Episode 1 Transcript

Well, hello everyone. You are here in episode number one of The Hustle Rebellion. And before we get started into these episodes that are coming ahead, I wanted to just give you a little bit of backstory about why I've created this podcast, who I am as your host, as well as some teasers of what's to come. So I feel like, and I'm sure I'm not the only one, that there's sort of this stress that's happening on our planet. And I believe it happened and started way before COVID. It's been around for a long time. It's been made worse with the advent and use and heavy use of social media, I think as well. And there's a lot of stuff going on. And it's just got me thinking and asking people about how they're feeling about stress and overwhelm. And just the other day, I was having a conversation with a friend of mine who's 27. And she was saying, you know, for the younger workforce, they feel like they're working three jobs for the price of one. So basically they're getting paid for one job, but they're doing three jobs and getting expected or being made to feel like that that's what they have to do. So it's an extraordinary amount of work and she's working, I don't know, she's had 14 hour days, a lot of the times. So it's, it's, it's a lot, right? And it's not even her own business. business. So speaking to her about that, you know, there's all these tools that are out there on how to be, you know, 10% happier or how to live more joy. And I think obviously that trend is there because we've kind of forgotten how or we just get so wound up with these little Groundhog Day moments where we are stressed out all the time. And the idea of living a happy life seems further and further away. So now there's all these happiness tools available to us. There's an increase in anxiety. I mean, I have two step sons, 20 and 22. They've been in my life since they were seven and five. And the older one has a great deal of anxiety. You know, panic attacks the whole thing. And he's not the only one. My really great close girlfriend. She also has a son the same age who has panic attacks. There's a lot of this happening. I have nieces who have extreme anxiety. My sister does. It's a thing. It's happening all over the place. There's another thing that came to mind called bro marketing because I work in the marketing space. That's what I do with my business. And I don't know if you guys have heard of this, but it's called bro marketing. And it's kind of that push frenzied marketing tactics that have been around for a long time. But now suddenly there's a term to describe it. I find that quite funny. Bro marketing. the blokes of the big cars and all that sort of, just that pushy, more in your face marketing stuff that's going on. And again, has been around for a long time as well. And one other thing, you've heard the term adulting, right? This term, I was talking to my partner who also works in business with me, Neil. The other day, we like to go out on our balcony. We live in the northern beaches of Sydney. He's from London. I'm from California. We somehow found each other in Australia. But we live in the northern beaches, we live inland from the beach a little bit. And we look out on this beautiful bushland, all these cockatoos flying by and cuckaburras and all of that. Very quintessential Aussie. And we sit up there, you know, and I was talking to him about this whole thing of adulting and how I think that his son, my stepson is freaking out about adulting at the age of 22. And he's like, what are you talking about? What's an adulting? And I was saying, you know, it's a thing, you know, there's podcasters, all this stuff about it because I don't think young people want to be adults. I certainly, I feel like when do I want to be an adult? So all of us just say, hopefully not in too much of a long-winded way, that I really wanted to do something from my corner of the world in the northern beaches of Sydney, Australia, and have conversations about this, this sort of epidemic of hustle and stress that has been around for a while now. seems to be growing more and more and more. And I really wanted to start this podcast pre COVID. So a few years before, I even had the name, right? Hustle Rebellion, because part of marketing, good marketing is sort of to build tribes, right? And sort of the us versus then them sort of thing. So I was thinking, oh, cool, we'll do this sort of hustle rebellion, we're creating rebellion of people that are anti hustle. And I really love the name. And I was like, perfect, right? And then I was like, great, I get to work mapping it out. And suddenly I got this horrible perfectionist in me that came to the surface and she was like, you've got to go through all the different things you've learned about podcasting because I've, I don't know if you guys know this, you probably wouldn't, but I've had four podcasts over the years. I mean, I, my first one is back started in 2010 with my ex business partner. And I know a lot about podcasting and, you know, I've learned a lot about podcasting too much probably, you know, to the point where analysis paralysis. So I'm like, I've got to have the perfect script. I've got to, you know, do the teleprompter and do like open loop metaphors and like, which is where you open a story and don't close it so people keep listening and cliff hangers and this and that. And I literally talked myself or my brain talked myself out of it. And I was like, what am I doing? Like I've done this before. So eff it, fuck it. You know, I am just gonna go. I need to start having these conversations and get them out there. And some of the things that helped push me over the edge were a girlfriend of mine who runs a company here in Australia. She created a book called The New Hustle. And I was like, there you go. There's that little knock knock Heather from the universe or whatnot on my back saying these are conversations people are wanting to have. So it's like the new hustle, COVID happened and people are reevaluating how we work. We're working from home. We're moving out of cities. It's a thing so better get on it, right? So I'm putting perfectionist Heather away Yeah, I have some notes. So if you're watching this on YouTube, I have some bullet points I'm nothing crazy, but I literally I've got to guide myself in some way shape or form But I'll probably mess up in these episodes. I know I will and I don't need I don't expect expect my audio editor to perfect things. It's not what this is all about. It's about Getting my voice out there in a way that I think would be helpful to you So, who am I? Well, I'm Heather Porter. I'm your host. I'm originally from the States, from California. Been in Sydney since 2003. So I worked for Tony Robbins. That's where I got my start out of uni. I graduated from Sydney Uni, worked for Tony for a few years over in the States, moved over to Sydney. We'll talk more of stories, you know, coming up, but just a synapsis, you know, short little behind the scenes of where I came from. Moved to Australia. promoters over in this side of the world, did that for a while, started working for another promoter and another speaker. I co-founded something called the Billionaire Adventure Club, where we took entrepreneurs all over the world, ate countries, developing countries. We did social entrepreneurial work, went places like Mongolia. Crazy, cool stuff, cool thing, cool stories ahead. I used to run an agency, a digital agency called Autopilot Your Business, with a co-founder. We ran that for quite a while. Now my company is called Website Love. We build websites. We also do social media marketing and ads, but we specialize in what's called CRO, which is conversion rate optimization. So it's like kind of feeds into this hustle theme, really. It's working smarter. It's having your marketing and your online business side of your business work smarter by optimizing what you're doing, right? So doesn't surprise me that I kind of have gone off in that direction with my business. of five community trainers from Metta in Australia. There's Metta at AK, previously Facebook, right? We go off on behalf of Metta and teach programs to SMEs across the country. I teach digital marketing at a place called the Center for Continuing Education at the University of Sydney. So it's kind of where executives and business owners and people want to come and upskill themselves. So I teach digital marketing there. And I'm also head of digital marketing for the Community Engagement Committee at a women's shelter. So that's my volunteer work that I do. So there's a women's shelter here in Sydney area, and I help them to get the message out on social marketing, EDMs, all the stuff that you do in digital, right? So why am I telling you all that? Just to, I guess, oh, and by the way, yes, I'm a stepmom to two boys, 20 and 22. So I've had them in my life for a long time. I'm telling you this. because I'm busy like you. That's probably why you're listening. I'm busy. How a lot going on? I volunteer. I run a business. I'm a stepmom. What I speak, I teach. I do a lot and I'm on this constant pursuit of getting better at life. Having more joy, you know, fitting everything in in a way where I go to bed at night and I feel like I'm living my purpose to my ability and I'm doing a pretty damn good job with this life of mine. And I fall short a lot and I beat myself up a lot. So I thought, you know, I have a really cool network of people over the years. I've developed really incredible clients and I thought, you know, this is how I will talk to them, reach out to them and build my community and not only get information from me that will help me live a better life, but also pass it on to you guys, my listeners as well. to look like, I'm going to be sharing tips from my business and also my program at ease. So I have a program that I developed that I've sold this online and it's called at ease and there's some really cool tips in there about how to manage your time a little bit better. So I'll be sharing things about at ease. I'll be sharing tips about personally, you know, what I'm doing in my business, growing my business with my team to work a bit smarter and not so hard and not hustle. Believe me, I've hustled the hell out of my businesses before. and it got me nowhere and got me sick and had heart palpitations and I didn't sleep well. So I've kind of gotten into decent groove where I'm not as stressed out and I'll share some ideas with you on that. I like to tell stories. So I'll tell you guys stories, you know, of working smarter, lots of examples, right? So not only when I ran the Billion Adventure Club and I used to organize and run huge events, but just stuff that's happening in my business right now. So part of my big stretch for this year was launching my podcast. I haven't done a live event for this business, website love ever in person. So I'm doing two this year in Australia and I really want to grow this and perhaps do them overseas. So I'm freaking out about it quietly, not quietly. And I'll tell you, I'll talk to you guys about that in some upcoming episodes, you know, what I'm doing to organize this event and how I'm not hopefully not stressing out too much as well. So stories we have, you know, tips about my business, case studies from my clients. We've built over 500 websites and done social media marketing campaigns for hundreds of people. So I'm going to reach out and handpick certain clients of ours where I feel like they sort of embody this anti-hustle culture in their business and it would be fun to sort of talk through how we work together. So I'll be inviting them on the show. Also interviews, of course, too, with people in my network who are sort of leaving that hustle culture behind. already had and there's some really cool common themes amongst some of the guests that I have. And a lot of them say, I don't, I choose to not believe in it. And so they kind of go into how they choose to not believe in hustle and overwhelm. And there's some really great tips in that. So those will be kind of the episode types we have, you know, me talking, guests talking as well. So it'll be mixed up. And I'm going to have a couple of different types of lengths as well. We'll do shorter episodes like this one right now with just me. 15 minutes and then the interviews will be around 30 minutes and so it'll kind of be mixed up between the two So that's what's coming up as well I am gonna do this on YouTube so you might already actually be watching this video on YouTube right now or on our website love Website to we'll have it over there in addition to the audio players. Why am I doing that? Well in the spirit of CRO or conversion rate optimization in marketing I am all about testing things I do know that we as people like to consume content in different places. So some of us are going to be listening to this on Spotify, some of us on maybe SoundCloud still, but certainly Apple podcasts, um, you know, Google podcasts and YouTube. There's definitely a lot of people that listen, like roughly I've been hearing 10% of people listen to podcasts on YouTube. They'll maybe watch a video and or just pop the video on and just kind of walk around with the YouTube app open in their phone and not necessarily watch the video. So I just want to be where you guys are and I want to test and see, you know, what's going to be most beneficial for you guys too plus in the spirit of saving time, I'm going to pull snippets out of this video that you're watching, if you are watching the video and repurpose them on my different social media accounts. So it serves many purposes where we have the audio and video all in one nice little package for each episode. So one last thing in this episode number one is how do you join? the hustle rebels. That's you guys if you're listening. HustleRebellion.com. HustleRebellion.com is where you go. And when you go to that URL or that domain or that link, you will be taken to a page where you can access resources that I share with you on this podcast. You can subscribe. So there's a button on there to get alerts. So every time I release a new episode, you can get an email alert to that. You'll have the links to the other directories and places you can follow or subscribe, such as Apple Podcasts, my YouTube playlist. It's all there on the page, plus all the episodes. If you wanna actually watch show notes, click into my different guest bios and links and resources that they share with you over time as well. So that's all found at hustlerebellion.com. And guys, that's it. We're at the end of episode number one. I am quite excited, a little nervous, about this journey with you. Little nervous because I'm committing You're going to hold me accountable as my listener. I've got to do this. I've been wanting to do this for a long time, but I have some interviews in the bag. I have a few of my solo podcasts ready to go. It's happening. I'm putting it out there. So thank you for being here. Thank you for listening to this first episode. I'm really excited for the journey ahead with you and for bringing some really great conversations and discussions with you, over to you about really enjoying life more, especially if you're owner. How are you going to work a bit smarter? I know it sounds cliche, but honestly, truly, how are you going to so you can live a more joyful life, a life that when you go to bed at the end of each day, you're not stressed out to your eyeballs. You're not at your wits end. You're happily able to go through the ups and downs of life. All right. Thank you very much for tuning into this episode and I'll see you in the next one.