do, I chunk the roles that I'm doing. So I have development time. So I sit down in development time and that's building products or developing a talk. I do development for all companies in that development time, because that's, that's where my head space is. Yeah.


Heather (04:54.106)



Sharon Jurd (04:57.53)

I don't jump from development to accounts. You know, I don't go from creative to analytical. I'm very conscious of how that's spread out over the week.


Heather (05:08.064)

Excellent. Do you have any meeting tips? Because you're doing lots of meetings with all the various teams. What do you do to keep those meetings under control?


Sharon Jurd (05:17.147)

Yeah, be very disciplined. One, I call them action meetings. We are not a talk fest. We, you know, when, and I have a very strict agenda. I have an expectation that everybody comes prepared. I don't accept people coming in going, I haven't done that. Also, I expect everyone to be on time. So once you set the expectations with your team, then everything runs smoothly.


Heather (05:19.124)

Oh. Cool.


Sharon Jurd (05:44.646)

I do not accept lateness. I think it's really rude for other people's time. And so everybody's on time, they're prepared. So we can move through the agenda very quickly because the preparation is done, yeah.


Heather (06:00.14)

Yeah, that makes perfect sense. So, okay. I want to know about the businesses that you run and the listeners do, of course, now, cause I was thinking, wow, how many, how many again? I thought you said nine. Okay. What are the nine different businesses?


Sharon Jurd (06:08.374)

Mm. Nine.


Sharon Jurd (06:14.602)

I won't go through them all, but I'll tell you a few where I sit mostly. So, so the first one is SMJ Coaching Institute. And I wear that hat a lot. And I, what I do in that business is help people grow themselves and their businesses. I have a program that specifically helps coaches, coach, because a lot of people say that they want to coach as I do.


Heather (06:17.508)

Let's do that, let's do that, yeah, yeah.


Sharon Jurd (06:39.338)

And so there's a master coach program, but I do one-on-one coaching with high level performers. I have, I'm the owner of Hydro Clean Australia, Hydro Clean Global and Hydro Clean International. So three very separate companies. And it's a international franchise in 47 countries at the moment. We're the fastest. Yeah.


Heather (06:46.084)

Yeah, great.


Sharon Jurd (07:05.226)

We are the fastest Australian international growth company in the franchising world right now. So we are growing faster than any other franchise in Australia internationally. I know. Like I have this map of, you know, the world in my office with all the dots on it. And I look at it and I'm just like, what? You know, that's where we are. Like it's.


Heather (07:11.888)



Heather (07:17.991)

That is incredible.


Heather (07:28.282)



Heather (07:33.04)

That's where you are. That's like actually where you're making impacts and every single little dot that's on your map. That's so good. Wow.


Sharon Jurd (07:38.354)

Yes, yes. Yeah. So Hydro Clean franchise partners and licenses. So they clean air conditioners. So the domestic type air conditioners that are in your home. And so we're the only one in the world that has, you know, the fit the purpose equipment to do that. Yeah. So then I have Drinkable Air, which is a water machine that makes water out of air.


Heather (07:56.58)

Got it. Okay, sweet.


Sharon Jurd (08:06.562)

So it doesn't filter water, it actually makes water. And so, and we put some minerals in it to make it the perfect water. So we have those machines. I have SACE, which is Specialized Air Conditioning Cleaning Equipment, which is indirect competition with HydroClean, because a lot of people were coming to us saying, we don't want to buy a franchise because of their situation, we just want to buy machines.


Heather (08:16.188)

Okay. Yes.


Sharon Jurd (08:36.034)

and the bags and have the access to the equipment. It's not the same equipment, but we design that equipment to sell those machines internationally. So we don't sell them here in Australia, but we sell them internationally. So it's in direct competition to us really, even though we don't think about competition too much. It is, yeah. So, ah, yeah. We saw an opening in the market and we're like, well, someone else is going to come do that. So, so we developed that.


Heather (08:46.648)

Yeah. Okay.


Heather (08:54.137)

Yeah, got it. Smart move. Okay. Yes. Yeah, good.


My gosh. Okay. That's a lot. Any more that you want to share? So good. So if we were to hone in on one of these businesses, do you want to have a chat about the SMJ coaching? Let's stay there. That would be great because I know that what you're doing in that space with the high performing individuals and then training coaches as well. There's a lot of listeners that are either of those brackets. So let's talk about that a little bit with that business. How long has that one been around?


Sharon Jurd (09:08.236)

I know, it's all good.


Sharon Jurd (09:18.733)

Yeah, sure.


Sharon Jurd (09:28.382)



Sharon Jurd (09:33.91)

Since 2013 is the branded. I was coaching a long time before that, but I hid behind other logos, you know, because I felt vulnerable about coming out and going, oh, it's Sharon Gerd now, you know, will people like me and the likes. So I used to send invoices out in Hydro Clean and some of our other businesses for coaching because I was scared to go, oh, I'm Sharon Gerd.


Heather (09:51.684)



Sharon Jurd (10:01.674)

And this is what I do. So like crazy now, but I know a lot of people feel the same. They look to hide behind the logo where I had to come out and go, no, it's not that they don't like me. It's just not the right time. We're not the right fit, you know, loads of things. Cause I always go, it's not about me. I think it's always about me, but it's not always about me. Yeah.


Heather (10:07.553)



Heather (10:11.216)



Heather (10:26.488)

I know, don't, don't lot of this human nature, right? It's like, oh, everyone's thinking about me. Exactly. Okay, so with that business then, if I can get my head around somebody that you're working with, because I know you do the one-on-ones, but you do the training, you do a lot of, have a lot of different facets in there, but it would be really great if you want to think about somebody who's had the most profound experience with you recently that just pops to mind, talk me through that person.


Sharon Jurd (10:31.73)

Yeah, no one's thinking about me.


Heather (10:54.864)

and happy for you to name them or not name them, but like what was the before and after of them with you, working with you?


Sharon Jurd (11:00.346)

Yeah, it's actually two ladies who are in business together, Melda and Rebecca, and they're from New Zealand and they came to me, they were hypnotherapists and they were charging by the hour, which is the first thing that anybody comes into my world, I'm like stop doing that, please. And Melda said to me, I presented, I'll tell you the story, it was during COVID, so March 2020 when we were


shutting down. I was at an event, 110 people from 11 countries. They were here in Australia, saw me present, came up and Melda ran up and said, I want to work with you because I want to learn how to sell without being salesy. And you just did that. So she's filling out the forms going, we've got to go back to New Zealand because the world's shutting down. But here's my form. And so we caught up a little while later because you can imagine, you know, all of what


Heather (11:46.768)



Sharon Jurd (11:59.37)

We can't imagine, we all know what happened. So what I did with Imelda and Rebecca was I changed up their business model because they were doing this hourly rate, they had a ceiling on how much they could earn. So what we did, we just changed up some dialogue, got them to package up a coaching package and then they went,


Heather (12:01.826)

Yeah, totally.


Sharon Jurd (12:28.162)

back to their clients. They're all the clients they already had that were doing hypnosis sessions with them. And with the dialogue basically said, right, this is the next step. You're gonna go into a six month coaching program. And they charged the same clients four times the amount they were charging doing the hypnosis sessions four times the amount, same people.


Heather (12:54.352)

Did it, and did anyone say no? I knew it, I knew that wasn't gonna be the answer.


Sharon Jurd (12:57.032)

No one said no.


Yes. And you know, like I was telling this story at an event two weekends ago, and there was a lady in the audience and she put her hand up and she said, I was one of those people. I was their client. Yes. And she said, and I paid. I'm telling you. Like, yeah. So, you know, because people go, oh, well, you know, my people, you know, can only afford this. That's what their belief was,


Heather (13:13.176)

No way!


Heather (13:28.7)



Sharon Jurd (13:29.346)

they were charging as much as they could charge. But having a different dialogue, a different way of presenting it, increased it by four times, yeah.


Heather (13:40.348)

So it was individual sessions before, and then it was within a six month program with an actual flat rate for the program, yeah? Yeah, so.


Sharon Jurd (13:46.234)

Yeah. And so they knew their forward income, they charged them on a monthly basis, but they knew for the next six months, this is what we're earning. There was that consistency and stability around what they were doing in their business. They had to, they brought another person in their business. They opened another business with another lady. Rebecca took a year off. She says she had a gap year because they had


Heather (13:54.428)



Heather (14:11.44)



Sharon Jurd (14:12.574)

enough income and cash flow to support that. Like it was, it's amazing. Yeah. At the beginning, they weren't, I can share all this because I have their permission and I do share. They weren't drawing themselves a wage initially. They weren't earning enough money to draw a wage. They were just paying the bills. And their goal was to take their families away. So they both had young children.


Heather (14:17.168)

That is... wow, that's so life-changing, isn't it? I mean...


Heather (14:26.136)

Yeah, yeah.


Heather (14:30.512)



Heather (14:35.376)



Sharon Jurd (14:40.522)

and their husband sort of out of their business money. Yeah, and they did that very, very quickly and paid for the whole holiday and they sent me photos of the champagne and yeah.


Heather (14:51.384)

Well, so how, so smart by the way. And I, yeah, I speak to people all the time that are, have that belief system and they're like, oh, like, but how do I charge more and value-based pricing? What is that? And how does it work? And so how, how does it work? How do you help people actually choose the perfect price to charge?


Sharon Jurd (15:10.214)

Yeah, every, I say every time in capital letters, every time, without exception, people will come to me and I'll tell them they're not charging enough. Because what happens is people don't see the value. If you're sitting in front of someone and saying, I'm about to change your life forever, and it's going to cost you $297, they don't believe you. But if you sit in front of someone and say, I'm about to change your life forever, and it's going to cost you


Heather (15:21.455)



Sharon Jurd (15:39.874)

you know, 2,900, you know, or, you know, per month or for six months, they go, okay, this is going to be good. You know.


Heather (15:48.9)

That is so true. Yeah, yeah, keep going.


Sharon Jurd (15:52.07)

And so, yeah, so it, you know, you've got to get the belief of that person going, this is, you know, of great value. Yeah. And you will get more knows at a lower price than you will at a higher price because they will not believe you.


Heather (16:11.708)

Do you know, you're gonna love this story. So I interviewed an amazing guy, not too many episodes back, named Ian, who has a big agency in the States. And he and his team film, he calls them case stories, rather than case studies, because he often gets clients crying and all that sort of stuff. He pitched to Amazon and found out the reason why he didn't get it, even though he charges a lot, was still because it wasn't enough. Like Amazon looked at him and goes, well, it just must not be what we need, because it's too cheap.


Sharon Jurd (16:23.245)



Ha ha.


Sharon Jurd (16:35.406)

Enough. Yeah.


Sharon Jurd (16:40.67)

No, low. Yeah, exactly. Yeah. So every time someone comes into my world, we usually are adding a zero onto the end. And it's about the question being is, you know, how do they believe that it's you hold your poise and you start saying it out loud. And when you do, it becomes more comfortable, more comfortable. I always say,


Heather (16:42.236)

Too low? Yeah. Okay.


Heather (16:52.741)



Sharon Jurd (17:09.046)

I'm not stepping you outside of your comfort zone. What I'm doing is expanding your comfort zone. So what was uncomfortable is now comfortable. So I just keep getting them to say it, present it, and then it becomes easier and easier and they'll get the yeses. There's some dialogue around it, of course.


Heather (17:29.021)

Oh, yeah, of course, of course. But that what a tip, right? That's such a strong tip for people. Um, what I'd also like to ask you is around in general, I guess, around all your businesses, are you finding anything that's working extraordinarily well in? We'll start with marketing and then we'll move into sales processes. So let's talk marketing first.


Sharon Jurd (17:33.547)



Sharon Jurd (17:50.176)

Yeah, um, well, I can answer this all together because I really am passionate about something when because sales and marketing it the outcome of that is to attract clients, right? Who and I say high paying clients because a lot of people come to me going, Oh, you know, I need a whole heap of clients. No, you just need a few good high paying clients, then you're working less hours, you can look after them, you know, more closely.


and have more fun. So around the sales and marketing, the first thing that I do is build strong relationships. And I think people undervalue that they look for, you know, the bright light of marketing and sales, and I look for relationships. I look for what I call strategic alliances, and I spend 80% of my time. If someone said, what's your marketing? This is my marketing.


And so I spend time with strategic alliances. Strategic alliances are people who are working with a community that you also work with. And then you come from a giving place and you give, do not take. Because a lot of people will go and say, oh, hey Heather, can I come and sell to your community? Well, no.


Heather (19:11.977)



Sharon Jurd (19:12.738)

um that's taking there's two people in this world givers and takers so it's like give um and just give don't expect anything back because the universe will provide like i give uh to you i don't expect you have to give me back i know that the giving will come somehow um and a lot of people say to me Sharon you give too much and i'm like


Heather (19:16.389)



Sharon Jurd (19:39.398)

I'm living an extraordinary life. I'm going to do more of that, because it's fun. So build relationships with strategic alliances. I have a list. In all my companies, we have a list of 30 to 40. So what we do is, and then we nurture those relationships. We keep in contact. We get together. Whether we do work together or not,


Heather (19:55.823)



Sharon Jurd (20:06.546)

is not relevant as long as we're nurturing those relations. All sorts of great things come anyway. And then the other tip I wanted to give is be realistic. I learned this a number of years ago, way later than I should have. I wanted to be perfect, yeah? And so for me to even do a Facebook live, it took me half a day to get hair, makeup, right lighting, background.


Heather (20:33.448)

Right? Yep.


Sharon Jurd (20:36.194)

And then I got a great coach and he said, no one believes you Sharon, you were too perfect. I'm like, I'm like, what? Oh, the story gets better, listen to this. So I said to him, okay, I'm going to do a live video and I'm not gonna do the hoo-ha. I wear makeup, you know, I did makeup, but I didn't do the hoo-ha. And did the video.


Heather (20:44.501)

I love that.


Heather (20:49.647)

Oh god, okay.


Heather (21:01.317)

Yeah, yeah.


Sharon Jurd (21:04.642)

The very next day I'm driving to the office, my mum calls me and she says, I'm not speaking with your father because he wouldn't call you. And I'm like, okay. She said, are you okay? And I said, um, yeah, I'm fine. Why? She goes, I saw your video yesterday and you look shit.


Heather (21:15.747)



Heather (21:23.104)

You're kidding!


Sharon Jurd (21:24.45)

I'm not kidding. And she said, and I'm like, mom, I was trying to be real. You know, and I gave her the story and she's going, it was bad, it was really bad Sharon. You know, she said, I said, I was at home and she goes, do it at the office. Like, you know, anyway, and she was like, I have a really good relationship with my mom and it sounds bad, but this is the story. I live away from my parents and the most they were seeing me was on my videos. And so they got this perception


Heather (21:51.834)



Sharon Jurd (21:54.786)

This is how I looked all day every day. And it wasn't the real me. Even my parents got confused by that. And it was a rude awakening for me because I was like, what my parents think like, I'm like that all the time. And so it was a very big lesson. So I changed that around and went, I'm just gonna be me. If that's how I look on that day, if that's what I wanna say on that day.


Heather (22:05.062)



Sharon Jurd (22:24.126)

I'm going to do that. And I see this in a lot of coaches, particularly, or business people, that it's the show reel, right? We get the show reel on social media and the like. And so I'm not saying be unprofessional, but just come back to being more real and more, instead of the, I should be this, in your marketing and your sales, if you're vulnerable.


Heather (22:34.761)

Totally. Oh yeah.


Sharon Jurd (22:54.09)

in an appropriate way, people will do business with people, not the logo, not your great content, they'll do business with people.


Heather (23:05.08)

You mean like all that time you spend on the business card and the logo and all that? Does it work really? No. I know. I love it.


Sharon Jurd (23:09.004)

I know!


Sharon Jurd (23:13.891)

I know. And they worry about the color green or the color, you know, yeah. The font size. Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.


Heather (23:19.872)

Or the font. I get that too. Oh, so two things you've said that I really liked. The first one was the giving, the intention of giving without getting anything in return. I was just talking about that to somebody the other day. And sometimes you get these incredible things that come back to you even 10 years later. It's powerful, right? When you, when you just come from that space. Amazing.


Sharon Jurd (23:37.694)

Yes. Yeah. And I call people out on this a lot because people go, Oh, yes, I give without expectation. And so I asked the question, if you smile at somebody, do you expect them to smile back? And they go, yes, that's giving with an expectation. Right. So I smile at somebody with no expectation. You know, people go, Oh, I expected a thank you. There's an expectation. So nothing, nothing. I expect nothing back. And I play full out on that.


Heather (23:51.036)

interesting. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Heather (24:02.306)



Heather (24:08.28)

Yeah, I get that. I totally get that from just the small interactions we've had too, which I love. Other thing I want to ask you, because when you started to become more real in your videos, what happened as a result of doing that? Did things shift in your business?


Sharon Jurd (24:09.489)



Sharon Jurd (24:13.09)



Sharon Jurd (24:23.014)

I was less stressed. Do you know how hard it is to set everything up to perfection just to do a few second video? Yeah, so I had a lot more time. Yes, I got loads more interaction. I had people coming to my events and feeling like they already knew me and seeing the same person on stage because


Heather (24:25.752)

Yeah, yeah.


Heather (24:29.648)

It's gonna be rough.




Heather (24:49.648)

There you go.


Sharon Jurd (24:51.534)

I used to say I was the same person from stage to the back of the room, but I really wasn't because I was sending out these videos that were not really me. And so people could see me at the front of the stage, the back of the stage, everything was congruent. Everything was congruent. And, you know, I get lots of feedback about my grandma, you know, and I'm like, I went to school until I was 14.


I talk like this. And so, this is me. If you want me to change, then I'm not me. So, I just, I really leaned into that because I don't know anybody else that could pull off perfection like I did artificially.


Heather (25:21.276)



Heather (25:27.907)



Heather (25:43.196)

That's a great quote. I don't know anybody else who can pull off perfection. That's brilliant.


Sharon Jurd (25:44.014)



Sharon Jurd (25:50.09)

When you confuse your own parents, you know you're really good at it, right? It just, oh my god, people just were attracted to me. I didn't have to go and find people. They just felt comfortable with me.


Heather (25:54.716)



Heather (26:09.892)

Yeah. Oh, and what do you love to do these days? Is it all one in the same work, play life? Is everything considered the same for you?


Sharon Jurd (26:19.79)

Yeah, I don't like this work-life balance. I think it's life, it's life, it's your life. And so you have all of these areas of your life, you know, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually, you know, I look at those four areas and they're in work and in life. And I just look at those areas rather than going, this is work, this is life. But yeah, where I spend my time, this is what I do every day.


Heather (26:22.6)

Yeah. Yeah, yeah.


Sharon Jurd (26:46.206)

I wake up in the morning and I say, whose life am I going to change today? I go to bed at night and go, whose life did I change today? Yeah. What happens in between is just that. I don't worry about what business or what modality. I just know that in that space in between those two questions to myself, I've come from a giving place and I've changed somebody's life. And that's it.


Heather (26:55.499)



Heather (27:16.668)

Strong intention. I like it too because so many people teach like the whole exercise of gratitude, right? Like five things, right? Five things down that you're grateful for. But that's to me is easier what you just said. Like who did I help today? That's a very clear understanding and when you start to think about that, you can't help but feel grateful and you know what I mean? Smart. Well, I see what you're doing there, Sharon.


Sharon Jurd (27:23.209)

Nyeh heh!


Sharon Jurd (27:34.106)

I know. Yeah. You know, everything that I implement into my business, is this changing people's lives? Is this helping somebody? You know, is it our franchise partners? Is our licensees? Is it my coaching clients? Is it, you know, my coaches, everything I do is about that.


Heather (27:44.228)



Heather (27:54.284)

Yeah, great. Oh, okay. So if somebody wants to do something with you specifically, let's say the coaching space, where do they go? Where did they get started? Where do they learn about you?


Sharon Jurd (28:00.33)



Sharon Jurd (28:04.262)

Well, fortunately or unfortunately, I'm everywhere. You just have to Google Sharon Jird and all of it comes up. Those fake videos from way back are still there. But they can go to my website. That's smjcoachinginstitute.com. But if you want to talk to me directly, because I'm very approachable, because people think, oh, when someone owns nine companies, how do you ever get to talk to that person?


Heather (28:08.528)



Heather (28:16.269)

Oh yes, love it.


Sharon Jurd (28:34.454)

The way you get to talk to me directly is through Facebook Messenger. If you become friends with me and then chat to me in Facebook Messenger, that's me. That's not my team, not my PA. And I hang out there because I love chatting and that's where you can chat the most, you know, and it's real. Because someone said to me the other day, is this you, your PA, VA or some chat bot? I'm like, no.


It's me, but how do you believe that? So, Facebook Messenger is me. So you find me on Facebook under Sharon Marie Judd. But go to my website, there's a form there and that's very formal. And if you just wanna connect, Facebook Messenger.


Heather (29:04.464)

Right? I know, I know.


Heather (29:18.012)

Go chat to Sharon. Yeah, totally. So whether they want maybe some high performance coaching from you or if they're our coach or looking to be a coach and want the assistance with that, you could handle both the sides, couldn't you?


Sharon Jurd (29:29.106)

Yeah, well, what I help people with in that performance, because peak performance sometimes can be business structure or your own life, if you want, you know, in your relationship or the like. So I help people get rid of their negative emotions and limiting beliefs. So, you know, anger, sadness, fear, hurt and guilt. And then those beliefs around, I'm not good enough. And so, you know, those because when I coach somebody, it's some people say to me, are you a business coach?


Heather (29:44.55)



Heather (29:51.029)



Sharon Jurd (29:58.954)

No, I don't coach the business. I coach people. Because people come to me for a marketing plan, but it's not the marketing plan. It's what they're saying to themselves up here. So I work up here. And, and they got first got to grow themselves and then grow their business. Yeah.


Heather (30:16.3)

Love it. So good. Okay. As we start to wrap up, what last thought would you like to leave with our listeners?


Sharon Jurd (30:21.966)



Um, I suppose that one thing is, you know, people feel a lot of overwhelmed because, you know, in business and in life, there is so much to do. Um, and I just want to add, because a lot of people do ask this question, uh, you know, later on when you've got nine businesses, I do not do any all nighters. Um, I don't work through the night. I finished by 4 30 PM because I watched bold and beautiful in the afternoon. So hello to all of those people out there that listen to bold and beautiful. Uh,


So I watch that. So I do wake up early, but to get out of the chaos, because some people feel like there's just this overwhelm, there's so much to do. I always say chunk down, chunk down, chunk down, chunk down. What's the next five things you need to do? To grow my business, what's the next five things I need to do? Tick them off, create that winning success of marking things off in your to-do list.


Don't write a to-do list of 100 things, just the next five. Then you go the next five, and then you go the next five. Because if you ask me what my to-do list is right now, it's never ending. It never goes away. And there's 1,000 and 1 things I need to do, but I'm not going to do 1,000 and 1 things today. I'm just going to do the next five things, the next five things, the next five things. So if that helps, that's what I'd leave with you today.


Heather (31:27.589)

Yeah, nice.


Heather (31:43.79)



Heather (31:50.776)

That helps a lot, a lot. It makes it feel like anyone, anyone can do five things, you know, so really powerful. Ah, thank you so much for being here and having a chat. There's some great takeaways in that for sure. And just even just hearing from you, someone with nine businesses and just how you have sanity and you have a fun life and you're still accessible. I mean, just that alone says everything about how you run your life and your businesses. So thank you for sharing.


Sharon Jurd (31:52.771)

Oh, thank you for having me. It's been amazing.


Heather (32:20.553)

Thank you.


Heather (32:24.117)

Alright, it's time for a dessert!