Episode 73 Transcript

Heather (00:05.199)

Well Jemima, welcome to the show. How's it going?


Jemimah Ashleigh (00:09.072)

Thanks for having me. I'm so excited to be here.


Heather (00:12.17)

I have to you guys are gonna laugh this is such a good story so I had a appointment to do this show like a few weeks ago and then I had to cancel rudely on Jemima so sorry about that but anyway we were both at the BX Penential event up in the Gold Coast which you guys heard me talk about recently on the episode and we're sitting at the front table because we were both speakers up at the award ceremony and


I like two and two clicked and everyone somebody said, Oh, it's Jemima or whatever. I'm like, what the? Because it's an interesting name, right? So we literally met before this with this chat. So, yeah. Hey.


Jemimah Ashleigh (00:43.682)



Jemimah Ashleigh (00:46.978)

Yeah, it was so interesting. You run up to me, you're like, oh my God, I'm having her. I was like, all right. And cause we were speakers, we, you know, we're like the only other women speakers. And then, oh, it was just like, was this moment of we've been talking. It was so good. We've already met each other.


Heather (00:51.789)

You're a light plant.


Heather (01:01.653)

It was so good. I love, I love how it all works. And guys, you're going to love this chat because in.


these episodes, I'm always trying to bring you ideas and guests, you know, not only to talk candidly about how they deal with their overwhelm and try and stay from that away from the hustle and grind of growing a business, but also to help you guys grow smarter too. And there's nothing smarter than working out how to get visibility in your business with really great tried and tested tactics, which we're going to dig into. But you guys know how I like to start the show. I start with


some quick tips to get to know the speaker, or the speaker, and now I'm calling you the speaker, the guest. So, you're all the above. You are all the above and more. But so, let's start with, I wanna talk to you about times in your business, cause you do so much. I know you're launching something really exciting, which I'm gonna ask you about soon. But in these moments of high growth, high stress, how do you personally handle...


Jemimah Ashleigh (01:40.462)

I'll take it, I'll take it.


Heather (02:00.321)

these moments of growth, like what are three tips or tactics that you do to stay grounded and stay away from stress as best as you can?


Jemimah Ashleigh (02:08.31)

Yeah, so I think we need to acknowledge firstly that stress is just part of this, that we've actively chosen this and we're crazy, I get that. So you know, no one, you know, that thing about when people are like, do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life, respectfully disagree, you'll work 24-7 for the rest of your life in a business that you adore. Yeah, so the biggest thing for me is acknowledging, yeah, I am stressed and going, I can feel it happening.


Heather (02:28.459)

Good call.


Jemimah Ashleigh (02:37.558)

because in times like that, that I have felt overwhelmed and certainly the last few months I felt that way with, we'll talk about it a little bit later, but quite a stressful few months, when I've had many projects is I learnt very quickly that I need to listen to my body. And sometimes rest is as productive, if not more so than working. And what I have learned is the first thing is like, don't pretend that you're working.


So what I mean by this is sitting in your laptop and I've caught myself doing it, where I flip between one screen and I'm like, I'll do that later, I'll flip to another screen and then look at my other email and then I'm like, I might go to Facebook and I'm jumping back and forth. Firstly, like that's not, you're not actually doing anything and don't work in front of the TV. Like either work or watch TV, otherwise you do neither and you're still exhausted. Like you've not rested and you've not worked. The second thing is to take downtime in the way that makes sense to you.


Heather (03:25.793)

Yeah. Excellent.


Jemimah Ashleigh (03:33.826)

So for some people that I'm gonna go and do, I've got a netball class today, or I'm gonna go and do a dance class or a Zumba class, or just get away from it and hang around with people that aren't related to your business, just for a second. Like even if it's just an hour, go do like, and move your body in this moment. Go to the beach, go for a walk, put music on, dance, 90s dance party in your living room, all of this stuff gets you out of your head and just lets your cortisol levels reset a little bit.


And if you, we won't get too much into the science of it. I know that you guys will probably know all this, but if you don't reduce those down, it's just gonna keep building until you overflow. And if you don't rest your body, your body will rest for you. You've got to pick the time or the universe will pick it for you. And then finally is, really is to prevent myself needing that time and it gets really stressful, I building times so it isn't that stressful. So it's having Sundays off.


It's making sure that on Mondays when I have meetings first thing in the morning from one o'clock onwards at CEO time, I have things where I have to work on the business, not in the business, so I can grow and scale to change my business completely. So I make planning times to rest and planning times to do the work. So you don't have to worry so much. You're like, oh, this is good. It's working.


Heather (04:47.233)



Heather (04:52.237)

Really, really good advice. Thank you for that. And now that you guys know that about Jemima, you now have to know what she has built and what she's building because this is going to help give you some massive context. Uh, cause you do so much. Like you have, we'll talk about what you do, but you also travel, you speak around the world. Um, you yourself are visible everywhere. You've been on television shows like everywhere. So let's start by what?


Jemimah Ashleigh (05:17.283)



Heather (05:20.513)

do you do right now with your business?


Jemimah Ashleigh (05:23.67)

So I run a company called the visibility lab and we specialize in helping amazing bad-ass entrepreneurs who are killing it get visible and step into the spotlight. So we really, the problem that we solve is helping people who are really good at what they do but maybe not enough people know who they are. And we help get their personal brain correct. We help them build their social media correctly and get like, beat the algorithms, give you a social media strategy, which so many people like do social media, right? What does that mean?


Build a high level of network people around you. If you're the smartest person in the room, you're in the wrong room. To enter and promote yourself using media and PR. So showing you how to use the media for yourself. We're not a PR agency, we're not those people, but what we'll do is show you how to get it for free. And then finally awards, entering and winning awards. And for those who really want it, we can get you to speak from stage as well.


Heather (06:17.929)

Excellent. And you're working on something brand new, which you're saying is you're working to manage your stress right now. So what's this new thing? I know what it is, but tell everyone, what are you working on right now?


Jemimah Ashleigh (06:24.058)

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So for the last 18 months, we've been working on a project with Monash University. I've been very grateful that Monash University loved us and they were like, we love what you're doing. Let's build it. So I have this idea. Everyone talks about business awards all the time and you need to enter business awards and like have our we sat together at a business award. They're really fun to go to. But if you don't know they exist, how can you possibly enter them? So and this is the thing, I was spending hundreds of dollars per month on my VA is going out looking for like.


for awards, then you gotta find the questions, then you gotta figure out how to answer them. And I was like, why has somebody not made a register? And I was like, I should make a register. So last 18 months, we've been putting together and collating all this information into one portal. So it's called the Awards Portal, literally, and it has every single award in Australia. At the moment, it's just Australia, calm down, it'll stage two something.


But it's every local, national and international award that Australian businesses can go for. It's all professional awards, it's state-based, it's local awards, it's council awards, it's sort of the Australian Small Business Champion Awards, it's the Business Excellence Awards, all of them are in one location, all of the questions are also attached, and all the links and all the videos that you're going to need to complete the application form is all in one place. We've made this portal one of the key things that I've done, I think, very differently in my business.


is I wanted to, we were all startups at one point, I wanna make sure that we're helping people get through that first couple of bumpy five years, and so we're making this super reasonable at $15 a month. And I was like, there is no planet that I wanna make this $500 because the people that can afford that don't need it.


Heather (08:03.257)

Oh my gosh, $15 a month. Yeah, I'm just saying that again out loud. Is it real? When is it live?


Jemimah Ashleigh (08:06.001)

Yeah, that's it. Yeah, $14.99 if we're going to get real specific on the price. Yeah.


It's live now. Have we told many people about it? No, it went live during the business at the Business Excellence Conference. And so I'm about to take the stage and it goes live. And I was like, oh, am I meant to tell people now? Like, I had just been so focused on it. I was like, have we launched it? Was I meant to do something with this? It was a very surreal moment if I've really dropped the ball on this one. So it's live now. We're about to do a really big push into 2024. And it's going to be, our goal is to get this to sort of 2,000 people very quickly to add more awards. And we know that every week.


week more come out, more people are starting awards than ever before. It's so important. It's such a visibility tool for us. How would you end? The thing is, the thing with awards Heather, that I think people don't realize, there's only so many questions they can ask you. Why did you start your business as one of them? The next one will be, how do you market your business? Who do you work with? There's the first three questions of any application. If you do one good application and you do it well, you can do every other application for about 20 minutes.


In 20 minutes you can cut and paste most of them across.


Heather (09:16.317)

So two questions, what's the website URL for that?


Jemimah Ashleigh (09:17.804)



Jemimah Ashleigh (09:21.1)

It's jamamashley.com and then it just says members portal and you can go and sign up there. Easy.


Heather (09:26.169)

Excellent. Okay guys, that's where you go. Second question, because you do so much with visibility, now you have this new awards area and directory. What have you seen happen for somebody that wins an award? How does that help their business?


Jemimah Ashleigh (09:30.391)





Jemimah Ashleigh (09:41.602)

Oh, tenfold. Like you can actually put money like in your bank account just by having an award on there. And even just being a finalist, this is the other thing that I think is grossly underspoken about. Let me use an example that most people will understand. Have you ever, Heather, have you ever bought wine before?


Heather (09:56.771)



Heather (10:00.295)

Uh, no. Yes, of course.


Jemimah Ashleigh (10:02.547)

So you go to a wine shop, right? You're walking through the aisle and you see a bottle of wine and it's got a beautiful elephant on it. And it's got all these gold little sparkles around it. We love that. Then we're going to look at the other bottle who's only got one little sparkle on it. And we're like, oh, they're all gold and it's all very similar. Which one are you picking up?


Heather (10:08.247)



Heather (10:12.022)



Heather (10:19.109)

Oh, totally the sparkly one, the one with the... stuff going on. And the awards, funnily enough.


Jemimah Ashleigh (10:21.278)

100% yeah well interestingly I never said that they're winners I just said they had the sparkly thing on there and this is the thing with awards it doesn't matter if you're an awards finalist or a winner the other person could have won the award and only have won the other person put the finalists on there and so it doesn't matter if you're a winner or finalist the psychology is the same people go and actually it can be in your benefit to not necessarily have


Heather (10:30.889)



Jemimah Ashleigh (10:48.918)

the winner on there all the time, because people go, oh, she won an award, she must be expensive. Oh, she's a finalist, hugely. So what tends to happen? You win an award or become a finalist. What we tend to get our clients to do is celebrate that, firstly. Like, I just see people being, oh, we've won it, and don't tell anyone. Just look it up on social media. Let people know that you're one of the top 10 in Australia, or top 20 in Australia. And that is not to be scoffed at. That is extremely important. And when you see people get up there, everyone's a winner, you are.


Heather (10:52.659)



Jemimah Ashleigh (11:18.25)

And I think we need to really kind of grab hold of that a bit more and the reality of how serious it is that you're in the top 10 or top 20. What happens then is we have people go to the awards. Heather, what happens if you're sitting in an awards table? What happened to the people at the table that you were sitting with?


Heather (11:34.913)

Well, clapping, cheering, yeah, and the dancing that happened after. Yeah, I mean, everyone's, oh yeah, totally.


Jemimah Ashleigh (11:36.846)

Other than the amount of wine we all drank, of course, which we were, stop, too many cigarettes. So good. But you had conversations. You sat with people in the same caliber as you. You sat in a high level network room and you had conversations. From that, people are taking photos. You're being tagged, you're getting seen. I have so many photos I got tagged in later and I was like, I don't remember that photo being taken. People were like, can I get a photo of you, sure. Like, oh my God, that's the worst photo ever taken of me. But you're getting visible.


Heather (11:50.102)



Jemimah Ashleigh (12:04.21)

You get to go to this award, you get to prove what you're doing. And the thing is, if you do one award, it's one thing. But if you do 20 of that on repeat and you go to these places. Maybe you're in the room, people will get to know your name. A thousand people, you know, as we sat, we were very finalist for awards. Our names got read out in front of a thousand people. That is significant and should not be scoffed at either. So these things, that's just for one award. These things can come out of it. And that was, you know, some awards have media immediately come out of it.


Heather (12:24.928)

I love it.


Jemimah Ashleigh (12:33.694)

You know, the Business Excellence Awards will have a magazine that's attached to that that's going out to everybody. That will go out for the next three months. Our names are going to be like winner and finalist.


Heather (12:38.069)



Heather (12:43.361)

Yeah, oh God. All right, so I'm gonna talk, because there's only one little slice of what you do, and obviously this is a very new thing that you're launching too, but now I wanna talk more holistically. If you could think of somebody that you've recently helped, I'm happy for you to give a shout out or not up to you, and walk me through, walk me through the before and after so we can actually understand all the facets of what you do with a business.


Jemimah Ashleigh (12:52.654)



Jemimah Ashleigh (12:58.758)



Jemimah Ashleigh (13:05.854)

Yeah, so we work with people in varying different degrees of where they are in the business. So we have, and I'll give you real names here, and I have permission to tell these stories, we have one of our clients is Mark Rosenfeld, oh you see him as the first example, he is Australia's number one, like biggest YouTuber, like he has the most amount of followers, but his branding was terrible and I was like we need to fix that, fixing that and renaming his courses, like he's already got money coming in, that's one thing.


The people that I love working with more and the people that have ideas and come to us and go, this is what I want to do. Firstly, the lab is a business coaching program, but we just want to help amplify quicker and make you more money. So I'm going to use my beautiful friend Mel Watson as an example here. She's one of our clients. Mel comes to me with an idea that she's like, I want to start. She has a gift box service is what she's been doing. And they are wonderful for presents and gifts. But she's like, I want to get more into this holistic approach.


Heather (13:39.775)



Heather (13:45.706)

Yeah, yeah.


Jemimah Ashleigh (14:01.99)

of helping people doing wellness boxes. So she comes up with this idea of helping women with a simple idea. I wanna help them get the zest back in their life. So she creates a business called The Zest Collective. It is a, so what we did is worked with her to build the brand and build what the business was gonna do. We talked about like how much is this gonna cost. We did the pricing for her, like if it's gonna cost 49.99 versus 79.99, what's the psychology of the purchasing? We helped her create the logos, get the branding, get the colors by the boxes.


And just that there's really simple things, but then create not just the package, but how about the online portal that now gives you recurring revenue and you've got money coming in. So people join and every three months they get another beautiful box in the mail that's absolutely branded. Social media was put to, she's now been a finalist for a couple of awards. And she's been in the media a couple of times now. And that's within about seven months, probably less than that, six or seven months. So I've built all of that for her.


Heather (14:56.473)

from idea to actually having awards portal.


Jemimah Ashleigh (14:58.694)

I did to Action and she's been finalist for awards. There's people that say I haven't been in business long enough. There's this thing called New Business Awards and they're like under 12 months only. Crazy, hear me out.


Heather (15:02.838)

Oh my god.


Heather (15:11.714)

Oh my god. Okay. So, so back to that again. So you mentioned the lab. Was she a member of the lab or?


Jemimah Ashleigh (15:12.756)



Jemimah Ashleigh (15:18.546)

Yeah, so she watched me on social media apparently for a very long time and stalked me for a bit on there and was like, you're super visible, I want to learn how you do this. So she made an appointment, reached out and I was like, I like this idea and I think we can do something with it. The key things for her were she needed something repeatable. She needed to have something where you have recurring revenue, especially with a tactile product. It's very hard to have that repeat stuff. So I was like, why don't you have a program attached to it? Why don't you have something that people are paying?


Heather (15:22.348)



Jemimah Ashleigh (15:47.49)

you know, $50 or $100 a month recurring. And, you know, and those, those fifties and hundreds, they had up really quickly.


Heather (15:55.945)

Oh, I mean, it's the same. And what's beautiful about it, it's so smart to scale with, right? Cause you have the same product and the same systems and you just keep making sure it works better and better and better and test and measure as you grow. So, absolutely brilliant. So talk to me a little bit about, with her too, I wanna understand, cause you were saying, you know, we came in, helped with the concept and then the packaging and then the socials. Like, do you, how do you?


Jemimah Ashleigh (16:07.966)

Yeah. So that was one client.


Heather (16:21.689)

that? Do you actually do design and builds or like how where do you come into all of it?


Jemimah Ashleigh (16:26.978)

Yeah, so we have, we have incredibly talented team around us. So one of the things we have as a graphic designer pretty much full time on board. The other thing I've done is gone and done a lot of certificates and all of this stuff because I loved it and I wanted to be better at it and to give. So we have and we have things ranging from, you know, a hundred dollars to get your social media done and up work. And people that we've tried and tested that I was like, you know, and a hundred dollars is extremely reasonable for getting four. I think we get 20 Canva.


Heather (16:33.771)



Jemimah Ashleigh (16:54.158)

created just with their branding. And I'm like, and I don't have to deal with that. And then I can go and edit it. They can edit it as well. But then we've got other designers at two, $3,000 to do the entire branding stuff. So we meet people where they are. And that's really important. I think because a lot of places like, no, this is our only referral partners. This is the only people we do it. And I think that that's really challenging. So we take this as every client is different. What do you need and how can we help facilitate the bridges? So sometimes it's not just us creating it, but we're definitely gonna hand hold through that process.


Heather (16:56.17)



Jemimah Ashleigh (17:23.902)

And that's the superpower that we have is because we're going to help you do it, not tell you what to do, but also be there as a bit of a sherpa through that first time. Because if we get it right now, the amount of money that you can make is, is endless. You can make as much money as you want to at the other end.


Heather (17:40.097)

I'm really sensing that with you, Jemima. And you're telling me, you know, like you, you really want to be there for people no matter where they are in the journey, which is why you have a 14.99, you know, per month awards. Like you, I can feel that you're so passionate, like genuinely passionate about helping people and making sure that they are, be able to grow. And that is getting rare, I'm finding. So kudos to you for really genuinely caring and developing systems and products to support somebody no matter where they are in the journey.


Jemimah Ashleigh (17:49.343)



Jemimah Ashleigh (17:56.343)



Jemimah Ashleigh (18:09.206)

Thank you. And it's true. Like I just, what broke me into this kind of idea was early in my business journey, I read that 97% of female led startups failed in the first five years. In the same day, I read that women, particularly, are responsible for 85% of all household purchases and household items. So that's, and it's the little stuff that I think gets us. We have to take the dog for a walk.


Heather (18:23.916)



Jemimah Ashleigh (18:38.322)

he has to go to bed, we have to pick the kids up, we have to get them, we're out of milk. I'm as well just going at the mail. I have to go and do that thing. And this stuff over time, sure it's a five minute or a 10 minute task, remember an hour at the stretch, but that's 20 and 30 hour weeks that we're potentially putting into other things that we're picking up responsibility for. So if you're starting a business, you have finite amount of time to make this work before something has to give. If we can streamline that process, I truly believe we can level the playing field.


just to whether it's a good idea or a bad idea or a business. I think women's businesses fail because we have other things that we have to deal with. What if we can literally create hacks and tools in every aspect of this and give you a business blueprint that you can afford that's meeting you where you are? What if we change the way we thought about this and like, this is the only program, this is how you have to do it, it has to be $20,000 a year, why? What if it's a startup? Why can't we find some solutions here for $5,000, but we...


Heather (19:31.764)



Jemimah Ashleigh (19:37.87)

promise you that we're going to work with you to get that money back as soon as possible and then you can pay us more when you're ready. Like that works for us. I just never understood how we keep saying that business is so great and then we just don't want to see other people succeed at the same time.


Heather (19:45.706)



Heather (19:54.249)

Oh my gosh, isn't that the truth?


Jemimah Ashleigh (19:56.81)

Yeah, that would like that if I could summarize that into a sentence, I'd put that in my head. Like, just give everyone women just have equality. And I don't just work with many women either. I just work with men. Don't just work with women either. We bring a lot of guys in, but they all love women. They were like, yeah, women have great ideas.


Heather (20:05.409)



Heather (20:12.001)

Yeah. Oh my gosh, man. So good. Okay. I want to change gears a little bit and talk about visibility. Cause suddenly I'm hearing, I'm hearing voices of listeners in my head right now, and one of them is probably sane, but like, who am I to be visible and like, why me and, and like what, so what makes somebody worth visibility?


Jemimah Ashleigh (20:19.063)



Jemimah Ashleigh (20:34.242)

Someone worth visibility, interesting.


Heather (20:36.715)



Jemimah Ashleigh (20:38.258)

It's a, it's a, the first thing I always say to people when I start, when I meet them, particularly in business is, uh, what problem do you solve? And who do you solve that problem for? Those are the two questions. And that was probably what would be on my headstone, uh, because my clients hear this all the time. What problem do you solve? Who do you solve this problem for? And then if you can answer those, you get a very, very clear idea of what that person's vision is, but also where they're wanting to go with it.


Heather (20:54.632)



Jemimah Ashleigh (21:08.258)

What's important about that and getting that clear is what problem you solve is often, you know, I want to help women grow their business and that's the core thing. I want to help children get educated in and learning their ABCs. You're not just a teacher who are like helping children grow and educate. Um, you don't just have a business where you service cars, you're actually helping families get to where they want to go to and safely.


making sure people can afford to make sure they can. So when you get down to the core thing of what problem they solve, I hear this all the time about, yeah, but who's gonna wanna buy my product? I'm just one in a thousand people. That's true. In many circumstances, that's true. But if you can solve that problem for somebody, if someone has that issue that you solve, if I can help get a business up, if I can stop the hustle culture, if I can stop a business...


Heather (21:36.598)



Jemimah Ashleigh (22:05.518)

closing a year, give them and buy them an extra six months so they can get it working to bring revenue in so that they can spend more time with their kids. Who am I not to solve that problem for somebody? If I can help them and they want my help anyway, the only thing that's stopping me is myself. And a big reason I'm doing that is because I'm scared of what's gonna happen next. I'm scared of growing into that next version of myself and don't get me wrong, that is rough.


Heather (22:26.039)



Jemimah Ashleigh (22:34.742)

that when you do that, that she's an adventure that I do not recommend you do alone. You need to have good people around you. I keep talking about high level network for a reason. You have to have shippers and people following you on this journey and helping you. Some of our people is very real, but if you're, you've got to, like, you have to help people if you can. It has to come from this core of like, you, you're still that problem. You owe it to not only other people, but yourself. And if you're the only problem, if you're the person getting in your own way.


that's where the problem needs to be addressed. The biggest reason is going to be imposter syndrome. Who am I to do this? 100% but it feels like imposter syndrome because it is. We only get imposter syndrome when you've never done something. It's like you're... Heather do you remember the first time you ever drove a car by yourself?


Heather (23:15.661)

Very good.


Heather (23:23.204)



Jemimah Ashleigh (23:24.182)

Yep, visually, like you're gonna be like, I'm holding the steering wheel and I'm doing the thing. And then like, I jumped in the car the other day to go and get a friend from the airport. And I swear, I can't tell you what roads I took, where I went, if I followed the speed limit, I don't know. Like I checked out, I was on the phone. Yeah, because I've done it so many times. But that first time you're like, everyone buckling is gonna be rough. I don't know what's gonna happen. I don't know, was the car gonna go? Like you were so aware of it. The thing is like, you know, we both did keynotes the other day. Sure, there was some butterflies.


Heather (23:35.605)

You tell you tap out. Yeah.


Heather (23:45.649)

Yeah, yeah. Yeah.


Jemimah Ashleigh (23:52.798)

Sure, we felt excited about doing it. You're excited getting mic'd up and you're good about it. But the first time I remember being like, I'm gonna die. I'm pretty sure today I'm gonna have a heart attack on stage. You are having imposter syndrome because for right now you are an imposter. And not only am I through with doing it. And it's like going swimming. Throw yourself off the end of the pier and for that first 10 seconds, you can't breathe properly. Woo, that's a bit chilly. Oh my gosh. You will get used to the-


Heather (24:04.321)



Heather (24:17.305)

So well said and thank you for taking the conversation in that direction because that's actually where I wanted it to go. I feel, I just feel like people when they hear the word visibility, they go into that little, oh, I'm not worth it, little state of mind. So that is a helpful and good little pick me up. So now I'm going to change and go into some tactics around visibility. So we've spoken about awards, which are incredibly amazing, just in all the different ways you've talked about them from the networking to the yet amazing. What other tips do you have around?


Jemimah Ashleigh (24:37.559)



Jemimah Ashleigh (24:41.942)

Super helpful. Yeah.


Heather (24:47.005)

visibility to get yourself out there.


Jemimah Ashleigh (24:50.034)

Yeah, so the first one is you have to, this is a fatal mistake I say with women all the time, they tend to build their business brand instead of their personal brand alongside with it. Heather, is this your first business that you've worked with?


Heather (24:59.026)



Hell no.


Jemimah Ashleigh (25:04.402)

Interesting. I didn't know that, but I was pretty sure I was betting on good money here. This is my third business. I've sold two of them. When I close, like, this is my, oh, it's my fourth, actually, fourth business. Um, if I just built my business brands and no one ever knew I existed, how can I possibly, why do you know Mark Zuckerberg's name? Why, if I say that, he's built a beautiful brand alongside who paid for the movie The Social Network.


Heather (25:30.241)

Ha ha!


Jemimah Ashleigh (25:30.878)

You build your personal brand alongside. You have to have yourself out there as well. And, you know, people say, I don't want to be in front of the camera. You're going to have to. We no longer trust corporations and companies, you know, if we see no faces on it. What we need to do is see the people that are behind it. We have to build the know, like and trust and building a personal brand is by far the quickest one. Second is get very, very intentional with your social media. I cannot believe how many people in this day and age get social media wrong. I'm like, it's yes, it's.


Heather (25:38.474)



Jemimah Ashleigh (25:58.77)

It's clunky and it's a pain in the butt, but you know, 76% of people last year, well, and that will be similar this year, at the end of 2023. In 2022, 76% of people went to Google, went to Facebook for recommendations over Google. The reason they did that is because we trust our friends. We know we can buy Google property. We know that when we type in Italian restaurants, you're going to get the restaurants got the most money. It's throwing in a Google ad.


Heather (26:15.029)

Isn't that crazy?


Jemimah Ashleigh (26:29.642)

What you're going to do is ask for other people's recommendations because we trust our friends. Social media, you have to be on it. If you're not on it, you're not even playing the game and you might as well just get off the board basically. Um, with social media, again, you have to have some personality in there. You have to have expertise and you have to have ask for in sales posts. It surprises me how many people don't say like, Hey, do you want to come and try the lab? Do you want to come and just buy this product for $50? Hey, it's 40% off today. People don't have these conversations.


Heather (26:34.819)



Jemimah Ashleigh (26:59.802)

And you're assuming people are going to take action. People are very good with calls to action. So be mindful of that. Main air and PR, immediately, if you're trying to get free main air and PR, I've been featured about 350 times in like podcast and media. Yeah, I'm busy. Yeah, I just like my full podcast this week. But here's the thing. I'm getting a speaking stage. Are you joking? Why would I not take that? Oh, I was on sunrise a few days ago. That was really fun.


Heather (27:13.237)

What? There's so much!


Heather (27:19.641)



Yeah. Totally.


Jemimah Ashleigh (27:28.17)

And I like, again, taking photos of it, I'm sharing it on social media, but also I didn't pay for any of that. And so it's so easy to get free stuff. And I like to say like, it's bread crumbing in some, like it's, you know, every day I do one podcast, I go to one event, I meet Heather, Heather's like in virtue of the podcast, you know, someone else will have a conversation about me after this or follow me on Instagram. They might buy my book. Like we don't know what's gonna happen, but there is opportunities if you say no to them. Wine is always greater than zero, yeah. Go and get sauce bottle.


Straight away, if you're living in Australia or New Zealand, source bottle is absolute king. There are media opportunities every day coming out for experts of every single type. Secondly, I want you to, if you're targeting American and Canada, if you will, I want you to go and look at HARO, H-A-R-O, help a reporter out. Go and get those, go and have a look at their journalists right now that are looking for sources and you can help them.


And finally, enter awards and then our great little portal. You can go check out if you don't want to have to spend hours figuring it out.


Heather (28:30.214)

Really? Do you know a portal? Do you mean the one you've worked on for a year and a half of your life?


Jemimah Ashleigh (28:31.598)

Hmm. Yes, exactly.


Heather (28:37.441)

Man, I can't wait to get in there as well. I'm just gonna be shouting out, like, by the way, that portal is going out in my newsletter with this podcast that's going on my resources page on my website of tools I love. I haven't even been in it yet, but I already love it.


Jemimah Ashleigh (28:48.47)

Would love that. I got you, I got you. I'll set you up.


Heather (28:53.589)

Um, so to recap on that, so basically social media, you guys will first of all, to take one step back. That was a beautiful little chat around self-worth and imposter syndrome and just get out of your own way. You guys get on the socials, you got to be on the socials and awards. You now have no excuse. 14.99 a month. You guys come on. I mean, really? And then after that, yeah, I know. Right. So you got your socials, you got your awards.


Jemimah Ashleigh (29:09.25)



Jemimah Ashleigh (29:15.938)

We're betting on it, we've literally bet on it.


Heather (29:22.537)

Now the PR and the media piece, do you help people do that in the lab? How do they get help with that?


Jemimah Ashleigh (29:28.642)

So yes, definitely, we can definitely help people with that. We have a price of starting at 350 a month all the way through to depending on how much coaching you need. But meeting up here, this stuff is really easy to get for yourself as well. We just give you the tools and show you how to do it. So one of the things, joke that we have at the lab is, come learn from us and then fire us as quickly as possible. Go learn your stuff, get in and out. Like come and learn your things. And I think it's really important. Like I don't need you to be here forever.


Heather (29:51.198)



Jemimah Ashleigh (29:55.51)

But I want you to learn how to do it for yourself and advocate. I'm good at pitching for people. I'm great. I'm so good. I can get anyone to meet your interview. That's easy. But I prefer to teach you how I do it so you can do it for yourself.


Heather (30:07.321)

That's the thing, because I know source model very well. And I know that like I've watched entrepreneurs get it, get the newsletter that comes in, and their eyes glaze over. And then they immediately go, I could be on that, but how do I talk about myself? So I love that you offer that assistance to learn how to pitch.


Jemimah Ashleigh (30:11.031)



Jemimah Ashleigh (30:20.722)

Yeah, well it's not rocket science, it's actually very repeatable. We have this running joke that all of this should take 20 minutes a day.


Heather (30:30.026)

So good. Oh my gosh.


Jemimah Ashleigh (30:31.274)

Yeah, that's all I ever spend on it. But at least it's my whole business.


Heather (30:35.233)

You know what I love about this conversation is that so many people dive into specific tactics like go on to Google ads or you know meta ads and there's definitely you want all these channels working simultaneously especially as you're growing and you're scaling but like the leverage behind just one award or be just being a finalist or just getting that TV gig like the leverage behind something like that and some of them like you said are free are is phenomenal.


Jemimah Ashleigh (30:45.843)





Heather (31:02.645)

I mean, it's incredibly powerful. And I feel like a lot of businesses these days forget about this piece.


Jemimah Ashleigh (31:07.842)

And I think for me, I've built my entire business off it because I knew very early on that I had a good reputation. I wasn't trying to screw anyone over. So my personal brand was good. I had good people around me very early on, you know, and those people sometimes were in the computer. Sometimes they just didn't learn in my real world. Sometimes it was Gary Vee in my ear, just talking me through, you know, get over your shit and keep going, mate. Like, like, and he was talking to a thousand people, but I'm like...


Heather (31:19.627)



Heather (31:31.553)



Heather (31:35.191)



Jemimah Ashleigh (31:37.602)

It's me, it's me. You know, I've later gone to meet Gary and tell him that story and he named me Google Girl because I used to like call him, like I used to Google him so frequently to listen to his podcasts. You know, social media, I just don't understand why people aren't leveraging off that more or just because I was at an awards night last month doesn't mean I can't share a photo from that again moving forward. Like people just think these life experiences happened and I can't ever talk about them again. It's...


All of this stuff should be really tactile and very easy to do and should be extremely repeatable and you can get media for free. I get constantly $10,000 for the cover of a magazine. On what planet? If I have $10,000 to pay my way into a magazine, this is not what I'm spending that money on.


Heather (32:19.166)

I know, right?


Jemimah Ashleigh (32:21.09)

Paid awards, that's the other thing, or application forms that are like $2,500. I was like, what are you doing? Why? Paying for the award, you're buying a place on that trophy, that's, for me, unacceptable. And you can do it for free. I promise you, you can do it for free. It's just gonna cost you some time, and you will make money on the other end. I've not had one client that has another TV interview on a couple of months. I've never had someone that has been like, I gotta close my books, I've got too much visibility, I didn't make any money.


Heather (32:51.101)

I really feel like you're an advocate for small businesses. Like you're doing really amazing things. And I want you to remind people how to come and find you. So where do they go learn about you?


Jemimah Ashleigh (32:59.662)

Yeah, super. Okay, so I'm super visible. The best thing about it. Super easy to find Jemima Ashley. So I'm on LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram. I'm most active on Instagram. We do a lot of stories and very contactable there. It's just me on that account too. So like you are, just going to talk to me. I'm available at my website jemimaashley.com and you can email me. I'm sure it's all in the


Heather (33:16.141)



Heather (33:25.085)

Love it, you guys. You okay, like I said, no excuses, everyone. You got to get over there and get into that membership. Come on guys, do this. Now, as we wrap up, are there any last words, anything that's come to you in this conversation that you want to leave the listeners with?


Jemimah Ashleigh (33:40.438)

are two things that I keep that I think your listeners might probably understand. The first thing is with this stuff, Dunny's always going to be better than perfect. You are never going to feel like it's enough or that you're ready or to like, I don't know whether I should send this to SourcePoll, no one's proofed it, just send it. The what's the what's going to happen? I don't think you're going to explode, like give it a go, like what's the worst that's going to happen?


Um, and second, I sort of said it in passing earlier, but I really want to come back to it because it's so important. This very basic idea of one is greater than zero. What will happen is that when you do one podcast, another opportunity will present itself. When you do that opportunity, another opportunity will present itself. And you have to advocate for yourself in this situation. You're going to have to do, you're going to have to be in some dirt for a bit. Um, you're going to have to eat a frog a little bit here, but what's really important here is that.


that one is greater than zero. Any opportunity, you have to say yes to every opportunity that's presented to you until you can afford to say no. And I say this to my clients all the time, one is greater than zero. This podcast has only got 100 people downloading it. Jamming people in that situation would die if you put them in front of 100 people on stage and they're like losing their mind. They're like, I can't do it, it's too many people. No, it's not, you'll be fine. It's 100 people, that's 100 people that are gonna hear what you're gonna talk about.


Heather (34:58.149)

It's a hundred people! Yeah.


Jemimah Ashleigh (35:03.422)

Are you joking? Take that opportunity!


Heather (35:03.437)

They are going to tell people, they're going to tell friends, they're going to tell family, they're going to tell colleagues. It's like that ripple. You have no idea how far it'll go to you.


Jemimah Ashleigh (35:11.202)

So done is better than perfect. Just do it. You're never gonna feel like it. It's never gonna be the right time. Just do it. And you're never gonna feel like the right time to enter an award. It's a pain in the butt to do the first one. I'm not gonna lie. It's the reason we've given you lots of videos on it. But secondly, like more importantly, one is greater than zero. Always see us for the opportunities because if you don't, you don't have the opportunities what could come out of those. The money, the opportunities, the other people that you're gonna meet.


Heather (35:13.623)



Heather (35:39.741)

Excellent. Oh, so good. I'm loving this chat. It was so good. I feel like lifted up and inspired. And I know a lot of people are going to be there listening as well. And thank you for being here because I know you have a lot going on and it's been an honor having you pull you out of your life and your business for 30 minutes to have this chat.


Jemimah Ashleigh (35:57.39)

Oh, thank you for having me. I'm great. Anytime, you're kidding, this is the stuff I live for. I'm like, how can I help as many people as possible?


Heather (36:05.862)

Perfect. Thank you. Thanks to you guys as always for tuning in. Head over to the show notes. You know, you need to go click on those links and get signed up. Do not delay. Do it now. Pull over on the side of the road and freaking sign up for you're going to forget.


Jemimah Ashleigh (36:17.399)

Drive safely, drive safely, drive safely, please. Get sweet going.


Heather (36:22.277)

Alright you guys, thanks, talk soon.