Episode 68 Transcript

Heather (00:11.134)

Welcome to episode 68. Now, question for you, are you the wrong truck for the job? Just hear me out for a second. I interviewed Joe Pane the other day for an episode that's coming soon, like in a few episodes from now. And he told me this analogy that really, really stuck with me. So sit back and relax and let me tell you a story inspired by Joe. There was a small little pickup truck.


You know, like a little ute that was working out in the middle of the Aussie outback at a mine. The roads were unpaved and rocky. Some were wet from the water that was sprayed over the top of them. Now this little truck struggled to get up the hills and skidded in the mud. This caused the larger four wheel drive trucks with big tires to zip on by.


And not pay too much attention to the little truck. Some even made fun of it. The little truck would beat itself up. Why can't I make it up the hills? Why can't I go as fast? I keep trying and I cannot do the job. Why can't I haul around as many supplies? This made the little truck struggle to feel as if it were ever going to get ahead or be enough. Until one day,


Another little truck happened to drive by. It stopped and it said to our friend, what are you doing here? This place is not the right fit for you. The little truck said, I never knew. There was another option. What else should I be doing? The visitor said, come with me. I'll show you. So they drove off together to a local town nearby that was populated and had streets and cars and people, and they drove off to a construction site where a brand new apartment building was being put up. Our little truck was loaded up with supplies. It could zip through the streets, make really sharp turns, fit into tight places. It was nimble and it was quick. And most of all, it realized it was important. It was gifted.


Heather (02:39.946)

It was talented. It was powerful and it was needed. It always had the skills. It was just in the wrong place before. So are you the right truck for the job? Or do you need to change what you're doing? Whether that is a new business, a new role, new clients or new products. Happy playing to your strengths.


And thanks for tuning in for this fun little story.