Episode 117 Transcript

Heather (00:01.499)

Guys welcome. Well, let's welcome Kim onto the show. Hi, Kim. So good. And I'm so happy you're here. I was, I've been talking to Kim behind the scenes for quite a while because she's been out and traveling around the world in preparation for the Olympics. And I thought this, like, this is too good of a conversation not to share with you guys, the listeners, because I mean, come on the Olympics.


Kim (00:06.514)

Hi, how are you? How is everyone?


Heather (00:30.939)

So if there's anyone that knows about trials and tribulations and challenges and how to get through your mindset and your inner demons, I think Kim's going to be one of them. So I'm plus she's on my team, which is even better. So of course I want to show her off to you guys. I know some of you guys listening to are going to know who Kim is because she's been working with you on your ads, your websites, you name it. So.


Kim (00:45.714)



Heather (00:57.691)

Kim, we are going to learn a little bit about your backstory and your journey and kind of get into things as we go. So the first question I have for you, because I actually don't even really know the answer to this and I should, is why and when did you actually start archery?


Kim (01:18.066)

Yeah, so I think I was a bit of a late bloomer for the sport. Most people start archery, I would say, early teens. It's not one of those sports you start too young, because obviously we have weapons, so you have to have a little bit of mental awareness when you start the sport. And it is also quite technical. So we find when we have two younger kids, they don't get quite the technical aspect of it. And it's a sport where you have to be putting a lot of effort in for a long amount of time. So generally with like soccer or netball, if you start quite young, you might do an hour game on the weekend and maybe an hour for...


Heather (01:30.203)



Kim (01:47.762)

training session midweek, so two hours across the week, which is a good amount of time for them, but as you start archery, like a two -hour session is kind of nothing and that's just one day. So I think starting a little bit later in life is a bit better for me. So I didn't start archery until I was about finished uni, so early 20s, and I was just trying to find a new sport essentially, so I was doing a little bit of running at the time and I was doing netball. I found with netball the team only wanted to play on weekends.


Heather (02:06.043)



Kim (02:15.698)

So I didn't have like that team aspect during the week, which is why I started running. And then I found that almost too individual. So I was trying to find a sport that we kind of crossed over both and I don't know, just trying a few different things. And I did archery and pretty much fell in love with it from there.


Heather (02:29.723)

Wow. And before did you do like you were saying you do some other sports and stuff too. But have you always been an athlete? Have you always been into sport?


Kim (02:38.578)

I wouldn't say an athlete. I think I kind of doubled it a few different things when I was younger. So I did tennis and I did running and I did netball. And I remember doing like little athletics as like a really young kid. There is kind of a sporting history in my family. So like my grandmother will always tell me stories about when she came down to the state championships when she was a kid for running and like she's first time she'd ever been to Sydney. So like that was a big thing for her probably back in the forties fifties, I think it probably would have been.


Heather (02:44.827)



Kim (03:04.37)

And a lot of my other family relatives are big into like horse riding and live on the farm. So like they've always been sporty, but probably not in the same capacity. They'll be active. They'll be active, but not sporty.


Heather (03:04.379)

Yeah, yeah.


Heather (03:12.411)

Got it. Okay, cool.


doing interesting things in the world. Yes. Good. So you guys, what Kim does for us is she's a project manager. So she, and much more than that as well. So basically when we have big website clients that come on or ads clients, she'll manage the entire project with the developers, the copywriters, the designers, all of it. And then also she's written copies. She sent out emails. She's worked on funnels. She's actually placed ads herself. So she has an amazing.


background in digital marketing as well. And what's kind of interesting is that the way we work together is, you know, you kind of jump in when you can because then you're also training on the side, right? Yeah.


Kim (03:55.378)

Correct. Yeah, exactly. So lucky to obviously find a company and work with Heather in terms of that flexibility. So pretty much most days how I will do it is that I'll spend half the morning or most of the morning training and then come back and spend the rest of the day working. So that's how I guess I manage my life to make sure I can fit everything in that I need to. I think in peak training, I'm generally doing about 40 hours a week, which is practically the same as a full -time job. So then try to balance in.


The project management side of things with Heather and the website love team is kind of the other half of the week.


Heather (04:22.843)

Thanks a lot.


Heather (04:27.803)

Yeah. And it, it's a lot. So it's like, literally like sometimes you almost have two full -time jobs. So.


Kim (04:32.882)

Correct, exactly right. So I think for me, time management is definitely a big one, just to make sure I've got everything covered and like everything spinning into the schedule when I need it to.


Heather (04:42.395)

Yeah, Kim's good at systems. You're very good at using a sauna, our project management tool to just make sure you don't miss anything or forget anything. So, and that's key. But, my gosh. So, okay, we're gonna talk some milestones on how you even decided you wanted to train and aim for the Olympics. So I wanna know, like, when was the first moment in your life when you're like, you know what? I'm going for it. I'm going for the Olympics.


Kim (04:52.338)

Yes, it definitely is.


Kim (05:11.122)

And to be honest, I don't know if there was just one moment. I think it's all the small little things that kind of build up and you're kind of still testing the waters being like, am I good enough? Can I train harder? Do I think I'm going to get there? And even now, like I'm only two or three months out of the Olympics and it's still, that's that dream that you've kind of been hoping for, but you still have those, I guess, niggling doubts in the back of your mind being like, can I be doing more? All that kind of stuff too.


I think probably one of the first signs of it when I first started competing was my first Australian Open, so the first Nationals. And I finished top four and at that point, like I wasn't really expecting anything from it. It almost felt like a bit of a fluke in terms of what happened. And then 12 months later, I ended up finishing second at that competition. So I think it's just the little things you do across that year that you can get better and those little one percenters that kind of, I guess, propel you into that.


Heather (05:34.171)



Heather (05:47.387)



Kim (05:59.41)

moment and you kind of have those okay well maybe I could make the Olympics or maybe I could go international or like build from there. I think when I was first starting out one of the coaches that we had was the Olympics generally is everyone's end goal but remember a lot of the time you might only have one spot to get to the Olympics and that's only every four years so they're like let's start with aiming for international competitions and once you've done that see how you go from there so kind of


go for a goal that's a bit more attainable and then see how you build up the confidence from that to then go into the bigger goal on like onwards.


Heather (06:34.043)

So anybody that's new to this journey, what are the key milestones? So you've had this moment, you're like, cool, I might do this. What, because I know you've been traveling a lot. So I want to kind of talk through what are all these comps that you're doing? What are the milestones? What's the journey from deciding want to go to actually hopefully making it there.


Kim (06:53.33)

So the Olympics is a little bit interesting in how it works is because every country has to earn quota spots to then be able to go to the Olympics. So essentially over the last 18 months, possibly two years for some sports, everyone's been traveling around the world trying to earn certain ranking points, win at certain competitions to get their country quota spots. The interesting thing as well is if you earn the quota spot for your country, that doesn't guarantee that that particular athlete is going to go to the Olympics. So for some sports you could earn it 12 months out, 18 months out.


they don't actually select the athlete until maybe a month out of the Olympics and they obviously want to get the person that's peaking and shooting best at that moment. So I think that's the hard thing in terms of if you win the sport you're not guaranteed to go. So Australia at the moment has one male and one female spot for archery in the Olympics which we won at the Oceania Championships last year and now we're essentially


Heather (07:33.723)

Yeah, well.


Kim (07:44.082)

going to all the World Cups this year, trying to boost up our world ranking points to then hopefully get a team spot. So that would be three females or we could get a team of three males to then make a team at the Paris Olympics.


Heather (07:55.835)

Okay, got it. So at this point in time, that team spot is not guaranteed. Is that right?


Kim (08:03.026)

Correct, yes. So at the moment we've got one female and one male and we've got two more World Cups that we're going to this year to try and I guess boost our world ranking. And then we've also got a final qualification tournament. So in that tournament any country that doesn't have a full team spot can go and compete in it and hope that they win their team spot at that event.


Heather (08:22.363)

And how many World Cups are you a part of this year?


Kim (08:25.714)

So this year I've got, well, hopefully three World Cups. Essentially, the way they're doing it this time around is that we had our Olympic trials process in January where they picked the top four men and the top four women to then go to the first two World Cups. And then based on the performance of the first two World Cups, that would then take the top three to the final qualification tournament and the final World Cup in Turkey. So at the moment I'm hoping to go to three, but there is going to be a cut in the team after the next World Cup.


Heather (08:56.219)

And where are you in the rankings of everything?


Kim (08:59.634)

Technically I'm not allowed to say it yet, it's not official so we can't say anything until the official announcement comes out, but hoping for the best so we'll see what the next World Cup holds. It's a little bit busy over the next few months in terms of what the Australian Olympic Committee will allow us to announce it ourselves and what they need to publicly announce so the Olympics gets quite interesting in terms of the rights we can actually, I guess, the things that we have the rights to during the competition.


Heather (09:04.987)

Got it.


Heather (09:09.051)



Heather (09:18.171)

Got it.


Heather (09:25.275)

Yeah, this is all the side that I would be clueless about. It's kind of interesting to learn about. and where have you traveled? You name all the different countries.


Kim (09:33.874)

So, in order I think we've got the Philippines, Turkey, South Korea, France, went to Singapore last year, we've been to training camps in like Taiwan, so China's Taipei, and then just came back from a competition in China, and then off to South Korea next week, and then hopefully to Turkey, and then back to Paris. So, kind of all around to be honest.


Heather (09:57.339)

It's incredible. my God. Wow. Okay. So we're going to talk some like tactical mindset things in a minute, but I know around anyone that's going through this journey, there has to be a bit of a support team. So I'm curious who is your support team?


Kim (10:13.554)

Yeah, and I think that was one of my big mindset tips, to be honest, is finding your people and who you need to go to for certain things. I think upon my journey, the reflection is that not one person can fill every role that you need them. So it's about trying to find the people that are going to give you the things when you need it. And it doesn't always have to be positive. Like you're going to need hard truths at times, but knowing you can trust them and they're going to give you what you need to hear. So I think my biggest supporters are my mum and probably my partner, Erwin. Like they've been pretty much with me the entire time that I've been shooting.


Heather (10:19.867)



Kim (10:43.378)

and even, I don't know, a shoulder to cry on if you've had a bad day, but then also some of your biggest supporters when you need it too. I was lucky enough to be in the inaugural New South Wales Institute of Sport Art True Program. So there's been some fantastic people who've come through there too. So that includes like our coaches and our strength and wellbeing coaches. We've got physios and dietitians and I guess everything you need to be to try and be in peak performance. So I think having them and having sound boards and all their experience has been very helpful.


Heather (11:12.987)

And your partner, does he also do sports?


Kim (11:17.522)

So we met when we first did archery. So that was really good in terms of, well, we met at our first club shoot. So that was really cute. We were friends for a while before we started dating. So the good thing is he understands the sport and he knows, I guess, how much commitment and sacrifice it takes. He doesn't shoot anymore, but he knows like when I come home, like...


Heather (11:24.987)



Kim (11:36.178)

can tell based on my score how I was shooting anyway so we can kind of get a bit of a vibe in terms of what mood I might come home in but he knows all the like the intricacies of if I'm complaining about something he'll understand it so I think that's been really helpful in terms of you don't have to completely re -explain the sport because he understands but I can come and kind of have a complaint to him about certain things or he'll understand that if I'm shooting well like that that's a really good thing and needs to be I guess celebrated so that's been quite good in terms of...


Heather (11:42.011)



Kim (12:02.93)

him being able to manage my emotions at times, I think, in terms of what I think my performance is.


Heather (12:08.859)

That's actually really helpful that he gets that. He told like he actually has been there, done that. So he gets it in a whole different level.


Kim (12:16.306)

Yeah, exactly right. So I think it'd be quite hard to have a partner that didn't understand the sport because you're trying to teach them the sport, but then also the intricacies of the sport. Because every competition is slightly different as well in terms of just the arrows, essentially, like depending on how heavy the air is. So like if it's raining, if it's humid, if there's foggy, if they're depending on how far above sea level, all of that impacts your arrows and what the drifting is.


So I think the rule of thumb is one millimeter difference in me is the difference between a nine or a 10 on the target. So you can imagine like all the little movements in your body that you make every day and one millimeter is such a huge amount on the target that like that's what's gonna have the impact.


Heather (13:00.155)

Yeah. Don't you have a dog as well?


Kim (13:05.266)

I do have a dog. I don't know if I've told you this story actually. So the reason that we got the dog was I had a bad competition and I knew there was like a greyhound adoption day and I was like, we're just going to have a look and we'll just see what happens. And then two hours later we had a dog and we're at Pet Barn trying to pick up everything so we could actually feed and look after this dog. So, yes, I love Benny. He's been a very good addition to our family, but probably wasn't quite expected to get him when we got him.


Heather (13:26.651)

Kim (13:34.29)

But yeah, definitely love having around. He's such a big sook essentially. He's 40 kilos so he'll come and flop on your lap and almost squash you in half because he's so big. But he just wants cuddles all the time. Even taking him for a walk early in the morning or late at night, it's always good to get out and get some fresh air too.


Heather (13:52.219)

That's why I brought him up, because he is a support unit for you as well, so...


Kim (13:56.594)

This is very true. He gives very good cuddles and hugs, that's for sure.


Heather (14:01.019)

Yeah. okay. Let's transition into mindset tips. because like you said, you would, you probably have had a lot of hard days on this journey. And I know you talked about your support team, but what other tips have helped you stay positive on this journey?


Kim (14:22.418)

I think one of the big things is visualization and the power of positivity because I think a lot of people get sucked into the negative side of things all the time and we just keep going down that cycle that we then don't know how to pull ourselves out of it. So I think the first thing is knowing where your brain is going and just accepting that that's what it's doing but then being able to almost put a halt in it and be like well what if it's the opposite what if all the fears and negative things I've been doing what if I think the positives and say well all the dreams that I've been thinking about are gonna come true.


Heather (14:47.323)



Kim (14:50.578)

And everything that you've kind of been dreading that flip it on its head and see where it could take you. I think that's one of the big things is because as I said in archery, like it's that one millimeter difference. If you hesitate for like a second, that could be the big thing between shooting a 10 or a nine or an eight or worse. So I think for me, it's trying to get back to that center and like have faith in yourself that you can do it. So a lot of the times in me, I guess, going down that route is actually doing a lot of visualization exercises that you're.


following my process, so essentially like I'm standing on the line, I've got my bow in my hand, I'm focusing on lifting up and getting good shots off and doing that a number of times in a row and a number of times a week to have that confidence in myself and almost not trick the brain but have enough faith that I can do it physically that then when you're doing it visually, it's like no different.


Heather (15:40.827)

Yeah. Yeah. Makes a lot of sense. Okay. Got it. And guys, I mean, this isn't just for athletes, what you're hearing, of course, as well. This is for anyone. So.


Kim (15:50.674)

Exactly. And I think it comes down to like, even if you need to do a big speech or a big presentation, like if you're sitting there and focusing on the negatives, like the fact that you don't like public speaking, or you think there's going to be something wrong with tech, it's all those tiny little things that your brain can kind of keep going in circles of all the bad things that if you just take a moment to stop and be like, okay, what if I smash this presentation? What if like, there's no tech issues? What if everything goes as planned? Like, surely that's going to put me in a much better mental headspace than worrying about what's negative.


Heather (16:00.475)



Heather (16:19.867)

Yeah, absolutely. What are some other things that you do to help with your performance?


Kim (16:25.33)

I think one of the big things is just that self belief. Like you put so much time and energy into things anyway, that you need to have belief in your ability to actually achieve it. So I think that for me comes back to that visual, visualization again, in terms of you've done all the work, you can picture it in your mind. Therefore you actually have to really embody that when you go out and compete and perform because you need to know what you can actually do. So I think coming back to a business setting again, it's all about, well,


you're the expert, you essentially going to try and do what you want to do in your field. Trust that you know that trust that you actually can do whatever you want to do and what you put your mind to because you're the one who started this business passion in the first place. You're the one who's created this idea. So have faith in that process and trust yourself as much as you can to get there.


Heather (17:10.875)

I like that a lot. Anything else that you do with your mindset to help?


Kim (17:16.178)

the other one I like to do is be able to, I guess, find your calm or find your moments to be able to switch off. I think we live in such a busy world that everyone needs to be able to switch off when they need to and not feel guilty about it. Like I spend so much time training and obviously work as well, but when I do have those, I don't know, half an hour sometimes just to kind of switch off and do nothing that you really need to be in that moment and enjoy it as you can and not feeling guilty about not doing the hundred other things that you need to be doing.


Because I think if you can't switch off and actually let your body rejuvenate and recover and let your mind refresh, like you're not going to be fresh for everything else anyway. So for me, like I tend to do a lot of meditation just to kind of chill out the brain or even being like for me, I love going outside and going for a walk because you get that fresh air. So I think trying to find the things that will calm your brain and give you a little bit of distance from whatever you're stressing about or work or anything like that. So you can actually have that fresh brain and clarity to when you go back to it next time.


you kind of go in there with a fresh mindset.


Heather (18:16.539)

Kim, I really liked that you said that I was literally just recording an episode before this earlier today. And that's exactly what I was talking about is that don't feel guilty in the moments where you shut down. Cause so many people these days, if you're, you know, so busy, like you were saying, we're like, my God, I should be doing this. I should be doing this. No, it's like, just train your brain to be okay with not doing that.


Kim (18:41.49)

And I think that's it. We all feel guilty for not doing the hundreds of thousands of things we should be doing, but it's the, if you don't stop to recharge, you're never going to be able to do it anyway. Like it's interesting looking at all the studies, I think, in terms of like just people who even work through their lunch breaks, how unproductive they become because they haven't given their brain a rest. So even like taking that 10, 15 minutes to go out and have lunch or go outside or something away from sitting at your computer, it'd be interesting to know how much more productive you'd be after that break.


Heather (18:44.835)



Kim (19:08.562)

And I think we kind of get caught up in all these deadlines that we need to get to that it doesn't often, like we don't take that time for ourselves.


Heather (19:15.899)

Yeah yeah good point. Now do you have any last mindset tips before we move on to something else?


Kim (19:23.282)

The other one I was going to say is find what works for you. So I think we're stuck in a work environment or I guess a world at the moment where everyone's kind of, well, I'd say pre -COVID we're trapped in a nine to five job. I think post -COVID we're probably a little bit more adaptable in terms of working from home or finding times that work. And I think a lot of people could be morning people, they could be afternoon people, they could be night people. So I think if you're starting your own business journey,


you it's trying to find what works for you. So if it's your working hours, finding the hours that you think you're the most productive. It's also trusting your gut a little bit in whatever direction you go and I guess that self -realization in terms of knowing where you want to go with your business and having that faith in it. So I think it's also that process of self -reflection being like, well if that didn't work then maybe I need to try working another time during the day or being able to fiddle things around to make it work for whatever you want to do.


But I think it's being able to trust yourself and know where you want to go with your process and whatever your journey that that's kind of the most crucial thing.


Heather (20:27.611)

I have a question for you, yes. Of curiosity, do you work better in the morning, afternoon, or evening?


Kim (20:29.65)

Mm -hmm.


Kim (20:33.842)

Good question. I think I'm the most awake in the morning because I'm so used to getting up early and getting to training. I think once I finish shooting and kind of go back to more of a traditional job, it'll be interesting to see how my brain functions at that point too. Generally for training at the moment, I'm off at about 5 .36 at the range by 6 .37 and then pretty much finished training at about 12 .30 and then we'll start work at about 1. So I think it's long days anyway, it'll be interesting when I get back to a normal.


Heather (20:47.995)



Kim (21:01.522)

I guess working schedule how that goes too.


Heather (21:04.443)

Yeah, for sure. Yeah, who knows when that's gonna come, right? I mean, it kind of the next few months are kind of up in the air.


Kim (21:08.786)

Yeah, exactly right.


Kim (21:13.074)

Exactly. So no one knows what's coming, but I think that's the other thing. Don't be scared of what's coming too, because you've gone, I think it's always about the journey and not the destination. Like if you focus on getting to a goal and it's never going to be, if you don't reach the goal that you set, like you're going to be sad about it. But if you focus on the entire journey, like you've already gained so many life skills or experience or everything from that, that then you're going to end up in a much better boat than what you would be if you just focus on the outcome.


Heather (21:38.555)

Yeah, I really like that. Rituals. Let's talk rituals a little bit. So do you have any things that you do that you did mention meditation, but like every single day to support yourself just generally speaking, not just in the Olympics, but you know what you do day to day.


Kim (21:51.794)

Mm -hmm.


I think, as I said before, for me it's definitely getting outside and doing something. Like most of the time I'm outside doing my sport anyway, but it's a little bit different shooting and walking up to the target and back as opposed to going outside and enjoying nature and kind of just taking it in. So I think I've definitely discovered I'm much more at ease with nature. So like even taking the dog for a walk around the local park and hearing, I guess, the leaves rustle in the trees and that kind of stuff to me is like quite soothing and just getting that fresh air. So I think for me, that's one of the key rituals that I like to do.


Heather (22:09.979)



Kim (22:24.402)

whether or not that's before I go shoot over morning or whether or not it's more in the evening, just trying to find some time like that. As well as that visualization and meditation I was talking about before, like that's really crucial for me in terms of, I guess, reinstilling that self -belief, but then also having that sense of calm in my brain as well.


Heather (22:44.059)

Do you have like an app that you use or self guided meditation? How do you meditate?


Kim (22:48.882)

I really love the Headspace app because you can...


Heather (00:03.066)

Okay, so out of curiosity with your meditation that you do, do you do self guided? Do you have an app tool, anything that you use?


Kim (00:09.815)

So I really love the Headspace app because it kind of schedules out your entire day. It's almost got like a pre -wake up routine. Then it's got some mindful breaths throughout the day. It's got like an afternoon stretch, like a stretch session and then kind of a cool down and it's even got sleep stories. So depending on what you need throughout the day, it's pretty much already there. You log in, you click on it. I think I like the fact you've got like the five breaths throughout the day because like it doesn't take long to do five breaths, but it's kind of amazing how much you can kind of calm your brain and...


get your breathing back into rhythm and even, I guess, slow your heart down and everything like that. So I find that quite powerful. And then even with the meditation, you can put however long you want it to be. If you want it to be a minute, two minutes, five minutes, 20 minutes, like you can kind of just put it on the cycle however long you want it. And then you can choose the different voices of who you like. There's different accents. I think there's, they've been partnering with Disney lately as well. So there's now got like some Star Wars ones or like some other, some other...


Disney Princess ones as well, so I think I quite like the flexibility of it to pick what you'd like, but then also tailor it to you in terms of what you actually need at that moment.


Heather (01:17.658)

Got it, yeah, I have it and you're reminding me to use it from this chat, so thank you.


Kim (01:21.495)

I think it's very easy to forget, that's for sure, but I think it's trying to make the time when you can to actually use it. As I said, it doesn't take long to do the five breaths, but that's sometimes enough, or even one or two minutes a day, just to be doing a little bit of meditation, because I think everyone would find it useful. It's just how much time you have to do it.


Heather (01:25.69)



Heather (01:39.162)

It's amazing. There's so many people on this show that I've interviewed that meditate. It's like, it's a very common thread of mind health and even physical health as well. So yeah.


Kim (01:50.359)

Yeah, and I think it's worthwhile. Like if you've never done it before, just giving it a try. I think it does definitely take a few times to kind of get into it, but the more you do it, the easier it is to be able to switch everything off and focus on your breath or what your body's feeling at that particular moment. Because I think it becomes such a power move, essentially, like even in the business realm or whatever you're doing to actually have something that calms you and brings you back to center and back to focus.


Heather (02:15.994)

Yeah, well said. Okay. So I'm going to wrap up our conversation shortly, not yet, but in a moment and asking you around digital marketing and a few things in there. But before we do that, is there anything else that's come to mind that is just kind of interesting that you've learned about the Olympics and just what you're doing that you think that we as listeners would be really interested in knowing?


Kim (02:42.007)

That's such a hard question. I feel like archery is a sport probably isn't known. Like we know not many people actually know what the sport is. So I might just give you a bit of an overview in terms of how we do competitions because a lot of people don't know that. So the way the Olympics works is we will have 128 athletes compete in men and 128 athletes, sorry, 28 athletes compete in women. So essentially once we do all of that, we get ranked.


Heather (02:44.026)

Ha ha ha.


Heather (02:52.474)

I love it. Yeah. Let's do it.


Kim (03:11.127)

So we shoot 72 arrows at 70 meters and then we'll get ranked from the top athlete to the bottom athlete and then we'll go into head -to -head matches. So it'll be player, sorry, the first ranked athletes will rank the 64th athlete and essentially from there we'll shoot three arrow ends. If you win the set base out of 30, so every arrow you shoot the maximum scores 10 points, you shoot three arrows, the top score is 30.


So if you win your set, you get two points. If you draw the set, you get one. And it's first to six points wins the match. So essentially you could make it all the way to the Olympics, do your first match and get knocked out in first nine arrows. And that's it. So it's quite brutal. But essentially if you win your match, you progress and you just keep going all the way up until you win the gold. But as I said, like it's quite a brutal event because it comes down to a millimeter.


Heather (03:49.338)



Kim (04:03.095)

So if your arrow is one millimeter out of the line to be a 10, then you'd get that nine and not the 10, but you could be that you needed the 10 to win the match. So that's when it becomes quite crucial in terms of how well can you judge the wind? If it's raining, can you aim off more? Or any technical problems you're having with your equipment as well, like we have sight adjustments that we need to do. There's all these...


whole lot of things that you need to know about your bow and your equipment and just little things that your body might do under stress that you really need to, I guess, know yourself and know what you do under those situations to prepare.


Heather (04:36.986)

I feel like it's such an inbuilt metaphor for business. You know how in business everyone uses the little like icons or images of the arrow and the target and all that. It's such a metaphor what you're saying is like little incremental tiny tweaks can mean the world of difference. And that's, I find that true so much in what we do in our business as well. It's like, just test a headline or just do this, but.


Kim (04:46.839)

Isn't it?


Heather (05:05.466)

Those little tiny tweaks can literally be the difference between being successful or not, right?


Kim (05:11.735)

Exactly. And definitely not afraid of doing an archery partner, an archery anecdote whenever I'm talking about marketing, because there is a lot of crossover to like, obviously hitting targets and like aiming for the best and all that kind of stuff. So it's quite easy, I think, to weave that into marketing talk. But you're so right in terms of it's all those tiny little things that you can do that add up at the end of the day. And a lot of it is just trying and testing things to see what works. Like you might have a great idea and it might.


Heather (05:19.162)



Kim (05:37.207)

not go the way you want it to, but what part of it did work and what can you learn and apply from that to the next project that you're working on.


Heather (05:44.986)

So good. Okay, so why digital marketing? Why did you choose that as a sort of a career path, at least right now for you?


Kim (05:52.727)

I think I just like the numbers and analytics of digital marketing. I did one of my previous roles was working for a non -for -profit and they did a lot of traditional media at the time but like you can't always trace it back so I think I like the traditional marketing sorry the digital marketing side of things because everything's traceable so like every time you get Facebook likes or Instagram likes you can see how many people like that. In all your ads you can see the reach you can see the impressions you can see...


return on investment and I think that for me is a lot more powerful than just being like, this radio station can possibly hit a million people in this time slot. You have no idea how many people are actually listening to the radio. You have no idea how many people turn the radio on and leave the room for two hours and come back and haven't heard a single word you've said. So in that you kind of basically going off the assumption that they've heard and they're going to do some action but I don't...


like the digital side of things because you can really pinpoint it being like, I need a person of this age in this demographic that likes this particular thing with kids under this age and you can get really targeted ads for them. So then you've actually got a high, this like high chance of actually converting them to do whatever you want to do.


Heather (06:58.554)

Very good. Yes. You have a very good mind for analytics and numbers. And I see your training as I'm not calling you an athlete, but I'm like, I see your training there under extreme, you know, deadlines and pressure with clients, because that's built into what we do as well. There's always problems in tech. There's always minds that are changed along the journey. And you're always so calm and level headed about everything. And that's


just like a really rare gift to have. And I can see that that's come with your training as well. So it's been.


Kim (07:34.711)

Yeah, for sure. And I think it's all about being about handling the pressure when you need to and I guess not stressing over the big stuff. Like, don't get me wrong, definitely a stress head at times and depending on what it is, but I think over the past couple of years doing archery, it's definitely taught me a lot about actually taking care of the things that are actually important and being able to step away from the things or give it a little bit of space if it's not as important.


Heather (07:38.778)





Kim (07:57.879)

And I think obviously other people are going to think things are more important than what you do. So it's trying to manage those expectations about well, what's crucial at the moment? What can we get fixed as soon as possible? What can take a little bit longer? And I think it's coming up with a timeline or schedule that both parties are going to be happy with because I think at the end of the day, in a workplace, everyone's going to have conflicting schedules no matter what you're doing. But it's trying to come up with that list of priorities to say, well, what actually needs to be done right now? What can...


take a bit of a back burner to get the important things happening and then making that decision as a team or if you're the manager need to do it or you as an individual need to make that call, you need to have the faith in yourself to make that call and that it's the right one too.


Heather (08:36.218)

Yeah, really well said. So we're going to start to wrap up and I wanted to see, is there anything else that you would like to share that just come up off the top of your head through our conversation you'd like to leave our listeners with?


Kim (08:49.207)

I think the big thing for me is just have confidence and faith in your ability. I think a lot of the time, as I said at the start of this, that we're so negative with ourselves, but like, the world is your oyster. Like, you can go wherever you want. It's just about having the dream, the desire, and the passions to go after it. So just have that faith, have that confidence, I think have that self -belief, and just see where you end up.


Heather (09:09.434)

So good. Kim, thank you so much for chatting and letting me know more about your journey as well. And basically let everyone else be a fly on the wall. So thanks for being here.


Kim (09:17.271)

No worries at all, anyone have any questions feel free to ask me, otherwise I'm hoping to see you at the Olympics in June, but we'll keep the fingers crossed and see how it goes.


Heather (09:26.202)

We will keep you guys posted. Absolutely. As soon as we know more. actually you need to get on our email list. If you're not already, just jump over to hustle rebellion .com and you can sign up there. There's also free resources on the website. just sign up. I'm going to let everyone know what has happened with Kim's journey when we find out too. So stay in touch. Thank you.