Episode 79 Transcript

Heather (00:03.854)

Welcome to the show, Kevin. Or I should say Kev as well. I know that that's how you're known. How are you? How's it going?


Kevin Thompson (00:04.878)

Thank you.


Kevin Thompson (00:10.345)

I'm doing great! I'm doing awesome! I'm looking forward to this, Heather!


Heather (00:16.642)

Me too. You guys get this. So yesterday I was on Kevin's podcast, which we're going to, we'll shout out to that podcast shortly so you can listen to that. Um, but I was on his show and he got to know all about me and my journey and the importance of relationships in my life. And then today we're flipping the tables and now I get to actually hear what Kevin's all about and where he's come from and what he's up to. So it's really fun. We're kind of like spending two days together, having great conversations.


Kevin Thompson (00:44.942)

Sure, yeah, yeah.


Heather (00:47.358)

Perfect. So guys, you know, my dear listeners, you know how I like to start the show. I like to dive into some tips and then we're going to get to know Kevin and then we're going to get to know his background and what he's up to these days. But before we get into that journey, I would like to start with some tips and I would like to start specifically, Kevin, where either this can come from you or people in your network because you have a great network.


people are growing a business and they're going through times of stress and overwhelm, which inevitably will happen as you grow a business. What have you yourself done or have you noticed others done to help to get through those moments of high stress?


Kevin Thompson (01:30.69)

Well, and you're right, you know, entrepreneurs, we have a lot of those kinds of moments. And, you know, for me personally, I am such a big believer in relationships. And I'm a believer that as entrepreneurs, relationships are our most valuable asset. Everything else stems from that. And so that when we are going through, and I'm not going to say we, I'm going to say me. When I...


Heather (01:57.764)



Kevin Thompson (01:58.818)

going through really challenging times, I have a number of people that I can reach out and have conversations with and just you know people that I have immense respect for, immense admiration for, that I value their opinion, I value their insight, I value you know them and I will tell you I used to be one of these guys who would just kind of keep stuff to myself because I'm like


I don't want to bother people or the bigger thing is, oh my gosh, what would they think of me if they knew that, if they knew whatever that is. And you know, that kind of thinking, it keeps us kind of like this island and we don't have people to talk with. But where we can just kind of come from this place of, you know, where I've got to...


Heather (02:38.619)





Kevin Thompson (02:55.246)

for me personally is this place of nothing to prove and nothing to hide. I'm just kind of this open book because the fact is that at any given time we got very real challenges and very real problems that we're dealing with. That is the life of an entrepreneur. Once we solve one problem, it's not a matter of time until the next one hits our desk. That is reality.


And so having people that we can talk with and just have candid, open conversation with that we just respect and we admire them and we value their opinion, I'll tell you that is one of the most valuable things. That is one of the most valuable things for sure.


Heather (03:40.786)

How do you reach out to people like that? Because I know that being an entrepreneur, oftentimes we have a circle of friends and sometimes our friends work in quote unquote day jobs and they don't necessarily relate to all the hats that we're wearing. So how do you personally find good people to have these deeper level conversations with?


Kevin Thompson (03:41.539)

I mean.


Kevin Thompson (04:00.886)

Well, so for me, I do, I love talking with entrepreneurs. And of course, you know, hosting the podcast, and as you, you know, hosting a podcast is such a great way to get in connection with a lot of entrepreneurs, even people that we wouldn't normally have reason to be in connection with or to talk with. And, but I will tell you, we all have cell phones.


Heather (04:07.599)



Kevin Thompson (04:30.462)

every one of us. We have plenty of contacts in our cell phones and now those could be people that we are personal friends with, it could be family that we're friends with, it could be as entrepreneurs, it could be business relationships that we have. And here's what I would challenge you to do is, you know, start now and take an active role in appreciating other people.


And what I would challenge you to do is even over the next 24 hours, you know, just choose 10 people out of your cell phone and it doesn't matter who they are. It can be personal friends. It can be family. It can be business associates, whatever, but send 10 messages. And in those messages, let each one of those people know one thing that you genuinely appreciate about them. And don't ask for anything else in return. Don't even ask for a receipt.


in return, just send out some love and you watch what happens. Because it doesn't matter who somebody is, it doesn't matter if they're an entrepreneur, if they're running the business, it doesn't matter how successful they are, it doesn't matter how great things look for them from the outside looking in, there is not a person on the face of this earth that gets too much appreciation.


Heather (05:58.29)



Kevin Thompson (05:58.63)

And when we just show genuine appreciation for other people, it builds so much relationship capital so quickly that we create friends because they all, people always remember how we make them feel far more than anything that we can possibly say. So that is such an amazing way to just find your people and just create real meaningful relationships.


Heather (06:29.522)

So you have a podcast that's all about relationships, you guys. That's why he's great at relationships. I'm going to ask you some questions, more questions in a moment about relationships. But what's the name of the podcast just so everyone can check you out?


Kevin Thompson (06:42.884)

It's called a million dollar relationship.


Heather (06:45.854)

There you go. So because you interview people around their relationships and the power of relationships, I want to ask you another question around relationships. I love that tip about going into your phone and showing appreciation and gratitude for people in your life. And I find that a lot of entrepreneurs, it's funny, like you get grinding into the business and sometimes you forget to realize that you can ask for help and there's people in your network. So what's another tip that you might have for...


building good relationships.


Kevin Thompson (07:18.826)

Well, so the whole thing of just being of service, you know, and, you know, a lot of a lot of times people will ask us, you know, well, hey, you know, if there's anything I can do to help you out, be sure and let me know. And the challenge with that is it's kind of an open ended question versus if we get way more specific, and we ask them so fight for me. I mean,


Heather (07:24.177)



Kevin Thompson (07:45.95)

I'll phrase this in a way that would apply to everybody and then I'll phrase it in a way that I use it in my business. So if we instead ask somebody, you know, if I could do one thing for you right now that would be most helpful, most valuable, what would that one thing be for you? And see now we get them to think in very specific ways.


Heather (08:08.06)



Kevin Thompson (08:12.526)

And I know for me in my business, because I am a guy that is known for facilitating relationships that impact millions of people's lives. And of course, the natural byproduct of that when you're working with the right kind of entrepreneurs is that when you impact millions of lives, millions of dollars in revenue are also created, which in turn allows you to impact even more lives. And so, you know, I will quite often ask.


people because I'm always talking with entrepreneurs, you know, hey, what is the one thing that you're working on right now? What's the biggest problem we have? What's the biggest opportunity that you have that if you were able to talk with just the right person, what would that look like? What would that, you know, what would be most valuable for you in that vein? Because I would absolutely love to be able to facilitate that kind of a connection.


and it gets people thinking in very specific ways. And even if they aren't able, most of the time they will come up with a great answer. They'll be, man, let me, and they'll tell me. But even if they can't, it's like, man, Kev, that's a really good question. And I've gotta think on that a little bit. And that's okay too, because I let them know, hey, you can just keep that in your pocket, and whenever it does make sense, and if I can help you in some way,


Heather (09:08.286)



Kevin Thompson (09:37.87)

them, let me know. And I'll tell you, being of service to other entrepreneurs and even if we're not able to actually do that in that moment, people appreciate it so much and we build so much goodwill and so much relationship capital with people that they just want to help us in return as well.


Heather (10:00.554)

Excellent tips and I'm just curious when you ask that question to people how many of them actually have an answer immediately where they can go yes you know what I would love to talk to this person how many?


Kevin Thompson (10:11.618)

So if I had to guess, I would say probably about 90% of people that I asked that question of, they're going to have an answer right away.


Heather (10:19.698)

There you go. I just find that interesting to know because that's that whole thing where we keep our, we keep things close to our heart as business owners, a lot of us, right? And we're not asking for help, we're not going out there. But we know, we know what we want. We're just not, we're confused at how to communicate it. So that's why I asked that question. So I wanna know a little bit more about you, Kevin, and your background and what you're up to these days. So let's start by telling the listeners and myself.


What do you do outside of the podcast, which is amazing by the way.


Kevin Thompson (10:51.382)

Well, so I facilitate relationships that impact millions of people's lives. And the way I achieve that is by working with well-established entrepreneurs who are beyond the point in the business where they need to create cash flow for sustainability. They've already done that. And now their focus is on using their business.


Heather (10:59.376)



Kevin Thompson (11:18.466)

to make their biggest possible impact in the world. They want to make their biggest impact through their business, through their personal life, through their philanthropic efforts. And those are the entrepreneurs that I can really serve best because they've already got things going. When they have problems, they're usually larger problems. They're really valuable for that entrepreneur to solve those problems. Same thing with their opportunity.


They're really valuable when they solve for those and be able to take advantage of those opportunities and move forward. And so I love being the guy that helps get to solve that kind of stuff, solve those problems, help them take advantage of those opportunities and make their bigger impact in the world. And so that's what I do is I help entrepreneurs like.


Heather (12:10.97)

You are a true connector, in other words.


Kevin Thompson (12:15.312)

That is one way to put it, yes.


Heather (12:19.143)

Excellent. So I want to know how you got there because you have an interesting background. I know a little slice of, but how, like, how did you come from where you came from to, to decide this is what you were meant to do?


Kevin Thompson (12:32.526)

So I used to be in the publishing industry. I used to have a company in the publishing industry where we had created this training and over a 12-year period we sold over $16 million worth of that training. And I did that primarily through strategic partnering, partnering with other entrepreneurs who helped me get my message out into the marketplace. And over that 12 years I did almost 600 strategic partnerships.


And it was through that process that I really came to understand the value of relationships. And you know, treating people well, doing what we say we're going to do, honor our word, you know, say please and thank you, over deliver on our promises, all of those kind of things. And even when it came to the finances, you know, I compensated my partner's well.


And I was always happy to do that because if it weren't for them, my business wouldn't be growing like it was. My business wouldn't be making the kind of impact that it was. And so I was always really appreciative of all my partners. And I made sure that they knew that. I showed them by letting them know, by telling them, by compensating them financially, and through that process.


You know, what I found is one of the ways that I could serve people was by being this connector because I just love talking with entrepreneurs. I love finding out what they're working on, what their challenges are, what their problems are, what their opportunities are. And I always default when somebody's telling me about something, I just automatically default to well, who do I know that might be able to help with that? And so...


Heather (14:08.164)



Heather (14:23.09)



Kevin Thompson (14:24.03)

I'm able to facilitate those kind of connections and I've been doing that for years. About 12 years ago, I connected these two guys. Perry and Brian were the two guys. Brian worked for this major publishing company. At the time, they were a direct mail company. They mailed millions of pieces of direct mail every year. They were trying to figure out the Google AdWords cloud.


And he was telling me, he's like, Kev, this is not our thing at all. And we're trying to figure out that we're just pulling our hair out. And, and I'm like, well, you know, there's this guy, Perry Marshall, and him and his team, they are experts at using that platform. I said, you should talk to him and his team. They can totally help you with that. And, and he's like, well, do you know Perry? I'm like, yeah, I was like, I'm good friends with Perry. I'll get you guys connected. And so I did, I sent an email, introduced them and Perry's team did help out boardroom reports.


Heather (15:17.284)



Kevin Thompson (15:22.466)

And, but about a year later, Perry and Brian are hosting this seminar in Washington, D.C. It was called the Titans of Direct Response. And you'd heard of that? Okay. And so they're hosting this. And, and I was getting text messages from like three or four of my friends that morning who were in the audience at that event. And telling me that, hey.


Heather (15:31.959)

I know it, yeah.


Heather (15:36.222)



Heather (15:46.802)

Oh my god. Yeah.


Kevin Thompson (15:50.35)

Kev, they're talking about you from stage right now as they're opening up this event. And my buddy Paul Bingham messaged me and he's like, Kev, he's like, I'm here at this event that Perry and Brian are hosting. And they're talking about you from stage saying how this wouldn't even happen if it weren't for you connecting them and all this. And then Paul's comment after that was, Kev, one never knows where a well-planted seed will sprout. And it was that whole experience.


that got me thinking, man, wouldn't it be cool if I had a business where I got to do that all the time? And that was 12 years ago. And it took some time to germinate. It took some time to just kind of percolate. And I still had other things going. It was in 2017 that really took hold. I was having a conversation with another friend of mine who was like, Kev, he's like,


Why have you never held an in-person get together for all these amazing entrepreneurs that you know? And i'm like, I don't know. I was like, Tim, I guess I just never thought about it. And he's like, you know, Kev, I want to encourage you to think about it because if you did host something like that, I would totally come to it. And I'm like, I did a double take because I was talking with him on the phone, but I'm like, wait a minute. So like, if I held something and I held a get together, let's just say I did it right here at my home. I live in Arlington, Washington.


Heather (17:16.337)



Kevin Thompson (17:18.974)

up north of Seattle. And Tim, he actually lived in Florida. And I'm like, are you telling me that you would hop on a plane and you'd fly all the way across the country and you would come to an event if I held it at my home? He said, Kev, I would be there in a heartbeat. I'm like, why would you do that? I was like, why would you do that, Tim? And he's like, because I know that the other people you would invite would be the kind of people that I want to meet and get to know.


Heather (17:35.186)

That's great.


Kevin Thompson (17:49.63)

And I was like, wow. And so over the next six days, I started talking with people and said, hey, I'm thinking about doing this thing. The first six people I spoke with, which were all friends, they were like, Kev, if you do something like that, I would totally come to it. And that just launched this whole new thing. We did our first event in August of 2017. I did another one in September of that year, right here at my home, right on the other side of this wall.


Heather (18:19.045)



Kevin Thompson (18:19.114)

And those two events kicked off this whole thing and I have been doing this ever since.


Heather (18:25.454)

What's the name of the business? Your business. What's the name of your business?


Kevin Thompson (18:28.118)

What's what?


Kevin Thompson (18:32.534)

Well, the group that I run, I call it the Impact and Legacy Collective, and that's the name of the group I run. But really, I mean the podcast that you and I did an interview for Heather, that podcast, we launched that two and a half years ago, and that has become such an invaluable tool in the work that I do. So that has exponentially impacted everything.


Heather (18:35.142)

The group.


Kevin Thompson (19:02.114)

Because not only do I get to do these interviews and really get to know these entrepreneurs who are doing such great things in the world, but then those interviews are such unique interviews and because I'm asking about each entrepreneur's most valuable relationships, which for most of them is a question they've never been asked before. And so the conversation is it reveals a side of each of these entrepreneurs that most people


Heather (19:23.998)

Yeah, for sure.


Kevin Thompson (19:31.05)

never seen. And so all these interviews have become like just little snippets that I get to use when facilitating connections. Hey, you know what, I really want to connect you with Heather and here's why I want to do that. And I did this interview with her on my podcast. Go take a quick look at that because I think you're really going to connect with her and you're going to really appreciate what she's all about and what really inspires her to do what she does.


And that has become such an invaluable tool.


Heather (20:04.778)

Now I'm starting to understand the podcast and how it fits into what you do a lot more. You have a very, very clear intent on the podcast. And I find that people that have that clear intent on their, their podcasts, their content, whatever it is they're putting out into the world is the most important thing. So I get it. I get it, Kevin. I get what you're doing there. Smart. Love that. So around the, I want to know more about how you work with people. So


you have this group that you bring together. Is that, and that happens a couple times a year, is that right?


Kevin Thompson (20:39.026)

So we do live events a couple times a year and I also use Zoom very heavily. I host virtual roundtables. What I do is I get small groups of entrepreneurs together and I'm very intentional about who I invite. And the other thing, so by small groups I'm talking like three or four entrepreneurs at a time.


Heather (20:50.302)



Heather (20:55.356)



Heather (20:59.291)

Yeah, makes sense.


Heather (21:06.575)



Kevin Thompson (21:07.962)

I never let any of them know who else is going to be joining them for a roundtable. Because I don't want none of them Googling or researching each other or anything like that. I don't want them coming to the roundtable with any preconceived ideas of who they're going to be meeting. Hold on just a minute. I've got a barking dog and I'm going to let out here. So I'm sorry. I'll be right back.


Heather (21:30.874)

No problem. We'll edit it out.


Heather (21:51.475)

Ha ha!


Kevin Thompson (21:53.223)

I'm sorry about that.


Heather (21:55.218)

Don't even apologize. It's all good. We'll, I'll ask, I'll ask the question again. It will just clip all of it out. It's all good. No worries. So I want to ask, I'm, we'll take a back step on the events. I'd love to know how, if we could start with the Zoom and the events that you do. So I'll kind of feed into that. How does that sound?


Kevin Thompson (21:57.306)



Kevin Thompson (22:02.817)



Kevin Thompson (22:13.678)



Heather (22:14.758)

We'll do that. Okay. So, um, so I'll start with the question and we'll go from that. All right. So Kevin, what I'd love to know next is how you do these events. Cause you said you do like two a year. So fill me in on, on how often you do them and what they look like.


Kevin Thompson (22:29.75)

Okay, so yeah, we do a couple events each year in person and they're smaller events. The in-person events are smaller events. They're like 15 entrepreneurs at a time and I will, I go all out on these events. I mean, it's all about creating experience. So, our next event's coming up in the spring. I have, I've got one in March, one in April. We have secured this 20,000 square foot.


and we'll be hosting the events at this castle. And what I want for entrepreneurs, when they show up, they just get to show up and just be. They don't have to worry about anything. All the food is taken care of. In fact, like first night, we'll have a chef there cooking for us and stuff. All the meals are catered in and everything. We go out in the evening and we've got transportation to take us and shuttle us around.


And so that once they show up, they just get to show up and connect with the other people who are there. And I have a very specific process that I use for facilitating these conversations and really just right from the get go, giving everybody a real appreciation for who else is there and letting them know that like, wow, you are with some amazing people. And over the next couple of days.


we are going to facilitate some amazing conversations. You're going to leave here with new friendships, new relationships that you're just going to want to help and support each other and grow each other's businesses and help each other make a bigger impact in the world together. And so that's what we do in the live events. I also, I do the same exact thing virtually, the format is obviously a little bit different. When I do them virtually on Zoom,


I invite like three or four entrepreneurs at a time. And I never let anybody else know who's joining them because I don't want anybody Googling and researching each other in advance. I don't want anybody coming with any preconceived ideas about who they're going to meet. I just want them to show up, be themselves, come.


Heather (24:37.639)



Heather (24:42.693)

Yeah, yeah.


Kevin Thompson (24:51.338)

ready to contribute, to help, to serve, to pour into the other participants. And of course, everybody's gonna do that for you as well. But here's the biggie, because as entrepreneurs, most of us, we're great at giving, but we're not so great when it comes to receiving. And so I let everybody know that, yeah, you're gonna come and give, that's a give, and that's who you are. But I'm gonna set the intention with you right now that when you come, you're also gonna expand your receiving.


you're going to be able to receive as well. And you're going to receive more than you can possibly imagine. And I'm going to put you in with the right people, and I'm going to set the context at the beginning and just kind of facilitate that being able to happen. And so over the last six years, I've done over 350 of these virtual roundtables. And I will tell you that magic.


Heather (25:47.41)

Oh my gosh.


Kevin Thompson (25:51.182)

happens every single time. And it is absolutely, I mean, you'd think after doing it that many times, you know, it never gets old for me. I love doing that. I love facilitating that. I love seeing that transpire right in front of me in real time. And it's incredibly rewarding and satisfying.


Heather (26:18.51)

It sounds like you truly have found your purpose then, like for doing that many. That's incredible. Wow. Question for you. So with how this all works, is this like a membership that people can join? How do people get involved in this network of yours?


Kevin Thompson (26:33.646)

So actually, the round table, so the round tables, there is no charge for those, at least not right now, there's not, I've never had a charge for the round tables. So if you're listening to this, and you're the kind of entrepreneur that we're talking about, you know, you're an entrepreneur who is beyond the point of creating cash flow for sustainability in your business, and you are focused on using your business to make your biggest impact in the world.


and you're just a giving and generous person. If that is who you are, then by all means, I'd be honored to invite you to one of our upcoming round tables and stuff. And like I said, they're virtual and so we're just on Zoom. And so just get a hold of me and we'll just take it from there. We'll have a conversation. If it makes sense, I'll extend the invite to you and stuff. As far as my group, the way that I find my group completely candidly is


Heather (27:23.047)

This is brilliant.


Kevin Thompson (27:30.574)

through doing the podcast, through hosting these virtual roundtables, you know, I get to give. I get to give and provide value to other people, but simultaneously, I also really get to see how people show up and stuff. And so I totally, I mean, cherry pick isn't the right word, but I am looking, because I can't do what I do with just anybody. I have to focus on serving the right people.


who show up the right way because when I do that, it's so easy to do what I do. And it's like pulling teeth if I try to do it with the wrong people. And so through this whole process, I really get to see how people show up. And if it makes sense, I will invite them to have a conversation. If they join us for a round table and they're like, Kevin, man, that was an amazing experience.


and I would like to experience more of that, then if I feel the same way, we'll have a conversation, we'll explore what that looks like, and if it makes sense, I'll extend an invitation into the group and stuff, and it's that simple.


Heather (28:42.814)

Yes, man, wow, so good. How do people reach out to you? Because you said if you're interested in the sessions, reach out to me, how do they do that?


Kevin Thompson (28:52.078)

So you know the easiest way is on Facebook. I am Kevin the Connector on Facebook, Kevin Thompson. You can hit me up on Facebook and I'll tell you, you know, you can ship me a friend request but what I would do is suggest this. You know, we talked about the active appreciation challenge earlier. You know, hey, send messages to people in your life. Do that challenge. Do it with 10 people inside of a 24 hour period.


so that when you do message me on Facebook, I wanna hear about your experience with that. I wanna hear about, you know, Kevin, I did that challenge, that active appreciation challenge, and here's what came from that, here's what, I would love to hear about that, and what a great way to start a conversation and start a relationship.


Heather (29:42.898)

Absolutely brilliant. Do you know that I love that exercise so much. I put it into my calendar to make sure I continue to do it every single week, because I'm a big, big advocate of that. Like, and it's so important, and that's why I'm a believer as well, you know, busy growing your business and all that. Those important things, those important things for connections and community, you need to make sure that they're somewhere written down or in your schedule or something that you always commit to, because I completely...


Kevin Thompson (29:52.654)

That's awesome.


Heather (30:12.522)

agree that you love that you said that. So as we start to wrap up, people know where to find you to go on over Facebook. Guys, the challenge has been set. You need to go out there, do the challenge, show the gratitude, show the appreciation to people, reach out to Kevin, and then tell them how the challenge went. And then see if you guys are a good fit to jump on his round tables. Now, anything else that you'd like to say in regards to people that are out there growing their businesses, maybe floundering a little bit, struggling a bit?


They're definitely in that cashflow help. I need a team. I need to be a leader. I am wearing so many hats face. Anything you'd like to leave them.


Kevin Thompson (30:49.238)

Well, so here's the thing, you know, one thing, so I...


I used to look at a lot of other entrepreneurs, especially if I perceived them as being more successful than me. I would kind of put them on this pedestal and say, well, they're up here because look at how much more they've done than I have done. I put myself way down here somewhere. I would even think to myself, well, I couldn't possibly serve somebody at this upper level because I don't have the experience that they have. I don't have...


whatever I would tell myself. And I will tell you that after doing what I do, as long as I have now, and having so many conversations with so many entrepreneurs who are doing such big things in this world, I will tell you that no matter how successful somebody is, that we're all doing the very best we can with what we have. And it doesn't matter whether we're...


just getting started in business. It doesn't matter whether we've got a business doing 100,000 a month, a million a month, or 100 million a month. It makes no difference whatsoever. And so remember this, that everybody's going through challenges and stuff. We've made some progress, we've figured some certain things out, but we've also got challenges going on too at any given time. And we're all that way. None of us are any different. None.


Don't look at somebody else and think for a second, they're like, oh, because they're whatever, man, wouldn't it be nice to be them because they must have it all figured out. No, they don't. They've got something figured out that they don't have it all figured out. They're challenged, they're hurting, they got all the same kind of stuff going on. When we just genuinely care about other people and we start with appreciation.


Heather (32:35.89)

Ha ha.


Kevin Thompson (32:54.434)

That is going to open the door for just having some very real and meaningful conversations that you're going to be blown away by how much people they crave that, they want that, they're looking for people that they can truly trust and confide in. And we can be those people.


Heather (33:15.15)

Oh gosh, wow, what a beautiful way to end this conversation. You truly are a master at your craft of communication and relationships and networks. And it's been a pleasure to have this conversation and hear more about you and share these beautiful ideas, beautiful, simple tips that can make such a profound difference in people's lives and businesses. So thank you so much for being here, Kevin.


Kevin Thompson (33:38.45)

Absolutely my honor, Heather.


Heather (33:41.565)

Thank you.