Episode 41 Transcript


Michelle, I'm so happy that you are on the show. Welcome. How's it all going?


Michelle Vogrinec:

Thank you for having me. All is good. It's a beautiful day here in Melbourne. So in the middle of winter we've got sunshine so I'm a happy girl whenever that happens.



You have such a good view. You guys have to watch the version, the video version of this episode so you can see her view. It's so good. And she's standing so she can have like the best energy to have a conversation. 


So Michelle, the listeners always know that I like to just get straight into the points, some really great hacks and tips, and then we're going to go more into you and what you do with people. So we're going to start with three tips, three tips that you use either in your own business or with your business, the business owners that you work with. on how to grow a business without all that sort of stressful hustle grind cycle that we can get into.


Michelle Vogrinec:

You know, the hassle, stress and grind is something that I really know well and, you know, went through an adrenal meltdown because of it. So this is definitely an area that is important for people going forward. And I think that three top tips for that would be to. be in the present moment of where you are. We spend so much time looking forward to where we wanna go. And we have this idea in our mind, I wanna go there and that's the only place I can get to and that's to be fluid with that as well. So learning how to roll with the punches and just work through problems and develop grit in those areas, is to me, I think the biggest gift I gave myself is being able to roll with everything and know that there's always five different ways to go about getting to that end goal and allow that to sort of happen. first thing for me. The second thing is to create some downtime for thinking. So actually, my girls used to come into the office and find me laying on the floor with my feet in the air and they're like, okay, what are you doing?





Michelle Vogrinec:

I'm thinking and allow that thinking to come through. So, and I know these sound quite basic, but these are the things that bring your brain back down into a very nice, calm and relaxed state so you can make the best decisions for yourself and reward yourself. So when you do something or you have a goal in mind and you achieve it, love for you to go back at the end of the month I do this and go what did I do well this month and you'd be surprised when you start to write them down where you start to go oh Actually, oh wow, I did a lot this month instead of thinking gosh I'm not getting all this stuff done and I've got so much going on and all of those things Just by reviewing what you've done and saying oh wow and I'm gonna go and have a coffee this week with my girlfriend Or I'm gonna go to a spa or I'm gonna do something to reward myself That picks up momentum of how you feel in your esteem and your calmness and all those things so not rocket science, but things that are really helpful





Michelle Vogrinec:





Michelle Vogrinec:





Michelle Vogrinec:




important to know. And I want to give context to your background as well, because


Michelle Vogrinec:

I'm sorry.



you had quite a large, you had, right, quite a large


Michelle Vogrinec:




business before you're doing what you do now. What did you used to do? I know, but tell everyone else.


Michelle Vogrinec:

I'm the co-creator and founder of Gaia Natural Baby Skin Care. So we took a product from the inception and creation stage right through to scale, sale, grow, stress and sell. So it was over a 17 year period. Very stressful in there. Heartwarming, amazing as well. There was lots and lots of good things in there.



It's wow, like that's huge. Like that's huge. And how long ago did you end up selling?


Michelle Vogrinec:

2019 we sold the business and I moved then into a sort of, I actually stood there one day and went. what the hell am I gonna do now? I don't know what I'm gonna do with myself. So it was a really interesting time and transition and people that sort of look at this side of things and I'm really big on the not hustle side of things. And you get to the top of this goal that you had and you expect this marching band and this ticker parade and all these things to happen and it doesn't. It doesn't





Michelle Vogrinec:

actually happen. So that was a really big deal for me at the end of that, sort of not knowing what I was going to do and how to walk into that. that next phase of my life.



So talk to me about the next phase. How did you, first of all, did you take any time off after it? Or did you just go straight into something else?


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

I kept getting phone calls, sorry, and we sold to a distributor, so the handover was very quick. I think it was a month that I was able to then hand over and then be free, and I remember the Monday morning going, there's no emails, there's no messaging, there's no social media, and I sort of stood there going, I don't know what to do with myself,





Michelle Vogrinec:

because it was go, go for a very long time, and I started getting phone calls from people saying, oh. can I have a coffee with you or how much is it for your time for an hour or can you help me with this or and how much is services and so I kind of fell into where I am now and then I realised how much I loved it. I have done mentoring over a 10 year period as a as a voluntary thing with certain organisations and so forth with different businesses so it's something that I've done but I thought I'd never really thought about doing it from this perspective and I just had the demand. So here I am today now working through as a business and marketing strategy coach and also looking at wealth creation for the long term for business owners because a lot of business owners don't think past that moment of sale. So now I'm working with a great group of people in being able to educate people on how to go, you know what, this is where my business is now. I want to be there in 15 years and what are the steps I need to take to make sure I've got wealth beyond just selling my business.





Michelle Vogrinec:

That's really





Michelle Vogrinec:




someone and you built your own business from, you know, inception


Michelle Vogrinec:




all the way through to the sale and now after. So,


Michelle Vogrinec:




I mean, seriously, could anyone else walk their talk more? You know.


Michelle Vogrinec:

It's fun, I love watching them make change and being part of their business.





Michelle Vogrinec:

Vicarious joy, it's called. So where you're watching someone and all of a sudden they're messaging me saying, oh, this is the problem I've got today, but this is how I'm handling it and this is how I'm managing it. What do you think? I'm like, happy days. This is great. They're learning how to do the things themselves and working with strategy because I'm quite busy brain, so I love to be resourceful and think about things. So being able to problem solve is awesome with my clients.



Now, do you work one-on-one or do you do group or both?


Michelle Vogrinec:

I do one-on-one at the moment, so I work one-on-one with my clients now. It's my preferred method of working with someone because I can get quite intimate with them. I get down in the mud with them as well. So I'm





Michelle Vogrinec:

in their sort of day-to-day, I have an unlimited support capacity. So we're sort of working through things as they come along. I also do guest work. So I'm a guest in a lot of different masterminds. That's more group focused





Michelle Vogrinec:

and working that capacity there. I keep getting asked to create groups, but





Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

just, I prefer the one-on-one. intimate setting with my clients. I get to know them really well and we work through stuff together so yeah.



I think that's so smart though. The conversations I have with people on this podcast, so many people say you just have to really know when to say yes and when to say no and really truly listen to your heart and know what you like.


Michelle Vogrinec:




So it makes sense if that's not for you, you know, don't do it. So question for you then,


Michelle Vogrinec:




I want to hear how you work with your clients now. So if you could think of a case study, relatively recent, happy for you to do shout out if you want, up to you, but. Talk me through the before and after of this person that you've helped.


Michelle Vogrinec:

So one of the businesses that I helped more recently over the last 12 months would have been Nat Chop Research. So she had a business called Life of Char. It was a tea business and she came to me saying, oh, I wanna get wholesale in place. I think that'll help solve all my problems. And I sort of went, oh, okay.





Michelle Vogrinec:

So do you know your margins? Do you know where you wanna go? So what we did was have a look at where her business was then. And during the course of our discussions and conversations, she'd actually said, oh, I really like this automation side of things and look what I've been able to do looking at her automation going, that is mind blowing the way you've been able to put together, you know, these inquiries all came in and they all spat out into this database. Then this was an automatic reply and all these things happened. And I was like, wow. I break tech, so





Michelle Vogrinec:

when that





Michelle Vogrinec:

happened, I was really excited. Anyway, she said, oh, I love doing this sort of stuff. So we just kinda kept talking over the course of time. And she was sort of, when we went through the wholesale side of things, we got our margins are right, her pricing right. We did a little bit of a map of where she was down, what the possibilities are, where do we wanna go and how do we wanna go about it. So we put the strategy together there and some tactics. And she said one day, I think I wanna do the automation thing and I think I wanna sell.





Michelle Vogrinec:

Okay, so we then put together what it would look like for her to become a consultant and what she could put together and what her strengths were, how she could go about it and where she would go from there. So she sold Life of Char. and she's now brand nat so if you look out for brand nat on um on socials yeah we went from that transition to life of chat into brand nat and now she's happy as a piggy mud doing what she loves and in a space particularly where ai is really big and automation and for me people are going yeah just use zappio just do this i'm like my brain doesn't go there so she's trying to teach people and she's amazing i've never met anyone that can do that all that sort of stuff with the automation and the ai so she's teaching people how to do that. So that's one client that I've worked with.



So literally you helped her. How long did this period take? Just so I know of


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

was probably



with her.


Michelle Vogrinec:

over a period of about 12, 16 to 18 weeks that we started doing and working through and then putting strategies together and then working across to Brandnet.



She literally held her hand through the entire process and now helped


Michelle Vogrinec:




her to find something that she absolutely loves. And that's really


Michelle Vogrinec:

Yeah, and





Michelle Vogrinec:

I love



her calling


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

her now because we're not working together now. She's like





Michelle Vogrinec:

taken off like a rocket and I love it. And I say to people every now and then that





Michelle Vogrinec:

I'm talking to, I should follow Brad Nat. She knows all about it. I do follow Brad Nat and I'm like, yeah. So I get really excited when they say that. Yeah.



It's like your little children that you put out into the world. You're like, go fly. It's so


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

She's doing it and she is and she loves it and you can see how much she loves it. That's really cool. It's nice to be part of, I'm really big about looking at what it is you love in your business and what you don't like and what it is you wanna do in life. You know, I think you should live your best life and if you can incorporate it all together and people sort of say keep business and personal separate but I'm like, let's blend them together because they are together. So let's blend them in a way that works for you and it's really lovely watching somebody love what they do and it's working for her exactly. how she needs it to work.



Oh, beautiful advice. I love it. So let's go a little bit deeper into strategy. We can talk about her as well if you want to go


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:




or just in general. What are a few strategies or sort of frameworks that you work on with your clients? So this is your time to teach and give ideas to the listeners.


Michelle Vogrinec:

So what I find is that a lot of people sort of turn around and say I want to go wholesale. How do I go wholesale? And





Michelle Vogrinec:

I'm going to ask the questions about in this space, number one, your margins and your costing and your pricing. Do you understand the margins that are required for you to get to where you need to be? So do you know your cost of doing business? And people are like, what's that? I'm like, okay, so your cost of doing business is the entire cost for you to run your business every single month. And then your cost of goods. Do you know what your cost of goods are? What's that? That's the cost it takes to make said product every time you make it. Plus I also whack the strike fees and everything else in there as well. Do you know what they are? No. Okay, so your retail price is over here. Where did you get to that retail price? Oh, I just went into a group one day and they said do two times the cost and four times for retail. I'm





Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

we're not gonna do that. We want data and we wanna go by data. So getting people to actually map out and go, right, this is exactly what we need to know about your pricing and factor everything in and then your costs of doing business and then you add your percentage margin in there for your net profit or your gross profit as well. And understanding what that process is knowing right well if you want to go to Coles or you want to go to FMCG which is all of your big majors or do you want to just go to these people we need to factor that in now. Now like what do you mean I'm like well for example Coles will want to want a 2% discount for paying on time I know right? Paying on time. there's an agent's fee in there, do you want an agent to go and sell into various stores or do you need a merchandiser or what is it that you require? We need to factor all those margins in. And most people are like, I didn't even know that. So by the time we factor all of them, we find that their wholesale price or the cost price is actually quite different to what they envisaged and





Michelle Vogrinec:

they probably need to increase their retail price a little bit more to take into consideration the net profit that they're requiring. And they don't understand those things. So I try really hard to put it in simple terms for them and say, look, this is what you wanna work through with that. So that's one section of it. The second section is the planning. So we know that if you're over here, so we look at where someone is and where they wanna go, and then we kinda go, where's the gap? And we wanna work that gap. Now, knowing that gap may take eight years, it may take five years, we break that down into, right, where we are now, where do you wanna go, and what's required to get to that point. We map it out when we create this little mind map with the business there and all the different factors required for this business to happen. And then we go and work through all these different sections. And so when we do that, we then break that down again into planning. So when we're planning again, we try to keep it simple. We don't want a massive to-do list because that's overwhelming. This is what I want in the next six months to get to me closer to where. So it's like a stepping stone.



Got it.


Michelle Vogrinec:

You need to do this first. Once that's achieved, next step. That's achieved, next step. And you can escalate that or de-escalate it depending upon your budget or your timing and all those sorts of things. So we worked through those planning and we worked through how to create a plan. And I also work with how people's brains work. So,





Michelle Vogrinec:

and I





Michelle Vogrinec:




on that please.


Michelle Vogrinec:

yes, so as a dyslexic person, my brain





Michelle Vogrinec:

works very, very differently to most people. Also think I sit quite high in the ADHD spectrum.



Ha ha!


Michelle Vogrinec:

So working out how somebody plans and how they actually taking information and process information is really important. So once we work out how their brain works, we then have a look at how we can set them up for success. So rather than looking at this system over here, which says just follow ABC, you'll be fine. You've got it, which is a very linear way of doing it. And people are going, I can't do it that way. I can't do it that way. We work out the ways in which they can work best. and then we implement. So we get them then working and creating habits that support them as opposed to a structure or a system that's conventional. Once we've got that in place, we start to action. We start to then take action, whether it's their marketing strategy, their sales strategy, their business strategy, we start to take action and implement little tactics and strategies for the next three to six months. And then we review and revise those. We check in each week, we go through them like that. So we just keep going. Just keep going, just keep going along the way. And it's amazing, as I say, look back, when you go, right, what did I get done last month? And you go, oh, I've got my pricing done. I understand





Michelle Vogrinec:

my margins. I do this and I do this. And that's when you start realizing, yeah, I'm achieving. So that momentum starts to build. And then people start to then have success.



Really cool. Okay, I wanna talk about two things from this conversation.


Michelle Vogrinec:




Number one, data numbers.


Michelle Vogrinec:




You keep talking about it, it's a theme, and to me it makes a lot of sense because it actually is the root of helping you


Michelle Vogrinec:




remove stress and overwhelm. Because you just, if you can understand your numbers and understand how to read them, then you know what you need to do next,


Michelle Vogrinec:

Thanks for watching!





Michelle Vogrinec:

100% yes





Michelle Vogrinec:

and not many business owners do they kind of go in there with this passion that they jump in boots and all and go Right, we're gonna do this We're gonna make that happen or they compare themselves to someone that's been out there for a very long time and go I'm gonna do that in 12 months without really understanding how long that person's been out there for so people will Started saying to me about the eighth or ninth year mark. Oh my god, you're popping up everywhere You know overnight you've just become like well that overnight success took 17 years where it's sort of really making people understand that this is a long haul journey, it's not a five minute thing. And I kind of say to them, look at mastery. So when you wanna be a master at something, I think it's 10,000 hours that it takes to become a master in what you're doing. We kind of apply that into this space as well. If you're not gonna be happy doing what you're doing for 10,000 hours for the next however many years, go get a job. Oh, it's not for





Michelle Vogrinec:

you. Know what I





Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

So the data is really important. So coming back to those things and saying to them We really need to understand ABC. It's not sexy. It's not sparkly and bright It's it's not the stuff people want the romantic stuff in business is not actually that romantic People think oh I'll do this so I spend more time with my family and it's just check it on Instagram, it's gonna happen, there is so much more involved to it than that. So we sort of, yeah, so once they understand those things and they start to collect the data, they can start to make decisions. And the amount of clients I've had that have said, I'm gonna have a 40% off, stop. Let's calculate what 40% off is now that you know what your real figure is and they're going on losing money. Yeah. Or they'll say I've done a Facebook ad and this is a live example. I've got a Facebook ad going. It's generating $10,000 in revenue a month. How much is how you spend? I was generating $25,000 a month and I'm spending 10 and I'm like, so you're only calculating your cost of the advertising? Yes. Have you put in the cost of this, this and do you know those numbers? No, but it's generating $25,000 a month and I'm going, yeah, I don't reckon you're making any money. And so we did the exercise and they were losing $800 a month. So they





Michelle Vogrinec:

may have been making, taking $25,000, but they were making zero. They were going backwards. So this is where those numbers are really, really important so they can understand the difference as well between return on investment and return on ad spend and what that means. So once we factor all those in, so that's sort of helping people understand that data and once that it's the key, it's one of the keys. You can't do that without that. And if people have, it's a bit of a fluke. That happens





Michelle Vogrinec:

every now and then, yeah.



yeah, no. And what did you do in the case of the Facebook ads? Because yeah, on paper in the ads manager, you know,


Michelle Vogrinec:




reporting dashboard, it looks fantastic.


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

was you.



what do you do from that perspective? Do you


Michelle Vogrinec:




say, let's stop ads, look at another channel? Like, where do you go with that?


Michelle Vogrinec:

And this is really challenging for someone to get their head around is me saying stop the ads. So they stop the ads and they're like, but we're now only turning over this much and not the 20. I said, but you weren't making money. And this





Michelle Vogrinec:

is where it's very challenging to get their head around. Well, I'm only taking this now, I guess, but you're making a profit. So it's very hard because it's not a tangible thing that you can see. So it's very hard for someone to get wrapped their head around that they are not making money, even though the revenue is 25,000 and it dropped dramatically. If that was, I don't know what it dropped to off the top of my head, but if it was like, let's just say it dropped to about $5,000, they're saying, but I've only just, I'm only taking 5,000. I'm going, yes, but you're making money on that. You're making nothing on that. So it's hard for people to get their head around. Yeah.



man, that's such an amazing distinction. And I knew that's where you were gonna go with that. So thank you for talking about


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

And they get scared. They're like, I don't want to stop it. The money's not going to come in. But you're





Michelle Vogrinec:

losing money.



but you're losing it's


Michelle Vogrinec:

It's a





Michelle Vogrinec:




you have


Michelle Vogrinec:




to retrain


Michelle Vogrinec:




the brain. Yeah. It's, um,


Michelle Vogrinec:




and speaking of that, because I know you say, obviously we're all wired very differently and,


Michelle Vogrinec:




you know, learn different ways. How do you help people, I guess, fall in love with their numbers to the best of their ability? How do you get somebody amped up and excited about reading numbers and data?


Michelle Vogrinec:

you try to work it out and explain it in a way that makes sense. So, um, I went to a seminar once and I came across a person that explained it and I was just like blown away by the fact that, to that point I'd always been titled as terrible at numbers. And... And I'd always got things right and I was always accurate and I'm like, you know, that was really my confidence was really, you know, in my feet about numbers. So I went and saw this person afterwards and said, Hey, can I come and see you? And he's like, and he's actually my mentor today. So it's quite interesting. That was five years ago. Uh, we work closely together now. Actually, he's one of the people I'm working with for this new wealth creation side of things. So he was able to sit down and show the figures. So we actually break it down and explain it in a way that people understand with their figures. So being able to say, well, put this in. here and can you see where this comes from? Because this is over here. We work through it like you would with a child. understanding my client's brain, the way their brain works, is really big for that to be able to then. And that applies in karate as well. So I'm a karate instructor and I know there's certain students that I have, but I can do it, you know, opposite and there's other students I have to face the same way with and do it. And there's other students that I have to stick my left hand out and because it's their right, their left hand's my right arm, and go put your left hand out. Now I don't know what my left or my right is, but you know what I mean? So understanding the way people learn and working with them and breaking it down in a way that's explaining and if they don't understand it then I'll go away and find out a different way to do it or find out a different way that it can be explained so they understand that relevance and that's You need a team of advisors in those places as well I'm not a financial advisor So having your accountant and having a team of people to actually help you with that side of things is also really important, too



And you're saying that you're going into the wealth creation side


Michelle Vogrinec:




in your business. You brought him on as an advisor. So what does that piece look like with your clients? How does that tie into


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

so it's completely separate to what I'm doing now with my clients. It's an actually invitation only program that I've joined part





Michelle Vogrinec:

  1. They've asked me to be part of





Michelle Vogrinec:

and it's going through. So if you're here in your business and you want to get to here in 10 years, 15 years, what strategies can you implement? So what are the options? So some people don't know what the options are. They're sort of like, well, I don't know what are the options? Do you do you buy shares? Do you do property? Do you do joint ventures in investment? Do you crypto? Do you book? options that you have and what's the structure in which you can create that in. So using the tax system to minimize your tax as much as possible, you've got to understand the tax system, putting that in really simple terms, being able to have a look at that stepping stone approach again going asset protection and all those boring things and not





Michelle Vogrinec:

just relying on your accountant to go oh here's your tax return just go and do it oh yeah just do this and you'll be fine. It's actually playing in a space with advisors and people that that are on the ground there with you as well. So they're doing what they're teaching and they're the experts in those areas. So working with these guys is somebody that has gone from that, you know, start something up to sell and then also create investments. And women don't tend to think about this side of things more so than men. And I know, and I recently went through a separation. So most people sort of in that space, a lot of women can't physically go down a separation path because they can't be financially independent. again about supporting those people in being able to be 100% independently financial and works through what they need to do even in partnerships or not, but so that they know exactly what's happening. Because you do get to the end of that path and go, well, what now? But if you structured it a little bit differently back here, then you're so much more up here, you're in a better situation to know. It's a long game and it's not fun. Like it's boring as bat shit. But



Ha ha!


Michelle Vogrinec:

it's a long game. understand and actually implement this information. So that was a long spew out for what that is. But it's not for the faint-hearted and it's not for people that are down here. Like it's for any size business but you've got to be dedicated to the cause. So if you're not there for the long haul you're not going to it's not going to help you.



It's really good because you've moved into, we've moved from numbers into advisors and having the


Michelle Vogrinec:




right people on your team in this space that I don't think a lot of us, like you said, especially women think about. You know, you don't think about the structure. You don't think about some of these other areas in the long haul of what you're


Michelle Vogrinec:




doing with your money. So the fact that you're going into that, are you gonna bring some of this knowledge back to your clients or is this, how is this tie in? Because I know you said it's a separate sort of thing.


Michelle Vogrinec:

Well it is an exclusive program that they use but of course I can bring in some of those different elements back in now and the wisdom that I'm learning and I'm learning so much as well which is really awesome and being able to say to people. So when I talk to people anyway and I use myself as an example so I'll be able to say to them this is my structure and my setup and I don't hide anything with them, this is what I'm working towards. Most people again don't even understand the basic household budget. or don't have one or don't understand how much they spend on certain things, you know, during the year and those sorts of things to say, well, I need this to live on. This would be nice so I can go on a holiday. This is the magic number that I'm aiming for. So I kind of break it down into three different segments and sort of work towards that. If they're not even at this stage, they're not going to get to here. So we want to be able to play in this space and go, well, let's understand the numbers first. So I have a spreadsheet that makes people wet their pants about how I manage my numbers. like, oh my gosh, my accountant, when I said to him one day, I think I need a bookkeeper, he goes, no, you don't. No, you don't.





Michelle Vogrinec:

I've hacked my banking app, I've hacked my other app, and it all downloads, and then I upload it into this spreadsheet. I've got a great financial analyst that helps me with my spreadsheets.





Michelle Vogrinec:

And it just spews out everywhere, so I know what I calculated for, what my actual spending was, and where I'm at. So then I can make decisions again, we wanna go away at the end of the year, or I wanna take time off to have a baby, in a mum space so a lot of people will be like, okay, I want my husband to join me in the business. or do you know what you need to live off number one, and what your business needs to live off number two so you can make that happen. No, well you can't make it happen until you know those figures. So if you want Hubby to join you in your business, you need to understand what you need to live off, what's nice to have, what you don't need, all of the things. So numbers are really important, and I've fallen in love with numbers now, so I'm really enjoying this learning about how to spew things around and what are the options here and how you do this and do that. So I can bring that back in with people now as well. Probably not to the extent as I would in that program because it's very, very methodically laid out, but I can bring the knowledge back to people and yeah, some of them are blown away by the information. Like I've never even thought of this. So like not many people have. So let's get more people on it.



It's so important. And you are, I can tell you're totally passionate about it. So


Michelle Vogrinec:

Love it.



it's, it's no, it's so good that you have this knowledge. You want to share it with


Michelle Vogrinec:




more people. There's


Michelle Vogrinec:




so much more people that need it. So,


Michelle Vogrinec:




um, talk to me a little bit about what you do in moments of overwhelm when your brain, like you already


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:




never shuts off anyway, but you need to shut off for a minute. Do you have any rituals or tips or hacks or apps


Michelle Vogrinec:




or things that you can use to calm down?


Michelle Vogrinec:

I do. I have a few. So understanding some of your quirky little habits. And for me, I know when I have an urge to go and change my clothing in my drawers, I know this sounds weird. So sometimes I look in my drawer and I just want to pull it out and reorganize it and fold it and put it back. And I know now that is a sign my brain needs to come down. So that is a nervous system. That's a thing that my body is saying a nervous system needs to come down and regulate. So that's one of the things I do. Sometimes it takes me eight hours. Seriously, on a Sunday, I could be just in my room, unstucking, restucking. drawers but that's to me that's self-care so that's about bringing my nervous system down. I also have a certificate in art therapy so I've been doing mindfulness exercises with some of my clients so little things like just stopping and getting it like a pebble and pushing it around your page with your pen those





Michelle Vogrinec:

sorts of things. Drawing little things you start in the middle of your page and you just sort of work you just focus on this pen or you I'm left-handed but you use the other hand and doing that which resets your brain. There's things like box breathing so where you breathe in for four, hold for four, out for four, hold for four, that brings down again, re-regulates your nervous system or I disappear to the forest. I'm very, you'll often see me in the forest in my, and people say, I've just been all day in the forest. I go, no, but I just don't post everything else that goes on in my life. But going to the forest for me and grounding is really important. I meditate daily. I do lots and lots of little things to keep my regulation happening. When I'm very, very stressed and I acknowledge I'm very stressed, every now and then I'm like, down tools, not working today. I'm





Michelle Vogrinec:

going to actually support my body right now.



Oh, so good. And the whole thing of being in nature is huge.


Michelle Vogrinec:




Everyone I've


Michelle Vogrinec:




been speaking to, I'd say 50% is everyone says, you got to get out, put your


Michelle Vogrinec:




feet on the planet, you know, put them


Michelle Vogrinec:




on the grass, get out, breathe the fresh air. So love that you said that as well.


Michelle Vogrinec:

And I've been doing





Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

work. So learning how to





Michelle Vogrinec:

breathe is been phenomenal. I was disordered breathing without even realizing. So now my breathing is a lot better and





Michelle Vogrinec:

I'm sleeping better because of it. So therefore I'm more alive during the day. Like there's so many things here. I don't think that's a one, two, three answer. I think there's lots and lots of facets involved in that one.





Michelle Vogrinec:

And other people respond differently and people sort of say to me, but I don't know how to meditate. I've tried sitting here like this in the on position Meditation is anything where you walk around or you do that makes you go That's meditation so find what it is that works for you Find what it is that works for you and then keep that and take note and be present in your body and understand how that Feels when you do that. So those you know, there's lots and lots of facets I try to do that with my we start off with meditation sometimes and yeah



So many good little tips.


Michelle Vogrinec:




So as we start to wrap up, I want to know A, who you work with and B, if they're listening to this, how do they reach out to you?


Michelle Vogrinec:

So I work with small to medium business owners that want to get from here to here and don't know how to do it. They're overwhelmed, they're wearing 100 hats, they're like, oh, what do I do? It's like, let's work on how we can spin those plates together and how we can make it all come together to get from here to here. So I work with usually solo business owners, the ones that are doing it on their own. So I work with all of them and they can usually via my Instagram. My website's been coming for years. It just has been. If you message me on LinkedIn you might not get an answer for a week. So my Instagram is my best vehicle.



You know what,


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

have notifications on. I'm not going to have the blinking, bing, bing thing





Michelle Vogrinec:

on my





Michelle Vogrinec:

pay log. It drives me crazy.





Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

I just go in and check things. But Instagram is the one that I do. That's my main platform. So just Michelle Volgrenik. Yeah. On Instagram. Yeah.



Go find Michelle on Insta, you guys, if she's speaking to you of some of the things you've said, if you're overwhelmed with your numbers and you need this extra help, you've definitely got a good experience of what she's like in a very short amount of


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:




So reach out to her. Oh gosh, as we say goodbye, any last tips or ideas for the listeners that have come up for you?


Michelle Vogrinec:

Gosh just live the life you want to live make it happen be in the moment and enjoy the ride and You know I've got several with lots and lots of different mantras that tell them that are out there and one of them and affirmations It's a mind game like once you master your mind you can you can really do anything to put your mind to But work with that space get the right people around you surround yourself with the right advisors surround yourself with the right people And and have fun Ha ha ha.



You've heard it. You guys go out and have some fun.


Michelle Vogrinec:




Put, put down the phone, put down the computer, put down the app, step outside, get skin up, you know, be in nature and have a moment. Um, wow. Thank you so much for sharing. You've shared


Michelle Vogrinec:

You're welcome.



so many great tips from overwhelmed to numbers to,


Michelle Vogrinec:




you know, the journey of how you work. And, and it's been an absolute pleasure having this chat with you guys. Head over to hustle rebellion.com to get the links to Michelle's Instagram, cause that's where you're going to go hang out with her.


Michelle Vogrinec:

It's a work in progress. It





Michelle Vogrinec:

is a work in





Michelle Vogrinec:




progress. Case in point that you don't need to have all the channels to be successful in business.


Michelle Vogrinec:

And this is the thing, the other tip would be don't wait to start when you're ready. Don't wait till you're ready to start. Just get in there. You don't need all the bells and whistles. Just do it. Do work with what you have at the moment. Get it done.



Perfect, love


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:




Thanks Michelle


Michelle Vogrinec:




so much


Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:






Michelle Vogrinec:

for having



on the


Michelle Vogrinec:

me, Heather.



show. Thanks everyone for tuning in. It's been an absolute pleasure having you.


Michelle Vogrinec:
