Episode 5 Transcript

Hey, hey, guys, I am so excited to have Justin here. I've known Justin for quite a while, and I've seen him at events. We've crossed paths of random speaking engagements. He's one of the coolest guys on the planet when it comes to customer service, and just like all around, a really easy to talk to bloke, so I'm really excited to have you here just in welcome to the show.

Thank you, Thank you so much.

Good, All right, so we don't have time to muck around. We're just going to get straight into it, so I want to ask you the very I question, which is what are your three tips for growing a business with less hustle with less grind with less like, full on Overwhelmed. So what are your three best tips for growing a business in that way?

Look. I think probably the first one would make sure that the business doesn't require hustle. Would be probably the thing. A lot of people are now getting into our business, and a lot that I deal with it coming from a corporate background, So they're applying it in a corporate way, but realizing that doesn't work because small business doesn't work that way. and then they're trying to hustle that whole thing, sort of basically force that square into the round hole, so make sure you've got the market and it's got to be Those markets. For me. It's got to be an organic market that I do anything with and it's got to make sense. So


going get to the three because, probably given you three.

Uh, huh,

so the first one that's got to make sense to the people you're trying to sell it to. Secondly, it's got to be one of those things. It's a bit of a now braine when it comes to need versus want, and they all combine. You've got to see. It also is number three. you've got to see. Also, does the market Assist you in promoting that? And so what we referring? started this coin phrase thirty years ago when I started my first business, because I had no money starting my first business, and so I had no money to market, And this is the other problem, people at spending money on marketing and advertising. realizing it doesn't work. Hence the hustle then begins.

Uh, huh,

So I had none of that, so I coined a phrase with my staff. That was, We go after our customers customer, and that was a two fold thing. So number one, we have to serve the customers so well that they have to go and tell someone else about it. And secondly,


we don't necessarily have to go after the person were trying to sell it to. And I see this, and you probably see this too

S brilliant.

a lot. when it comes to Facebook marketing, where people get really disappointed. I have probably had a wing to you.


You get disappointed


that people are not buying what you're selling.


Maybe they're not the market. So what we now do and I do this from organic perspective. I don't spend money on on Facebook, marketing. Sorry, Facebook, but what I do is I'll put a post up and it's aimed not at the person that's reading it. it's aimed at the person they know that needs it, So I'll do things like and this is not hustle. This is just common sense.

It's good.

Do you know someone who owns a business that is having problems training their stuff? So I'm not aiming at. then at that person reading it, I want them to go to the next The Q or whatever, and someone having a wing about stuff training that they can then promote me. So everything for me is about trying to minimize the amount of effort that I have to do. And you do know this, because I really





I love. This is what I love about you.

I don't like putting on well unnecessary ship in my head. to be really honest,


so I've got to keep that very very spare. and so everything I do has to be very simple And to make it even less hustle, just always do this wone plus one eques. two. That's the way you need to run a business. And if what you're doing right now is not working for you, you're doing it the wrong way, And if it is working for you, you're doing it the right way.

So Efrican, love how you. Just you are common sense, but people need to. almost. They need to hear that a lot. Because there's so much noise. There's so much ship out there. That's like Do they do this like you're taking about Facebook? Adds right. it's like go back to the common sense. Go back to what feels right. Go back to less hustle So brilliant.

You know what

I love

it is.


though like, I'm really glad that I started, and fortunate that I started my first business


when the internet didn't exist. So there was not a great deal of white noise going on we had to do. and this is where a lot of people go wrong in business. Hence they need to hustle. Is they don't realize the basics of what needs to be done in


any type of business, because they're trying to get the you know I want. I love this one. I want my, I want Followers. I want all this sort of. it's like you can have a million people follow you, But if no one's buying from you, what's the point? So it's all about trying to go back to the basics in business, and understanding that that connection with your customer. And if it's a good one, and they like you as a person, then they will like your product, whether your products brilliant or not brilliant. They will support that to become brilliant. If it's not because they like you as a person, So that stuff you don't have to hustle, you just need to be a nice Person And I just think the problem that's going on at the moment that I see a lot is people are getting themselves all disappointed with the lack of success on line. And then so then what they do? This is the funny part for me. They then go on line to then


find the answer from all these numb nut experts that have never done anything, but they've got a nice website and then they get disappointed that that stuff doesn't work. was never going to work in the first




And so that's where people. It's sort of, I think creating their own drama more more than they need to. And and it's just about sitting in that comfort of. I'm happy with the outcome that I've got, and he goes against what everyone has been taught, minimizing what your outcomes are. Your expectations are because people, I had a guy the other day and I didn't go with him for it as a mental in client, purely based upon the fact that I know he'll wing at me and it


won't be any of my fault. And he's


goal and good on him for have, But he's goal with two. Number one. have a Ferrari by the end of the first year and number one have a fer by the in the first year. Number two pay my house off by the end of the first year. Start up like good luck. If you can do it. Reality is you're probably not so. Just expect that you're probably not. Then you're not going to get disappointed.

I actually quite like how you said that because my background and personal development. I used to work for Tony Robins in some of the big names and personal development, and I always thought I liked. I like the industry, but there's a bit of toxicity in it in the fact that it's like all about goal setting and reaching to the sky. And then people would get pretty depressed. To be honest, I'veknown people over the years who've quite literally left jobs and kind of wrecked their happiness as a result of that aiming. I don't want to say, Aim too high, but it is kind of aiming too high. So

Yeah, well, it is


my my dad that I grew up in a very good household and my father. my mother both really supported anything that us kids wanted to do,


but my my dad was one of those very annoying motivational type people, so everything you said was motivationalbut

All right,

one of the things he said to us kids, and I've never forgotten. this is reached for the stars. Sorry, aim for the stars, But he hit a lamp post on the way up. T least it's something and so that's where people need to understand that you know. While so that's where I've never had and still don't. I don't have massive goals. I have daily goals That that's the only goal that I have Because then I


can achieve that and then if you do three sixty five of them, you're doing okay and you increase them as you go. But then it becomes attainable and then you can measure your, actually measure your success where most people think you know what Five year plan. No freak in idea what I'm doing next week, so I don't know what I'm going to be doing in five years time. So for me to measure against that, it's sort of going to potentially set myself up for. once again, disappointment

Justin, that is pure gold. Thank you. you guys heard here. the new way of setting goals. I want to transition now, and I want you to think of all the customers you've had. I mean, No, that's going to be tricky because you've been in business for such a long time and done different things. But think, think about a customer client that you've helped a great deal, and I want you to talk us through what you did for them. Think of it like a little case study. So who were they? What was their issue and how did you help them?

Had a lot, and success is different people measure success differently people seem to measure success on money These days now I've met a lot of rich Dickens, so I don't think that successful. So measuring money as a success, you know, money gums, money goes, so I'm not in to that, but I reckon Joe would probably be one of my favorite success stories. Joe, female Joe. She Ame to me. I was speaking in an event and she came to me after that and said, Can I mental her and she signed up on a entering thing. I said No drama. she said, I'm a bit wary and I said Okay. This is before she even signed up. she said Well, how do I know you can do what you said you can do? I said Well, pretty simple. I don't have to prove it. It's already been proven. so there's that. So we started and she came to me. She was a weird life. She doesn't mind me saying this, but she was a weird life coach That I had. sort of, I understood what she was doing, but the market was like this big and I got to know Like for me, I am not a cooking Carter. Mental, I'm not a coach. I'm not a cooking cart of Mental and I, My structure is no structure, so that's why a lot of people like dealing with me, because whatever we're going to talk about will figure that out on the day and


over getting to know Joe and helping you with that business, and it started to grow because she was doing everything in a very same way As she worked with her clients in a very clinical way on trying to grow her business. And as most people who own business, you can't you know the guarantee is, there are no guarantees so you can't really have everything sort of set up. And so I got to know, and then we started talking, which like getting into how people operate from a personal perspective and what I like doing, and she said, I look, I used to paint a lot and you know I would mind doing that on the side on weekends just to clear my head. I said


I said. Well, why don't you paint sometin And send it to me? Oh my God, she was bloody amazing. It's the Joe Stacy is, If you can find or I came up with a business name is called Paton Pony. Find that and I get nothing from it but have a look on Facebook. She does horses, She does cows. She does that. It is unbelievable. Now she then said,


started selling. I think she sold the first one for a hundred and fifty Bucks and I said Joe. What are you doing? And she said What you mean? I said That's not worth a hundred and fifty bucks. It's worth heaps more. Now she had a self belief limiting issue that she had that she wasn't worth it. because and this is where a lot of people are like this in any type of business. Hey believe, because they haven't had a lot of runs on the board. That means they have to minimize the income or reduce what people would then pay or whatever. And I said we. That's irrelevant, because how long some one knows that you've been in business? They are Y know they need to tell them, So don't tell him. And


so anyway, she just sold her latest painting. I think it was four and a half or five and a half thousand dollars for the same size. The same thing because he, he's her stuff. Look, I'm not in the paintings, not in the cows. I got to tell you that for nothing but her stuff is just unbelievable because she then followed her passion and that's where I'm probably. I'm not more lucky than most, but I'm lucky where the only thing and you actually have seen is The only thing that I'll do is stuff that I want to, and it's




that floats my boat. I don't do stuff just because I can make money from it. I turn jobs down if I don't think I'm going to enjoy it. And so if you can create, If you create a business from a passion point, you actually won't go wrong and you will make good money out of it because you're so passionate about it, And that passion will then show, But she's probably one of my favorite and I like my clientsbecause. I can just be me with them and I think that's why most people come on board with me anyway, Because I'm not the typical business mentor coach. Hate that word, but I'm not the typical one and I will call Spade a bloody shell. So so it's just the way that I go about doing things, but most of my clients have had a great deal of success, And it's not really Because of everything that I do, It's just me sort of unlocking what they've already got inside them because I just see myself as a silent partner That doesn't get any of the profit. And


and it seems to work and I can just tell them exactly well I say to my female clients. If they're in trouble, I'm going to kick them up the bump with a fluffy slap slip up,


so give them hard time sometimes. But that's what most people do need. They need some one to say no. that's wrong. Here's the right way to do it

You know and I and I've spoken to your clients as well, because I've worked on some of their projects and they all say the same thing about you. The fact that you are just you are who you are. You tell. it is as it is, you simplify things which is great about you And you have this tremendous huge background in history and business, and instead of like, kind of floating your own boat or in? No, yeah, you just really like dude. Stop it, you know, you just get to the point and you just get them through the issue that they're in. And so


I quite. I've heard good things about you in that way.

Look for sess. For me. It's got nothing. My own personal success is no one else's business. Even though


media and all that sort of stuff do stuff on it. I don't rant and rave about all the stuff that we have, but I'll say this a nice way, but we all shower the same way. so


regardless of


how much money is in your bank, regardless how business you started or own, or regardless of where you work, there is nothing different about anyone and it's just about like I was very blessed to have a very good mental earl On in my my business life, who. The one thing that he told me never to do was changed because attitude become started to do a lot of stuff in the corporate world with large companies around the world, And he just told me, Never change who you are, because corporate will eat that up, but if you're not corporate, you'll be fine, So every meeting and still, to this day every meeting I go in with my converse, my jeans and a t shirt and some of them go. While I thought you're gonna get dressed up, and I keep on saying to them You're not buying my outfit. You're buying what I'm selling, So let's just move, Shall we? but just remain who you are.

I love that. Do you know when I was growing up? there was like always a thing in the States called wise man Say, Have you ever heard of that? It's like wise men say, And then it's like a little one liner. You have to google and look it up, but hearing you, you just coming up with one after another, I think you should have a book. this is Justin says, and it's literally just one liners.

Well, I actually


did do a book. I did do a book and it's called What's called. It's all a matter of attitude, which was all my slogans


that I had on the back of the t shirts.




yeah, so look, I like. I like my. Is So and I think for me it's a lot of that's got to do with because I've had a lot of T V exposure and you get used to how they work cause I just want grabs, one line grabs, so they you know.


So also, I just don't like talking ship. to be really honest, so getting across really quickly. That's it I had with my second book because it was called. I wanted to call it Get off your ass, but they wouldn't let me. So it's called what you're waiting for, and the whole premise of the book is Have a crack, But I had to come up with another fifty three thousand words. After that I said it in one sentence.

Isn't that so the point? though, people just love the sound of their own voice these days, And like, I'm a big believer in simplifying everything


so I can love it. Okay. I want to talk about overwhelmed, because the world is literal with it right now. people are freaking out anxieties at all time high. Talk to me about overwhelmed. Do you have any sort of mind set hacks or ideas to get through moments of overwhelm?

Well, I've never experienced that because I guess for me I thoroughly enjoy drama. Um, some of some people around me reckon I created covidjustso. I had something to fix.


I operate better under pressure and


I think some people who are naturally gifted that way because I think it is a gift, need to start to embrace the out of control because the reality Specallyi, you're in business, right, The reality is you can't grow your comfort zone while you're sitting in it. So there's a level of being outside of that comfort zone that you need to embrace Now. I'm very comfortable being uncomfortable, Rene. My wife hates going away on holidays with me sitting beside a


pool. I'd



can't do



a fork in my eye to be honest, so


so I don't like any of that sort of stuff, but I think for the people that do struggle with overwhelm there's pro, Always some practical things that you could do, and one thing, and I've got a few clients like this, One thing would be, and it might sound dumb, is mastering the art of time management, because most of the time our overwhelm is purely based upon the fact that the crap that we're actually now put in front of us and given a level of importance to is where the issue is, and so sorry, All this stupid stuff. Shut it. So Then so I don't have a problem with time management whatsoever, Harry, who, as my mental, probably about six months into start, starting or starting with him talking with him. I wrung him and said one day and he was to see Phillips and I rang him one day and I




Harry. I'm doing something wrong and he said What are you talking about? I said Well, I get till eleven o clock and I got nothing to do and he said, Just the one thing I've noticed with you you're fantastic in time management because I act. You don't put anything in my day that is not going to affect anything else in my day. A while back, funny conversation that didn't go well and


it wasn't a fluffy slipper. This one. I had one of my clients, a


lady, say, Just, she didn't use the over world, but she was overwhelmed. I'm out of control and I said Okay, let's break it down. What did you do yesterday? he said, I claim my office. I went to what


clean your office? Well, what's that going to produce you guys? I've got a better space now, but you're a day. be And everywhere you are on your way, so there's a lot of stuff that I don't like doing anything like. Once again I'm bringing you up because you would just say this to anyone else about you. When I've got a drama.


I don't go and try and fix it myself, Especially with you know, I read you straight away, because you should know more than I should know. So there's that sort of stuff that I don't go and waste my time. So the best way to master time management if you're suck at it. It's pretty simple. on a Monday. I've got so many funny stories. I had another client Who was he ing a time management problem, I said to Well, when you do to do list, she said, What's it to do list? I said You write down stuff to do. She goes. That's


brilliant and that was the end of the session.


We love to do these ones all day anyway, So everyone needs to do to do list on a Monday on what you want to get done. and this is where people fall into the problem that they do to do the list right through to the end of the week. Forget that right. if you suffer with time management or you're over overrun A day today, So what do you need to get done today? And then whatever you don't finish on the Monday, you put on the list of Tuesday, But then you have to add what you need to get done on the Tuesday. I will guarantee by the time you get to Friday, some of the stuff you put on the Monday, the Tuesday and Wednesday still sitting on that list, so that then shows you and proves to you that you've put a level of importance on something that wasn't important. The other thing


that a lot of people don't do. So if I do my, At least, I'll then look at what can link with the other thing. So if I do this, how will it affect this other thing? Because most people put them all as individual things. They actually might be connected. So why don't we do two things at the one time? I mean, it's not rocket science. This one for us. We've just moved up here to the Gold Coast purely for quality of life. My wife owns a day spamedispar, in Sydney. She still goes down there once every three weeks. I own all the businesses that I own, but Moved up because we want the business to feed around what we want to do instead of us working for the business.

Halliluya. keep going.

Well, I think you know, I think Covid is proven that to a lot of people, but


hopefully none of the staff. So the thing that also, we saw, the staff were very well looked after by everyone else. the government. During Ovid, the business owner wasn't


right. And and and that's

yeah, I



we sat there. And you know we'll still look after you. We kept in business to keep the stuff a job to come back to. So why don't we now enjoy? Let's make it and fit it around. Um that the whole process? Your favorite saying that I've ever heard is you can't fit a square peg in a round hole, but you can't force it. So what hat you know? Not everything is if you're in, start up listening to this. Not everything that you perceive should be happening and it's going to be. the outcome is gonna be the outcome. I can guarantee money back, guarantee, and if you don't like it, write letters to the management. But so that's that's exactly what's going to happen. Is nothing you planned is going Appen. But so when things aren't going the way that it's working, you're going a have to change and manipulate and do whatever, and then what you will find that sometimes you're going O be forced or confronted with something that's going to put you out your comfort zone, and then in six months time you look back and you go. Actually, that wasn't too bad. And so for us to move up, using that as an analogy now, or this analogy for us to move up here to the goal coast, we had to make it work for our businesses. Well that took a week.


so it wasn't that hard. It wasn't we did. It wasn't as hard as our heads thought it was going to be, and it just works. Now. you know, sometimes when I got to spend a couple of more days in Sydney, then she had to be four. or sometimes I'm away and she's away and we had to get the kids to school all that sort of stuff. It is what it is. You just force that square into that round hole, and if people started to


embrace that way of operating a business operating your life, you'll then be able to cope with over well Pretty easily, because you're expecting things to go up at some point in time, and now's the time, as opposed to. Oh, no, what. I must be doing something wrong because it's not working. It wasn't going to work that way in the first place. Maybe so not that sort of work that out and stop putting pressure on yourself as trying to be number one perfect. never perfect. Anything about progressing along the way that you want to go. You know, I used to teach my staff. once again is going to go against every Everyone has taught been taught. But don't aim for excellence at. Let's not aim for excellence, and I


used to have some people or they used to challenge that. Well, I'm going to change my mind by the end of the day anyway, with what we're doing if you're going down a certain part to excell. it one way of doing what I've asked you to do this morning. I'm going to go and change at this afternoon, so just anything as an outcome will be good right now and we can build from that, but there's a lot of people spending A lot of wasted time on trying to perfect something that's a moving monster, especially business, and so


sometimes and sorry if people don't agree with this, But sometimes good enough is good enough. And and then you can, You've not wasted time. and you can. you can spend some time recuperating or spend some time having quality of life. You can spend some time having reaping the rewards of your your effort. And that's where for me I think people need to. really. Some people need to readjust their hit's nicely. Their perception of what success is to them and what their goals are. Your goal should never be. I want to be successful because what is that? like, the


most success I've ever felt was not when I sold my business to major company. It was selling my first team ship. That's the most success I've ever felt, and Second came in when someone said I read your first book. Besides, and so well, these two things done straight away, so as going for success, I've done that and I believe success goal should be tangible ones. I want to go out once a month with my wife for dinner. I want to take the kids away on a holiday. I want to finish work on a Friday at three o'clock and everything is done, so I don't have to carry it over to the week end. I want to know all that I want to pay your house off and all that sort of stuff, but once again things are out of your control, So no one knew that last ten months we're gonna get ten months worth of interest rate, So paying your house off, gone out the window. Now if you planned it on


a year or go, So if it's out of your control, you can't change it at this point in time, so just go with the stuff you can control, and that will make a massive difference to how you feel.

Yeah, I love that and I like you said. Good enough is good enough because that's for me, like any other business owner. Listening to this, there are really ship days and


times in life and business well for any human being on the planets, like a fifty fifty split of good and bad, so I think that if you said these big, hairy, enormous goals that actually creates overwhelmed for yourself, you beat yourself up, and sometimes you just stop and you won't keep going. So I love that you have talked us through that And so now I'm going to ask you one last question and I don't dare call you Coach, because I know that's that's not the right word. What do I call you? Are you? Are you a mentor? Is that what you?

Well, everyone calls

Is that what



a mental,


so I'll just go on with that.

Go with that?


Okay, So what makes you an extraordinary mentor, Justin, or what makes you different from other people that are out there doing similar things?

Here we go. I'm going to upset all the coaches out there. Now.

Go for it.

Look, there's a lot of people telling a lot of people on how to run a business that have never run a business. So the thing


that separates me straight away is I have, and not just one. I've done a fair few. What probably sets me part the most, which I get feed back. Why people come to me in the first place is how I did my business with not having any money with not having any idea, Not having marketing, with not having advertising, with not having all of the stuff that most people now don't have either. So and the other thing is, I don't have a twelve month. Here's how we're going to do it. The reason being, that's why I'm the unstructured se. Because there are companies out there not going to mention them that you know this this month we're going to discuss branding. Well, if you've got a bloody


cash flow problem, there's no point going on branding Cause that's going to be


an irrelevant and I waste of time, so I think my style is what sets me apart. I think the type of clients that I will take on, so they've got to make their decision whether they fit. I fit with them on the same. So I have one rule And and I've done this a couple of times where if you say one phrase when we're talking at the start, I will not take you on and I've done it to two people so far, and that is when people say what's my game. Ante. Well, my guarantee

Oh yeah,

is I might be working with you and I'll say that to


them and I'll go. Why is that go? Because you're already looking for a way out before already started. So your, your head is about what's in it for me And how do I make whatever he says work for me. That's not my fault, and my concern. My concern is going to give you what you need to have. If you don't apply that, then that's your fault. not my fault. So there's certain things that I want to get along with someone, and I have great chats with my cal And it's fantastic. I think the other thing and it's not a sales bill. My price has set me apart from most of the other companies because they charge a lot of money, and


some people may think that my fees are high fee, but for my yearly one, which it's not, but my yearly fee set deliberately, it's the same amount of money. I get paid for one hour to speak at a conference, so I do a hundred speaking jobs a year plus. so


they are the ones that fun me to be able to offer Someone else. I've always also had the odd numb nut. Remember those two up on the up show the two old guys at set up the top,

Yeah. I





again I get a couple of them having a garden. An we usually deal for free. Problem with that, If I do it


for free, no one will, then there's no cost to that information, so there's no pain for the other person. If they don't apply


that, it's not going to have any effect on them at all. So there is a cost because you know I can't really feed My family with love or kindness. I've got there. There's money that needs to be made, but I've tried to keep it well. It is a business plan of mind to piece off the other coaching company, so that seems to be working quite well for me. But and I don't take on a million people. There's only so much I can do and I want to be able to be on call for the these people as well, and I just have it only in our sessions.

I can love it, so I already know there's going to be a Q of people waiting to knock on your door. Where did people go and learn more about Justine? Harold

Well, probably the best one is Justin Harold Dot com. It's probably the easy one and just a shameless plug. If you do want your staff trained. Its customer culture is my massive passion at this point in time. So that's customer culture dot com. But you know the reason I need to. I am going to plug. That is because if you've got goals, dreams and aspirations for your business to get to the next level, your staff are the ones that will assist in that. If they're not on the same page with how you want your business to go, You're never going to get there and you're going a be carrying a lot of the weight, so we've got to get our staff to work for our goals and aspirations and dreams. Sorry if anyone is a staff member and gets offended by that, but the reality is as business owners, we are providing the same back to our staff by paying them a wage and giving them a job. So it's when we, and we've got to get our staff to go to the next level. And that's why customer culture exists.

And I can absolutely vouch for that too, because I helped build at least that part of it. the online training program and the stuff that Justin teaches is just like you've heard him today, right, So you can imagine him consolidating all this information for your team. It's gold. So Justin, any last thoughts? any last? little one line of justinisms that you want to share with everybody before we go?

Look, I just think like it's simple. You just got to simplify everything. Simplify it and magnify it. I guess probably the way that you need to go about it. But just like it is my mantra in life and it is. I'll say this when anyone asks me the same question people need to do now. have a crack. Because have it go with that. Don't go and spend a crap load of money Before you know it's going to work. So


for me I don't So. if it doesn't work, I haven't spent a great deal of money. If it doesn't work, it doesn't matter the question. I've always asked you whether is how much is this going to cost me At the first question I asked Because then I go get back off the phone and go okay. Based on that, I need to sell Ex amount of these to make that back. I need to do that in this period of time, Blababababa, that's durable, or if I


spend a hundred thousand dollars on a set up or start up or expanding my business, that's a lot. So if it doesn't It massively matters so just try n keep it as simple as you possibly can. Yes, it may take you longer, but you've got more longevity in that as well.

Well said well, said. Thank you so much for your time in our beautiful conversation. Just gold, just good common sense, just good reminders for people to just take it day by day. Simplify what you're doing and that I love the goal, just one goal at a time every single day.

That's it.

love it. thanks Justin so much.

Thank you.