Episode 59 Transcript


Heather (00:03.853)

Guys, oh my gosh, I'm so excited that Annette is on the show. Nettie D as I like to call her and so many others do as well. Hello, welcome, how are you?


Annette (00:13.322)

Nettie D is in the house. I'm great. Can't wait to do this show and just hearing what the essence is about it is everything that I'm about and that I am really behind you 100% what I wanna bring into our clients as well and into female entrepreneurship. So I love what you're actually doing with this show.


Heather (00:30.781)

Ah, thank you. Oh my gosh, you guys are gonna have such a good chat. I'm gonna give you some context on Nettie Dee before we go into some of our conversation here. One of the first memories I have of you, I think I've known you for 13 years, 12 years, roughly ballpark in that, yeah.


Annette (00:49.779)

I think we have one of the longest female bis friendships that I have here really because I think when we both we both had the same client so and that's how we met so that's what we're asked to do and we've just stayed on the same path you know what I mean we continually just catch up with each other and yeah it's been beautiful to actually 13 years.


Heather (00:56.982)

Yeah, same.


Heather (01:02.273)

We did. We did. That's how we met.


Heather (01:14.926)

It's been incredible and one of my first memories outside of meeting you when we were both speaking at the same event is your rap video. You actually, you guys, yeah, I'm just going to have to start there. You rap. Do you still rap?


Annette (01:31.302)

I still rap. I still rap. And the thing is I write more when I'm sad. So I it's it helps me unlock the emotion. So if I'm just feeling this caught up stress or sadness, that's when all these words come to me and I just put pen to paper down. It's like get it out. Get it out of my body. Transfer that energy. But the raps are always normally about


Heather (01:41.292)



Annette (01:59.726)

how I'm feeling to then help others. Because that's what life's about. If we pretend we're perfect, no one's gonna, everyone's gonna walk around with poor self-esteem, but we start to learn from each other's journeys and each other's challenges and think, wow, she's feeling that too. So a lot of my stuff was in startup of entrepreneurship. That's the stuff that you would have heard about because that's a roller coaster ride. And before that, it was a heartbreak, but I've been with my man now for 23 years.


Heather (02:19.672)



Heather (02:23.884)



Annette (02:29.708)

You've been with your man for a very long time too, I think, from memory.


Heather (02:30.527)

Wow. Like 16. Yeah, it's crazy.


Annette (02:34.95)

Yeah, well we're getting married at 17, so there you go. We're on the same track there. And so as soon as I meet Pete, I stop writing all my love, you know, my love heartbreak songs. And then when I got into business for myself, doing startup, that's when the writing came back again. But I don't write as much at the moment because I'm very joyful and we're gonna go into that. Ha ha.


Heather (02:45.655)



Heather (02:53.418)



Heather (02:58.237)

We are, we are. Oh my gosh, you guys. So before we go into some more of Annette's journey, um, now that I have you hooked because now you know, this woman raps and you're like, what else does she do? Why is she on this show? I love to start straight in with the tips. So we're going to do that. And then we're going to come back into your journey. And then you have some incredible things that we're going to share with the listeners, but let's start with three tips.


Annette (03:10.542)

I'm going to go ahead and turn it off.


Heather (03:21.377)

because you, like you said, you've gone through startups, you have, you're transitioning right now, as they'll know soon from a really successful business into opening like something else up in your life. How do you personally deal with scaling, growing businesses and staying away from that sort of really intense hustle stress, wearing busyness as a badge of honor mindset?


Annette (03:21.844)



Annette (03:30.537)



Annette (03:42.894)

Yeah. How I stay away from it is because I had to go through burnout to know not to go there again. That's the very first thing. So my background was health and fitness many, many years ago and I was in the health and fitness industry for 17 years and then when I stepped into business, for someone that knew about health and fitness to still have burnout, that's where I thought...


If I'm going through burnout and I'm in business and I've got a health and fitness background, what's actually helping everyone else? So I really went strong in cleaning my health up big time. Three things that I do every day without, unless I get struck by lightning or something happens terribly and I just cannot do it. The very first thing is I have a meditation practice and everyone's probably going, oh boring, whatever.


It's a discipline and you've got to find what works for you and you don't even know sometimes that practice is working and I love the word practice because you have to practice at practicing but um so I have a whole process that I go through I go through breathing


Heather (04:53.75)

Yeah, that's not true.


Annette (05:00.962)

a lot of nasal breathing, a lot of deep belly breaths. I do a chakra type of cleanse. So I've had this part of the process has been given to me from a spiritual guru. So she's walked me through part of the practice. I do a meditation and that stuff is amazing because I do get a lot of instant little downloads and messages from that. Next thing I do, apple cider vinegar. Hold my nose.


Heather (05:25.134)



Heather (05:29.187)



Annette (05:29.906)

shot it down because your gut, they say it's the second brain, but really it's the first brain because when your digestive system is bad, when your microbiome is bad, that creates depression.


that decreases your serotonin. You actually have more serotonin receptors in your gut than actually that produces from your brain. So your gut feeds on this incredible fermented food. So I always hit myself first thing in the morning with some organic fermented apple cider vinegar. And it's horrible. I hold my nose, I chuck it down, and then I get a glass of water,


down and then straight afterwards I always do this.


Heather (06:19.64)



Annette (06:22.826)

And I do this and Pete and Braxton, if they're around, they laugh, oh, mum's doing an apple cider vinegar. And that is a very big part of my day because straight away I want to change my gut microbiome and get that serotonin in. Also eggs is actually the egg yolk, part of the eggs is actually great for serotonin as well for your gut. And then without fail.


Heather (06:23.15)

Oh God.


Heather (06:45.782)

Interesting. OK.


Annette (06:49.518)

every day except for Saturdays and Sundays but every work day I walk at least 20 minutes a day at least and that is because that


Heather (06:58.158)



Annette (07:03.106)

gives me my time to get the downloads, get the, if I play music, I see things that I wanna do with my events. If I listen to upbeat podcasts, I never listen to anything that is a downer. I listen to motivational stuff, pause, ooh. And then if they ask a question to whoever they interview and then suddenly that resonates with me, I actually pause and I'm walking and I'll have a conversation with myself. If I'm by myself, I'm talking out loud.


and processing stuff and that's my connection with the day. Then so this morning...


the little doggy for a walk with me and then take my shoes off and go down to the beach and connect with the earth and do some earth in for 20 minutes as well because that charges your mitochondria and there are things that I do without fail. If it's raining then I'll go to the gym so I'm not really you know out there with mother nature and connecting with the earth. I'm actually smelling other people's bio and pumping some weights.


Heather (08:04.669)

Do you know, I think you're one of the first guests or maybe the first guest who's actually given like some of the science behind the reasons to do these sorts of rituals. And I find it's fascinating what I just learned from you. Wow, do you ever like, if something comes on your plate that's really stressful and like last minute fire from the business or a client and you haven't done your walk or you haven't done one of these things, how do you balance that? What do you, how do you make sure that you


Annette (08:26.062)



Heather (08:33.589)

stick to these things that you do every single day.


Annette (08:38.627)

methodical with my practice. It's the weekend that I might slip up.


we might have basketball 7.40 in the morning. So we're out the door at like 10 past seven and it might be all crazy in the house. And then suddenly I'm like, oh, I haven't done my breathing and my mantra. And then I will just sometimes do it in the car. And the team know, sorry, my husband and Braxton know. They'll hear me like do my chanting or doing my breathing. If it's say before this type of interview, right?


Heather (08:58.534)



Annette (09:13.984)

and I wanna nail it.


And I'm like, okay, how am I feeling? If I feel that my adrenaline's high, which it was beforehand, then I don't wanna create my sympathetic system because when we're under stress, like you're saying, if you've got a launch or there's something really important coming up. So for us, what normally builds my intensity is when we have an event that we're actually converting. So we run the Sals Institute of Australia, those that are listening. So part of that business is called Convert Club. And we run monthly webinars.


and you know that morning I'd definitely do my practices no there's no negotiation there though beforehand if that sympathetic system kicks in the nerves or the adrenaline then you look at where you're breathing and normally that breathing is in your chest and that chest is your fight or flight syndrome so for me I will always and even before this interview I sit there and I


Heather (09:51.565)



Annette (10:15.128)

breath and belly breath breathing and through your nose and out through your nose not through your mouth. Your mouth is sympathetic right? Fight or flight.


I would just do deep breathing in through my nose, out through my nose and really feel that belly fill up and then contract. And that instantly switches you from sympathetic, fight or flight, to parasympathetic, calm, relaxation, chill down. And that would be the easiest hack for anyone to do, but that's something I always do with my breathing.


Heather (10:48.313)

Ah, pure gold. All right. We're going into your businesses because I say, and I said that it's is because you have things, multiple things you're working on. So right now over the last little while, I know that you've been running the sales Institute, so why don't we talk a little bit about that and what you guys do and then what are you working on next from there?


Annette (10:55.502)

I'm sorry.


Annette (11:09.446)

Yeah, all right, so the Sals Institute.


I know most of you listening probably either shy away from sales, get nervous for the clothes, presenting your prices and you want to put your price up but instead you don't, you keep presenting at the same level because you're scared of getting an objection and that's everything that we do. So the Sales Institute of Australia or really probably a nicer name and a better branding name is Convert Club. We teach businesses or business owners.


that need to have a conversation.


how to actually have a conversation so it's smooth and it converts into a sale. And we use a method called the reverse selling method. And it's a beautiful method where we teach your customers to buy so you don't have to sell. We teach you the questions, but the questions are orchestrated between you and whoever the trainer is. So let's just say my husband, Pete, is a senior trainer and he will take you through our methods


language because the most times people don't like sales or sales training because they feel like it's fake it's not them


Heather (12:23.193)



Annette (12:23.262)

So instead what we do is we work with a method, we work with more of a framework. So then you know what you need to be able to communicate to be able to get the best language across to your customer. And then that flips the customer from focusing on price instead of, you know, focusing now on the value that you actually bring. And that's the reason why most people would say no to your business. So, you know, you listening, you know, if you're getting lots of nos, but you know, you've got a great product or you know,


amazing coach or specialist or whatever it is you do, it's because you're not able to build the value to represent that to get the yes. And that's pretty much what we do with the Sales Institute.


Heather (13:05.909)

It's incredible. You guys, um, I've popped in a couple of times to the convert club and the group of entrepreneurs and business owners that you guys work with the results. I remember one time I popped in on a call and they were just talking about all their results that they've gotten from your framework and it is mind blowing. And I can even put my hand up and attest to something like way back, you guys, when I, so I go into do corporate trainings from time to time with, you know, digital marketing and


Annette (13:11.382)

Yes, you have.


Annette (13:21.358)



Heather (13:31.809)

I don't know if you remember this, but I was telling you, you know, what I charged and you're like, what the hell? Like you need to double that.


Annette (13:38.598)

I do remember that. We normally help everyone put their prices up. If we see that you're undervaluing yourself and Heather is the bomb, you guys know that. Like.


Heather (13:46.461)

Yeah. You're so good. But I did, I did. And I followed you guys, I followed her advice. And even for the point of how I positioned my, like, I don't know, my brief? What would you call it? Like your corporate speaker brief or whatever it is? Like literally you're like, okay, do this and put testimonials here. And then you like gave me the whole formula and I did it and it worked.


Annette (13:52.962)



Annette (14:01.954)



Annette (14:06.71)

Yes. Yeah.


Yeah, you put the testimonials at the back of the proposal guys or wherever your fee is, you have a testimonial there because we need to what we call green brain their shit out of it. And green brain is like they're looking at the logic, they're looking at the money, get them to see the value, get them to see whatever that is that's going to put that green light in their brain to go, oh, okay, wow, she can get those results. What can they get for us? Yeah.


Heather (14:17.603)



Heather (14:37.753)

Oh, it's just incredible. And like these little tweaks, like these little tiny tweaks that you and Peter share, it's just, it really, it's incredible. And you're, and it's not like, yeah, I like how you guys talk about cells because you make it so exciting. Like being a part of your group and being around you both, because just it's two individuals you're so giving and thoughtful and caring, but it's like, you get so excited and amped up. You're like, cool. Yeah, I'm going to up my prices. I'm going to go out there.


Annette (14:43.427)



Annette (14:59.702)



Annette (15:04.594)

Yeah, because do you know what? We're not like I still have the stigma with sales attached from years and years ago, even though God knows how long I've been teaching sales for.


Heather (15:10.862)



Annette (15:17.026)

that stigma is there for us, it's people to people. And when I see someone that's got an incredible product or they're just amazing and they should be out there in the world, you know, it is exciting to go, let's just get you on the right track. Let's just get you aligned. Let's just get your words right so you can articulate that value and have that customer wanting to buy from you and take that ickiness out of the sales. That's why we get excited because we work in people to product or people to people.


Heather (15:21.518)



Heather (15:48.061)

And there's something else too that I want to share. There's the concept of green brain. So did that come from you guys originally? Cause now everyone in Australia talks about it. And I'm pretty sure you guys started that trend.


Annette (15:53.57)



Annette (16:01.454)

All right, so GreenBrain started, I'll tell you actually where it originally started from. There was a lady in, in Melbourne. She's massive with NLP. Do you remember who she is? And we had it for a private consult day years ago for the National Sales Academy, it was called back then. And then she was like saying,


you want to get them from the red light to the green light. And then next minute Pete goes, oh.


why don't we say it's green brain? Like get them in their green part of their brain instead of talking about traffic lights. Why don't we make it part of their brain, a green part of their brain and the red brain? Because we know that there's, you know, a very logical part of the brain and we know that there's different placements of communication with the green brain. There's actually more with the green brain. So, and that's how it all started. And that was back in...


day dot. Yeah. And now it is being used everywhere.


Heather (17:03.769)

Cause this literally everywhere and it like, it is because, well, I mean, you both have a background with the entourage as well, which is how I kind of started knowing Pete as well, your partner more. Um, and entourage trains loads of business owners to grow as well. And like literally everywhere I go, yeah, I want a green brain, my website. I want to do this. And I always have this really nice little smile and like a little, little warm glow. I'm like, I know where that came from. That's so cool.


Annette (17:13.89)



Annette (17:32.262)

Yeah, we tried to trademark it quite a while ago, but we couldn't actually get it trademarked because it was, I don't know, just two everyday names or something. So yeah, so, but let people, you know, at the end of the day, we're all here for the same reason, which is we wanna be able to help people make a decision easy with a product and show for entrepreneurship, if you've got great stuff out there, how can you showcase it? And you know, if people are using it,


Heather (17:35.486)



Heather (17:44.973)

Well, well, guys.


Heather (18:00.13)



Annette (18:01.296)

lot of people don't know and just if everyone listens go what the heck is this green brain red brain green brain is it's the emotional side of why people buy it's the outcome it's the result the red brain is when they're talking about the time the logistics the proposal the costings the investments the timeframes the contracts that's all red brain so if you're presenting your product or service to somebody and you're having this heavy red brain conversation


can flip that switch and not saying you don't hide it. We want to be able to talk about the red brain, but we also want to talk about the green brain because the green brain is why they've actually picked up that phone, entered their details into that website. The reason why they're following you, the reason why they've reached out is because they have a problem or they aspire for something and your product and service is there. And that's the green brain and that's what most people forget in their sales process. Most people don't even have a sales process. They wing it most of the time.


Heather (18:31.275)



Heather (18:51.395)



Heather (19:00.229)

They do, they do. So you and Pete have built something incredibly successful. You have Convert Club with a very large group of business owners in there getting supported with their sales process from you guys. And now you just told me that you're starting something else. So what is this new thing that you are working on?


Annette (19:11.703)



Annette (19:16.731)



Annette (19:20.194)

Alright so the Herpreneur brand is being relaunched. So I've kept her alive. We were doing many years ago 2012. I started a mastermind. I was doing women's events around Australia. We would do two a year but travel to each state and then the burnout happened. Yes ladies, that's what I talked about before.


Heather (19:21.997)



Heather (19:27.213)



Annette (19:48.35)

We, for us women, there's so much more emotion that goes on with us. I think the burnout is so much more dramatic emotionally where the guys just pretty much just lose motivation. We have the highs and lows and the energy. So I wrapped the business up.


but I kept the podcast only going because I loved the brand, but I needed to work on me. I needed to recenter myself. I needed to fill my compass again. I lost all feelings. I had burnt out so much.


I was so scared of failing again. I had one event that was just so hard. Everyone who was meant to be helping me at the event, what are they called? You know, the volunteers, every single one of them called in sick that morning. So I had a two day event. I had to check people in at the desk. I had to sit them down and usher them in the room. I had to do the two day event. I had to sell from stage. Then I had to hand the contracts out and I got one sale.


Heather (20:37.548)

Oh boy.


Heather (20:52.045)



Annette (20:53.undefined)

I should have normally had at least six women say, yeah, I want to sign up for your mastermind. So I felt like I had failed and I've only worked this out now. Like this is stuff that I've worked through the last few years to really tap into that feeling. Instead I wanted to shut up shop. I was extremely burnt out, felt like I failed and went, that's it, not going to do events anymore. Long story short.


Heather (20:58.295)



Annette (21:17.706)

refilled my compass, put all this beautiful stuff into my life to really just centre myself again. And that Herpreneur event now is being relaunched February next year and it's events specifically for female.


entrepreneurs who want to uplift their game and reach their full potential in health, wellness, happiness, fitness. We talk a little bit about business but it's more about how they're surviving in their business. So we have experts on stage, we have a whole wellness system that they go through and they look at each area of their life and they get education on helping them tweak it. So at the end of the event they walk out and they're thriving. Their compass is like


north. Yeah, and that's what I'm doing now as that is the that's that that's my fun business, right? Like all I want to do is just have some fun. So and I know that the events will be different this time. I know that I'll run them different this time. So that's what's coming along. So still will be doing the CEO of the Convert Club or Sales Institute. But this is just the


Heather (22:21.059)



Annette (22:29.782)

the side fun gig that I want to do a couple of times a year and really just start to put out that message that I've just geeked out about. I'm obsessed about health and wellness daily. I've got my functional nutrition practitioner certificate now. Like there's all different things that I've done for myself that now I'm just going, hey, I just want to go out and teach it and let's just get the best of the best on stage to help the other ladies as well.


Heather (22:39.511)



Heather (22:56.089)

I am beyond excited that you are finally doing this because I remember the first round of Herbiner event so long ago and then just the name and the brand and everything that you stand for is, is needed so desperately. And so the fact that you not only have kind of gone through your hardship and your burnout yourself, you're coming back with such a renewed strength on how to walk other people through their hardships. So I'm so excited. And I want to know more about.


Annette (23:20.436)



Heather (23:25.529)

how you work with people. So in this new herpreneur space, if you could think of maybe a couple of women that you've helped recently, like how do you help people?


Annette (23:34.238)

Yeah, I have women that reach out to me privately. I don't advertise for coaching, but I have women that reach out to me to do private mentoring. And so I will normally just do a first session completely for free because I just want to see how I can help and if I can help. And there's a lot of intuitive work that I do with them. And most of the women I noticed that have come to me for mentoring, it's because they're really stuck.


They know that they've got this incredible power, they've got the goods for something, but they're either one, too scared in taking the jump, or two, they're going for something else, and I'll give you this probably better in a story, but they're suffocating what they really wanna do.


Heather (24:11.385)



Annette (24:23.206)

And so there's one lady, I'm going to call her Kylie. I'll change her name. So Kylie, oops, can you still see me? Sorry, I've just, yes, sorry. My, I've just hit my keyboard and I've just lost the whole thing. Okay, so Kylie.


Heather (24:29.279)



Heather (24:35.905)

Yep, all good.


Annette (24:45.166)

Collie was a member of our Convert Club.


and she came to me because she was just really stuck. She wanted to grow her business, but she wanted to add different levels to it. And so we just did a session together and I just said, I feel like there's something that you're not telling me. You're doing this NLP training with this other company on the side. You're trying to grow this business here. And this business was like just business coaching.


Heather (25:05.169)



Annette (25:16.542)

And I said, and you want to put some pillars in it, but you're touching around the sides of NLP, but you're not really going for it. And we did some work around that. And I did like, there's a timeline therapy process that you can do it. I don't know if anyone's done timeline therapy, but it really has a hundred percent strike weight. It's incredible. And I took her through the motions, took her through just a deep hypnosis and


got out that she didn't want to upset the people that she's doing their NLP work with but she has her NLP master practitioner, she has the train, the trainer, she's got all these incredible certifications. So if she opened up those pillars in her business she'd be in competition with them.


Heather (26:02.465)



Annette (26:03.178)

So instead she was just going, I'll just teach timeline therapy. I'll just teach this. And I said, so if we push it all away, and this is the question that you need to ask yourself, if you're really scared of moving forward, if you really just went, if you cannot fail and you didn't have to worry about anyone else's emotion, what do you really, really want to do?


And it might take pen and paper, you might have the surface answers, but really deep down, what is it you really want to do? And for me...


I did this on work myself, which is I just want women to feel incredible when they work. I want women to be thriving. I want them to be at their best. So for her, she just said, I want to have my own NLP practitioner training company. I want to do master prac. I want to teach full hypnosis. I want to teach all like and have proper certification and have a school. And.


Heather (26:54.862)





Annette (26:59.69)

To date, I just love now that she messages me photos and of her whole school that she's created. Mastercrack. Then she might do, you know, an introduction to Mastercrack. So now she's doing like a three day mini-crack, mini-master. It's just, and here she is. And this was, actually this is a year ago, so September, I don't know when this is gonna be released, but.


Heather (27:00.768)



Heather (27:07.813)

Oh my gosh.


Annette (27:26.61)

September 2022 was when we worked through that.


By December is when we made the decision of making the jump where she tied up her, you know, very politely told them what she was doing, let that company, gave them enough notice to then move into her own school. And what we're probably really nine months in, and she's doing practitioner, master practitioner, hypnosis. She's doing, now she's doing these mini courses and she's doing it for a specific industry as well.


Heather (27:42.105)

Yeah, yeah.


Annette (28:01.936)

So she really loves ally health. She really loves practitioners that you know doctors, naturopaths, nurses. So she has created and brought an industry or a product into another industry that wasn't even around. So that's just one example. Yeah.


Heather (28:22.221)

Oh my gosh. That's so amazing. And the fear that she had around that exact thing that she wanted and how you were able to work through that with her and now she's doing it.


Annette (28:31.59)

Yes. Yeah, yeah. And there was another lady as well that came to me and um...


she just looked like real health and fitness. You know, she reached out to me on Facebook and she said, hey, I heard that you do mentoring for women in business. I was like, you know, let's just have a chat. Let's just see if we're a match. If not, I'll move you to somebody who is. And for me, it's really, I just wanna see what floats my boat now. And if I get these ideas when I'm with somebody, I know it's a match. Bing, bing, all these ideas come up. I go, yep, right. So I had this session with her and she comes in and she wants to do.


Heather (28:42.293)



Annette (29:09.494)

this energy healing for men in construction and get them to understand that their pain in their body is not because of what they're doing for work, it's because they need some energetic healing. Now, for many of you guys might sound that's really way out there. I do understand the energy side of it, though I wasn't getting the downloads of ideas, I wasn't connecting with that.


Heather (29:15.296)



Annette (29:38.154)

and I just thought I'd just ask her one question. And I just said, hey look, not sure if I'm the match for you, but I will find somebody, but I was gonna ask you this.


if you push that aside, if there was something like even bigger that you wanted to do, like if there was like a grand goal or if this was just to step you into the next thing, what is the thing after that you want to do? And she said, well really what I would like to do is to help with help young girls with eating disorders. And I was like...


Heather (30:09.322)

Like, totally different.


Annette (30:10.834)

Yeah and I was like oh okay tell me more about that. She goes well I suffered for 20 years from an eating disorder and she said and I've healed myself and I've healed myself through this way this way this way I do this stuff and blah and suddenly all the ideas came.


And I was like book expert, helping like, you know, teenage girls. Imagine what's going on now for Instagram. Like I just did a post the other day. You know, we had Dolly magazine around when I was young. That was, that was what, you know, you want to look like. It was in Dolly, and she used to wear the 501s, you know, stick, 501s. You know, I could never fit the 501s. I was like a curvy girl.


Heather (30:44.399)

I remember.


Heather (30:49.144)

Oh my gosh, yes!


Annette (30:55.382)

But now Instagram, you know, everything's sexualized and everything's about the body and you know, the algorithms, if one girl looks at, you know, somebody's, you know, one girl with a small waist and a big booty, then all.


you know, her whole feed is going to be influxed with this. So I saw this whole pathway for her. And then sure enough, within a couple of months, she just wrote up her whole system and bang out of the gates, left corporate. She was in corporate and now just selling the flag of being an expert in. And she can't call herself an expert because she hasn't got the doctor's certificate, but she helps female adolescents through eating disorders. And sunrise TV shows like now,


Heather (31:32.291)



Annette (31:39.108)

that's it because it was she chose the lane that she really needed to be in and just took the steps and sometimes it is just a matter of just saying to yourself what is that? What is that I really want? Because when you're trying to dabble in what you think you want,


Heather (31:56.782)



Annette (32:01.33)

it actually ends up being harder. But you think that next thing. So she thought, oh, this energy healing further, like I didn't understand the connection in why she even wanted to do that. But that would have been so hard because it wasn't the right path. But people think they're taking a shortcut. You go, what is the big scary goal? Because to get to the big scary goal is actually going to be easier than doing what you think is easy. Because easy is probably not it.


Heather (32:30.829)

really well said. Oh, is this what herpreneur is gonna be? Is like outside of the events? Yeah? Yeah.


Annette (32:35.454)

Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we're doing nutritional products as well. So I stripped off 13 kilos because I did put on a fair bit of weight while I was stressed and I was eating the wrong food and drinking too much and not exercising and I had a back injury as well which hey as soon as I found out that what I wanted to do guess what the back injury has gone away.


Heather (32:43.555)



Heather (32:52.172)



Heather (33:00.157)

Isn't that interesting? And not surprising.


Annette (33:02.602)

Yeah, and that's what David was saying about the energy with these workmen, that you're taking somebody from zero to here. And I just don't know how quick you could get them there. Right. When I was talking about her talking about, you know, healing these men and getting to talk, you know, this is energy healing when they're hurt in construction. That stuff, I don't think they're going to make the connection.


Heather (33:11.778)



Annette (33:26.678)

But I made the connection because as soon as I went right, what is it I really want to do? I just want to help women feel incredible. I want to bring dance, fitness, health, nutrition, wellness into entrepreneurship. As soon as I started making those steps, Heather, boom. Back pain went away. And I had it for five years, rehabbing everything for five years.


Heather (33:43.215)



Heather (33:48.741)

Oh my God. Oh my God, this is so, yeah.


Annette (33:49.646)

because I was ignoring the big thing. So yeah, so the Herpreneur brand, we're still booting it out, but it's definitely nutritional products. It's a membership with exercise in it. That stuff, it's gonna be more like a networking group where we get together and we exercise together. So it's nothing to do with learning. We will do boardroom sessions, but it's just recalibrating


females through movement and exercise, get them in touch because my biggest passion is, and probably the essence of the brand is, your body is your business. And we're in our heads every day. We're up here. We can be so disconnected.


Heather (34:27.604)

Oh, good one.


Annette (34:36.834)

and you know that morning routine that I do, this nighttime routine is to get me back in the body, back in the body and that's everything what Hoopreneur is now about. So the subtitle for that or the tagline is creating high performing female entrepreneurs. So it's all through Hoopreneur.


Heather (34:55.461)



So on that note, you have a couple of different ways of helping people through just what we spoke about, the Convert Club and Herpreneur. Gosh, where do people, how do people work with you? Where do you want them to go? What's the path?


Annette (35:09.682)

Yeah. Okay. Yes. So let's do this. If you want to continue the journey on, you know, seeing that Herpreneur new brand unravel, go to the Herpreneur podcast.


Cause we do that fortnightly at the moment. And I do that fortnightly guys, because weekly was too much for me. There was too much stress going on, so I can perform better fortnightly. So it's fortnightly and it has been for the past two years. It works. So fortnightly you get incredible interviews. It's always about health and wellness with incredible female entrepreneurs. We mix that in together, but you hear their incredible business journeys as well. If you're wanting help with like just your sales,


and you didn't sign up to be a salesperson, you're in entrepreneurship because you just love what you do and you just know that you've got something damn good that you wanna get people to learn, people to buy it, or you've got staff that need to sell and they can't sell as good as you, because most people can't sell as good as the founder, unless they're trained. Then check out ConvertClub. So convertclub.com.au, if you go straight there, you can just message us and reach out to us


want to know more we can do just an easy 30 minute sell strategy we can show you what the reverse selling method looks like and how it looks with your product or your service and then you can see if it's a match you know we talked about reverse selling so we don't do the hard sell we want you to buy we don't have to sell so if you want to learn more about that that's the best way to do that to get in contact with us at Convertclub.com.au


Dude, that just sounds so sassy, doesn't it? Come to ConvertClub. Ha ha ha!


Heather (36:50.433)

Guys, I highly recommend. No, yeah. But guys, I recommend you take her up on that. Honestly, like, um, if you are in that growth stage of your business, where you're thinking about bringing on a sales person, or you recently have there. I know from my, my sales team, like there's, it's a tricky time to do that navigation and to have somebody on your team to do that, or just for you in general, when, like I was saying earlier.


helping you lift your prices and raise your prices. Just that alone. Like, I mean, imagine charging a third, a double more of what you're already doing in your business and the power that can actually have with everything that you're doing. Very important.


Annette (37:22.578)



Annette (37:32.094)

Yeah, because if you're not, the question you need to ask yourself is why aren't I putting my price up? As because if you're scared they're going to say no.


Heather (37:38.104)



Annette (37:40.982)

that's why you actually need a system. And what we will do for you is you document your own system. It's your own IP. It doesn't end up being the reverse selling method for ConvertClub. It's actually Heather Porter's, her own selling, her own IP. So as soon as she gets staff on board, she can just hand them that manual and she knows exactly how to train them because it's her words into a framework that we've helped to create.


Heather (38:09.133)

So good. Oh, guys, so now you have two paths that you can take with a net wherever you are. Maybe you wanna do both. Who knows? I'm sure some of you do. Yeah.


Annette (38:10.078)

Yeah, that's a super idea.


Annette (38:14.362)

Yeah. And can I just plug this ever because I've had to start at ground zero with all my socials and I would love it if they do want to you know follow me to actually learn more about the entrepreneurship journey for FEMA entrepreneurs and annette.lakevich


Heather (38:24.526)



Heather (38:34.766)



Annette (38:38.814)

Annette.Lakovich. But we also have the Sales Growth Hub as well for the business owners. Like some of the guys listening, they go, yeah, we wanna get some business tips off Annette or Pete. Then we've got the Sales Growth Hub, but you can put all the links in there.


Heather (38:50.821)

They're all going to be there. You guys in the show notes, you definitely have to come over and check that out as we wrap up with the amazing Annette AKA Nettie D. Do you have any last comments that you'd like to leave listeners with?


Annette (39:00.626)

Ha ha ha.


Annette (39:08.863)

I would say...


Annette (39:14.474)

your body is your ecosystem of your life and your internal world, whatever's going on is going to show up externally. So for me, when I had the burnout, wrapped up the show, the events, somehow had an injury that stopped me from doing anything. But until I worked out internally my whole ecosystem inside,


to go, right, this is where I need to point my compass, externally felt like a mess. And we want to really make sure that we are managing our bodies, managing our lives, just like it is a business. Just like you're the CEO, not just of your business, but of your life and your health.


and everything is a representation of that. So if you want you know a magnificent life it really starts internally. It starts with your health, it starts with your gut, it starts with your sleep. Working on that first makes the biggest difference in how you show up when you sit at your desk, when you're with your clients, when you're growing your business because everything starts with you.


Heather (40:30.457)

Beautifully said. You guys, thank you so much as always for tuning in. Go check out the show notes, go hang out with Annette, go to herpreneur or listen to herpreneur. There's so many cool things you can do to get involved here. And as always, thank you so much for being here Annette. It was such a pleasure having this chat with you and catching up as well and hearing what you've been up to.