Episode 6 Transcript


All right, so picture this. I was 18 years old. I was lying back on a leather chair, you know, like the ones that you sit in at the dentist's office. I was on a leather chair. Don't remember it might've been fake leather. It felt old. It felt a bit rough under my skin. And I was leaning back and I had my drawing in my hand. So I had, um, worked hard on this little drawing. And you know, had all the little clean pencil lines and all the clear colors in it and I handed it to the artist and I said I want this on my ankle and that was when I got my very first tattoo. I was just outside of a city called San Luis Obispo. I don't know if you guys know where that is. Very few people do. We used to call it Slow Town in California. It was where I had just started going to Uni or University or college depending on where you are and you're listening to this and I was really excited to get my very first tattoo and Man, did it hurt but I grit my teeth and I bare I just got in there and let it happen and Then suddenly it seemed to be everywhere in California tattoos were everywhere and we're talking like a while ago, right? So I'm in my 40s. This is when I was 18 And it was everywhere on her ankle at the same time I did. I was noticing it on guys and girls and I just seem to be kind of like an explosion of a trend. Now I moved to Australia in 2003 from California and I remember when I first came over here and I didn't really see tattoos on anybody except for you know convicts and people that were like the bikeys or the bikers as we as we call them bikeys over here in Australia. and you didn't see them on teenagers and you didn't see them in like 20 somethings like I was used to in California in the States Now that was when I first came over here now suddenly it seems like in the past 10 years It's everywhere everywhere in Australia as well, too My 20 year old stepson is lined up for his third tattoo. He's only 20 He's actually going to get a consult this weekend I think is this weekend early next week the artist to talk through the third piece, the masterpiece of art that he's gonna get on his body for his tattoo. So here's why I'm telling you all these these stories or this backstory about tattoos. Well first of all they're addictive right? If you have one you know. Secondly I do have two I am gonna get one of them fixed up. But thirdly I see them everywhere. Everywhere. Is that because they Is it because I'm now looking for them? Have a think about that. So question for you, have you heard of something called the reticular activating system or your ass as we commonly call it in the personal development industry? The reticular activating system. So what it is, the RIS is a bundle of nerves at our brain stem and it regulates sleep and awake time basically. Neuroscience fields also believe it filters out unnecessary information. So the important stuff gets in to our brains. And then we basically help to choose what that information is. We can be more hands on with what we choose our brain to focus on. So for example, picture the last time you were in a at a conference or you were at a party with a lot of people. full of conversations all around you lots of noise yet immediately you snap to attention when someone says your name or a name that sounds similar to your name there's a lot of activity going on around you so how is it that your brain can work out how to tune in to that word also you might be learning a new word and or it's a new slang word I'm constantly surrounded by new slang words with my two step sons, 20, you know, just kind of introduced you to to Reese there and then we have the other one Curtis. They're always bringing home new slang words and suddenly you know I hear it and then I tend to hear it everywhere right? So think about that maybe there's a word or jargon or something that you're learning in your field of study and now suddenly you feel like you hear that word everywhere. Or maybe you're thinking about buying your next car and you've researched the make and the model and the color and what you suddenly you see the car everywhere. You're on your neighborhood walks, or at least I do sometimes, and you see the cars parked everywhere on the side of the road. You see them in the traffic wherever you're going. That, some might say, would be your ass in full blown example of how it works. So I first learned about the reticular activating system when I worked for Tony Robbins, the motivational speaker, inspirational speaker, as he would say. I worked for him back in the day in San Diego for a few years. fascinating when I first heard about it because he talked about it a great deal back then. And then there's also there's other people out there that talk about it a lot now too. The way I think of it is this, what you focus on you get. What you focus on you get. So if you care about positivity for example you will become more aware of positivity and you'll look for that in negativity right? Maybe that's you maybe you're having a time in your life right now with your business where you're stressed out and overwhelmed and everything just seems really hard or really difficult really negative and you're spiraling into that sort of way of seeing the world. One of the thing I want to leave you with is this. So maybe just maybe if you focus on overwhelm, then perhaps that is also what you'll become aware of and seek out. So in the future, going ahead, day to day in your business, what do you want more of? Remember what you focus on is what you get regardless of if you at work. There's definitely a lot of examples out there that prove that what you pay attention to you start to notice more of. So guys, a little challenge for you. What do you want more of in your life or business? Start focusing on that. And as always, thank you so much for tuning in. It means the world to me no matter how you're tuning into this podcast, whether it's on YouTube, by the or wherever else you're listening to this podcast. Please let me know what you think, pop me a review, leave me a comment and I'd love to know from you as well. Do you ever experience RIS in action? Do you even believe in it as well? And until next time have a fantastic rest of your week and do your best to bring more joy into your life. Thank you guys. Talk soon. Bye.