#27: Michelle Prince: From Zig Ziglar to publishing bestsellers and why you need a book too

"He made an enormous impact in the world, not just for the people that read the book, but for his business."

Have you ever considered writing a book?

After you hear this conversation with Michelle Prince you night change your mind.

Michelle is a multi-talented entrepreneur and bestselling author and is the CEO of Performance Publishing Group.  She has published books for speakers all the way through to a carpet cleaning company. (You need to hear this case study!)

Get ready to learn how writing a book can establish authority, attract new opportunities, and even generate a seven-figure return on investment.


Episode at a glance….

[00:03:39] The power of outsourcing.
[00:07:04] A book as a business card.
[00:13:55] Book publishing and platform building.
[00:17:41] Self-care practices.
[00:21:52] Finding passion and hope.
[00:27:23] Overcoming overwhelm and stress.
[00:27:59] Taking chances in life.

About the Guest

The Hustle Rebellion Michelle Prince

Michelle Prince is a best-selling author, motivational speaker, publishing expert, leadership coach, host of The Power of Authority Spotlight podcast and CEO/Founder of Performance Publishing Group, a partner publishing company dedicated to making a difference, one story at a time. 

She’s helped thousands tell their stories and has published many successful books of her own, including her best-selling Winning In Life Now, The Power of Authority, andSHINE Through Your Story. She is known as "America’s Productivity Coach", is a certified Human Behavior Consultant and dedicates herself to helping leaders impact the world, using the strengths and talents already within them. She is also a dynamic speaker and has been endorsed by some of the most influential speakers in personal development, including Zig Ziglar, and is a Ziglar Legacy Certified speaker/trainer.

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