Episode 138 Transcript

Heather Porter (00:02.732)

Welcome to the show, John. I'm really looking forward to this chat because I have no idea where it's gonna go and that makes me actually really excited.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (00:12.205)

Yay. Hello, Heather, and thank you so much for having me on today.


Heather Porter (00:15.736)

my gosh. So what a, what a cool chat we have in store and we're on opposite sides of the planet. I am in Sydney and you're just in an area outside of Edinburgh in Scotland. Amazing. Okay. So we're going to start this conversation. I always like to give our listeners some tangible takeaways and tips, and then we're going to get into your journey and who you are and how you help people.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (00:26.698)

That's right. Yeah, that's right.


Heather Porter (00:40.69)

And to start with, tangible tips it is. So what are a few tips that you can recommend for somebody that's growing a business, doing amazing things on this planet and is feeling a little stuck or stressed or overwhelmed with their journey?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (00:55.862)

Okay. and I wish I'd given myself this advice many years ago, some hard lessons to get here. So yeah, my, my first advice is, you're not alone. There's many people across this planet feeling like you right now and perhaps worse and the key to really unlocking and unblocking yourself and, you know, helping address those feelings of


Heather Porter (01:00.429)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (01:21.746)

stress and anxiety and burnout like you're just always on the edge, like you're one more cup of coffee or one more meeting away from going off sick. That is really to take a step back and focus on my first tip of self love. If we're so used to loving other people, right? Loving our loved ones. We're really good at it, right? Our partners, our friends, our family. But when was the last time you showed yourself that you love yourself? When did you last?


Heather Porter (01:40.162)

Yeah. Yeah.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (01:50.492)

not work late because you thought, actually, I take good care of myself. I love myself. I wouldn't ask my partner to work late. So I wouldn't ask myself to work late. Or when was the last time you did something unusual for yourself where you just took time out to enjoy a childhood passion or something you've not done in many years or the things that really ignite your heart or as simple as a nap or taking a break or some meditation or dancing or whatever.


Heather Porter (02:13.613)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (02:20.831)

you know, fuels your fire. And I feel like that's one of our key fundamental missing parts of our modern cultures. so yeah, my key first tip self love.


Heather Porter (02:33.836)

Before you go into the second, what if somebody forgot what fuels their fire?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (02:41.014)

in, some, in some respects as good news, I would recommend you explore. And so, so one thing I did is I picked up my skateboard after just over 30 years and, well, I bought a new one actually. And, everyone, I'm 47 and everyone else around me told me I was crazy and I was going to die or something horrific would happen. And, I just picked up the skateboard and I skateboarded around walking my dog and it just filled my heart with such love.


Heather Porter (02:53.528)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (03:10.836)

I also tried climbing trees and going for runs and like just explore. Like you'll remember some things. You might be a little bit scared of them, especially as you get older. But yeah, definitely the exploration and maybe even book in some time in your calendar to do that.


Heather Porter (03:11.212)



Heather Porter (03:30.24)

Nice. I like that. Okay, what's another tip?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (03:35.36)

So in your business, don't just bring self -love to yourself outside of work. Bring self -love into your business. when you think more about what that really means, it means that when you're going to your customers or your manager or your director or VP or CEO, whoever you're going to, and you're saying, here's my new product, here's the new project, this is what we're to deliver for you.


Don't do it in isolation. Think about self -love for yourself. What's sustainable for you? Like the hours, the pace, the time for receiving ideas for innovation. Not always push, push, push. There's moments where you're able to receive more and innovate more. And then also for those that work for you, your teams, your company. If you're always, always pushing really hard,


you might achieve that goal. You might be able to get all the way to the top of what you promised to deliver. But you would fail to have a sustainable life and work -life balance and fail to have a happy, high -performing team or teams. so I practice combining forward -looking or a vision from the future, like three years in the future, looking back to what I would do today to achieve it. And I mix in and amongst that.


Heather Porter (04:46.765)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (05:01.174)

all the things I want in my life, my family life, and the people I work with and the customers I work with so that it's much more holistic. And I feel when you do this, it creates these beautiful tensions. Is it better to just hit 90 % of your metric goal or 80 % of it and still be sustainable and ready to move on to the next project or to hit 110 % of it and collapse? You've got to decide. And I think that's the beauty of


Heather Porter (05:23.394)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (05:31.188)

really balancing these things holistically.


Heather Porter (05:33.856)

It's fascinating you're saying this right now. I almost feel like you're coaching me directly because it's a conversation that I have actually been having with my own team and something that they're reminding me to do myself as a business owner. So really interesting timing on that second tip. And thank you for that. Any other tips that you want to share?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (05:55.894)

I would say that there are an infinite number of universes that describe all the things in the universe that you don't want. And actually, you'll never be able to describe what all the things you don't want are. And so it's much easier to just spend, well, easier is it? It's less writing to do.


Heather Porter (06:12.418)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (06:20.639)

is just write down like two, three, four bullet points to describe like your dream life. You include your business, include your work life, your hobbies, where you want your life to be going. And it's a really simple exercise. And yet so many of us don't do it. And in the times that we feel lost and misguided or just really annoyed with the world and everyone around us, it can be a great place to go back to.


Heather Porter (06:48.536)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (06:49.514)

to also share with others. When you write it and you share it, I think it's very powerful. And I do a lot of camping as well as work. Almost every weekend, my family are out camping. it's like, I think since I started my own business, we've never done so much. And it's just so much fun. And these are things that we actively discuss as a family. say, like, this is in our vision. It's like number two in our bullet points. So yeah, I think that's my other tip.


Heather Porter (07:05.422)

It's so good.


Heather Porter (07:16.46)



So good. my gosh. Okay. So you briefly touched on that you have a business. So now I'd love to go there with you and to understand where you came from and what you're doing these days as a business owner.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (07:34.454)

Fabulous, thank you. So my background, 26 years in software engineering and artificial intelligence. My previous company was Amazon for eight years as a senior manager doing a leading team. So I built teams and products doing artificial intelligence for recruitment across the globe. at the time I left in May this year, there was around 1 .8 million employees.


Heather Porter (07:43.373)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (08:03.85)

And so there's a lot of effort to automate, but fairly and responsibly automate key steps of the recruitment process. And I really love that, like for the geek in me and the global reach and knowing that you can touch people's lives and you don't need to be scared of artificial intelligence, like you can do it responsibly. And you can teach others how to be fair for gender and race and


Heather Porter (08:16.91)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (08:31.316)

location and education, all these parameters of us, like we're all unique and we should take that responsibility as humans and teach that to the machines that are learning from us. I really enjoyed it, but I found myself and this was nothing to do with the company. And I think in many respects has made it harder for me was about two years ago, I was so burnt out. I was working just crazy hours. My weekends were only


Heather Porter (08:31.5)



Heather Porter (08:57.784)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (09:00.468)

to recover. That's all I could do was like sleep and nap. I was in a place where others around me were really struggling with stress and anxiety and I really struggling. A couple had gone off sick and that also scared me that I was becoming really good at it. Like I was always like on, you know, highly caffeinated running on adrenaline and


Heather Porter (09:02.008)

Right. Wow.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (09:25.832)

I knew that something had to change and I knew that probably I wasn't that far off. was maybe months away from or weeks away from something happening or as often happens, our bodies go, hey, stop. Like you're going to have an accident. And they're like, no, I don't want an accident. That doesn't sound like an accident if you know it's going to happen. And your body kind of has a mutiny, right? It's like, no, we're going to stop. And you hit self -preservation. So.


Heather Porter (09:48.333)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (09:50.934)

I went part time. went down to three days a week, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and that was a huge leap forward. So and I started learning some other stuff like meditation, which I've been doing since 2017. And I've been doing it every day, but it continually grown in in my life. Even just 10 minutes was starting to make a huge difference. And it created this contrast every day, which was like, well, you can wake up in a beautiful Zen like state.


And then you go into like, throw yourself into mountains of emails and back to back meetings. And I knew at the time, and I look back now, knowing that it was me creating that reality, lacking boundaries, lacking self -love, and just doing what I could for my teams and my customers and always putting myself last. And so I also grew into doing


self -learning, doing a couple of sessions each week, doing what I call quantum energy healing, like remote energy healing for people. And I had experienced that personally when I was the most stressed that a friend had done for me. And it had left me feeling like I'd been on vacation for like two months overnight. And I was like, this is real. It's like that had built up for months. And they described exactly how I felt, what I was doing in meetings, like dimming my light.


Heather Porter (11:04.184)

goodness my goodness yeah yeah right


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (11:15.552)

keeping quiet, absorbing all that stress. And then so yeah, I a couple of qualifications as well. did mindfulness teaching last year, which just really helped me more bring some of these more kind of esoterical metaphysical things into the business world. So I started doing weekly meditations for the company at Amazon in the UK and some Europe. And we had some people in the US.


Heather Porter (11:15.938)

Yeah. Yeah.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (11:45.666)

And I also trained in a diploma for clinical reflexology, which is foot massage. And every single thing I do has this theme of stress and anxiety and burnout. And yeah, so I started that business for myself called Heart -Centered Wellness. And I started on the 31st of May. it's just been, I was so scared, You're always so scared of leaving a multi -six -figure salary.


Heather Porter (11:51.66)



Heather Porter (12:12.237)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (12:15.996)

And as a family, we're like, what's going to happen? What are we going to do? I've got my wife and two kids. And as a main wage earner, you almost feel like the universe is out to destroy you. But when you take a leap, it helped me when I took this leap, is I just surrendered to it. And yeah, the growth and sales, they're month on month is just.


has been staggering to me and makes me feel both humbled but then also like I could have done it earlier but I needed to be ready and for that very reason I would have just run in and burn myself out.


Heather Porter (12:55.862)

Yeah, right. my, I have so many questions. I'm trying to distill it down into a couple because this is first of all, fascinating when you're talking about your background in software and AI, the way you're wired in that way in your brain and being to where you are now, such an interesting dichotomy. And I think about somebody named Bruce Lipton. Have you ever heard of that author? So Bruce was a medical, like physician, Western medicine. And I remember he kept saying, I need to


find almost like the space between the space. There's something more than the medicine that we know of. And then he went off and his brain changed and he went off in the new path of healing. And I just, I almost sense that in you that you have this incredible holistic way of approaching things because of your background. And I want to talk to you a little bit about your business. So you open it in May this year, Impressive. And so what do you actually, what does your business do?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (13:49.044)

Yes, that's right,


Heather Porter (13:55.67)

and do you have a that support you as well?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (13:58.738)

Right now it's me. I kind of plan to keep it as me. So yeah, to explain the business. my, my, kind of problem that I'm solving for the world is, is helping on these themes of stress and anxiety and burnout, but also supporting people that go through what I went through, like a kind of like a, I describe it as like a spiritual awakening where you, you, you really just, you're, you're going through this awakening journey to seeing


all your discovering all your own truths and all the magic of the universe. And I, so the three main things, I don't know if you can see my fingers, three main things I do. for your mind, I do mindfulness teaching and that is doing, I do like a series of like one -on -one sessions for people. do regular meditations and also for companies when they ask me to come in. And so far I have a couple of corporate clients where I go in and do their


Heather Porter (14:31.363)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (14:54.458)

work with their teams and it's like helping really helping them, encouraging them to develop practices. A lot of it's about self love, stress and anxiety. and meditation is just fantastic to that. And they, a lot of them say, it's, know, it's like an oasis of cam whenever they, whenever they step into that. And the second stream is for your body. So I currently do clinical reflexology foot massage to never never actually experienced it until my wife recommended I train in it.


And now she loves it because I do it like twice a week for her. And I also do that now. I just started just yesterday doing it every Tuesday in a local well -being center. So it's great to get me out of my music studio because I write a song every day as well. And in that journey, like connecting with people and really working with them. And you'd be amazed. Like there's so many things we don't share.


Heather Porter (15:22.723)



Heather Porter (15:34.625)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (15:51.658)

publicly, but privately with a practitioner you would share. And they're such similar themes for so many of us. And I'm also just training in massage. So I'll be adding that to my in -person services. That's the Swedish deep tissue massage. And then thirdly is my more kind of spiritual metaphysical work. So I do one -on -one sessions. started, then this started about four years ago doing a couple of sessions.


each week doing what I call quantum energy healing. it's really working with the energy of the body with your chakras, scanning through them, clearing anything that doesn't serve your highest good, getting any messages from the highest aspects of yourself or your guides, whatever your belief system is. And then really helping people like give them like tangible human actions, like lovely story, John, you know, and lovely feelings. But what do I now do in my life to help change my life? I do mentoring for that. And I also started teaching it in


January. So I now have two courses, like a foundational course, which is two months. And I think I've now run it four times and it's about to start another fifth at the end of September. And then an intermediate course, is getting up to close to all of my knowledge. So yeah, they're the main three things. There's lots, as you can tell, I'm exploring lots. And a podcast at a weekly mindful leadership podcast. yeah, there's


Heather Porter (17:00.096)



Heather Porter (17:11.955)

I yeah.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (17:18.986)

There's lots. Yeah, it's called Mindful Leadership Podcast. And it's on YouTube and then all the other platforms, Spotify, et cetera.


Heather Porter (17:19.08)

What's that? What's the podcast called? Is that what it's called?




Okay guys, now you have another podcast you can go out and check out. When did you know you had the gift of healing?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (17:30.536)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (17:37.497)

Great question.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (17:42.302)

Somewhere along the lines of when people were telling me that I was doing these healing sessions for them, they would describe feeling much lighter, much brighter and energized, the physical symptoms that either they had asked me to look at and or I'd picked up, often around our solar plexus, heart, any trauma.


is the stress and anxiety around the brain and the shoulders and back. There's so many common things. But yeah, I don't know the exact time that I accepted it. But I feel it'll be around something like three years ago when I actually just created my own website and said, I'm just going to do this as a hobby and explore it as a potential job, as a potential career change.


Heather Porter (18:18.338)



Heather Porter (18:24.749)



Heather Porter (18:29.282)

Yeah, amazing. And you mentioned quantum healing. Do you need to be in front of somebody? Do you do that distance as well?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (18:40.788)

So not only do I not need to be in front of them, they don't even need to be there like on a Zoom call. I just need their name and their permission, and most importantly, their permission. I not only wouldn't I, but I don't believe I could help them if I didn't have their permission. And so yeah, I do like a recorded session for people where they just give me their name, sometimes a photo, and


Heather Porter (18:49.6)

I'm... yeah. Yeah.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (19:07.828)

And then I also, most of them are done over like, you know, video conferencing sessions so that they can ask real time and feedback. And I can ask some questions like, does that feel? Are there areas I can look at?


Heather Porter (19:19.906)

And that's the same process that you said you had correct when you felt like you're on holiday for two months after you had one. Yeah.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (19:26.292)

That's right. Yeah. Yeah, it was quite similar. think it was, it was some more similar to, to Reiki, which I've never trained in. but, yeah, it was, it was a really magical experience and it was life changing for me. felt like, there was just no way you could make that stuff up after suffering from something for years, like this, you know, heaviness, this miss, fog in my chest of stress and anxiety to have that released overnight when I didn't even sleep much that night.


Heather Porter (19:44.216)



Heather Porter (19:50.211)



Heather Porter (19:54.54)

Wow. That says, that says a lot that was at work behind the scenes, let's say. And you even said something after that, which really kind of piqued my interest. And you said something about bringing light again into your meetings. I don't, I don't want to butcher your quote, but after you had that healing, you felt like you had light again. I'd like to talk a little bit about that because I do know other healers and I guess I'd be curious for you to explain what's different.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (20:13.365)



Heather Porter (20:23.736)

for you? what do you bring differently to the table than potentially other people that are out there doing similar things?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (20:31.488)

Yeah, for me, my real focus, like going back to the first question, with self -love is I feel that when you teach self -love, not just as a of a notional thought concept, but also through energetically. So when I work with people, I'm always like making sure that, for instance, their heart chakra feels like, feels empowered, feels strong, feels healthy.


Heather Porter (20:39.917)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (21:00.01)

high vibration and happy and helping them face any of that trauma or negative energy that's pulling them down or the shadows that they need to face. And so, and that's just one example, right? But another big thing in business is also like your throat chakra. Like, I feel like I would literally sing a song before I went to work. Nice, big, open, you know, voice and I'd be singing away, know, just such joy. then


Heather Porter (21:13.837)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (21:27.582)

literally turn on my laptop and just shrink right down. And it's kind of anti -pattern, that lack of self -love that would, that dimming of my lights. that's what I teach my clients as well is like, how does it really feel when you bring your whole being to your workplace? Like, don't hide away. Like make your workplace see the whole of you so that they get a chance to react to


Heather Porter (21:48.653)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (21:56.522)

all those aspects of you. And many of us hide our superpowers as well. I started singing songs at directors meetings and taking them to presentations and even to the board members of Amazon. I would do these things because I was like, it's the whole of me. And when I left, they said, that was one of the things I loved the most about you. And I was like, what about all the projects? No, no, those things. You always brought such fun and always shone your light. And that, for me, is like,


Heather Porter (22:07.0)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (22:25.726)

self -love and saying, love me or hate me, this is me. This is the whole me. And I do feel that as humans, we're all unique and we all have these unique superpowers. And it's so tempting to hide them. I feel that, to answer your question about what makes me unique, is helping other people see how unique they are and love that uniqueness.


Heather Porter (22:47.352)

Beautifully said. Now if somebody's listening to this and they think, you know, maybe I've gone off path or I feel lost or I want to get more into my spirituality. Where would you genuinely say to somebody, this is where you could start. This is the first step.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (23:07.767)

So the first step for what I recommend is trying something like meditation. And with an open mind, know, so many of us say, but I've got a busy mind and it's just thinking about bills and meetings and minutes and what someone said and it's okay. Like it's all okay. Mine does too. I have to like push my phone away so I can't like touch it while I'm meditating. And


Heather Porter (23:24.293)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (23:34.198)

Mindfulness meditation is a fantastic starting place. You can maybe just build up little courage to it. You can try it out. I have free mindfulness meditations, like a five day challenge on my website. And you can try it out and just see how it feels for five days, 10 minutes for five days. And what you're trying to do is create that space to allow that uniqueness, the real you to have a voice.


Sometimes it's your body that wants to talk to you. Sometimes it's your mind or the dreams that you have or the child inside of you or all of these aspects. And I feel that helps you bring you back to yourself. And it's a fantastic starting place for anyone on their journey.


Heather Porter (24:20.27)

Perfect. And question for you would be if we were to sign up for your fire day meditation, do we get a song, a bonus song from you?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (24:30.08)

Great question. Well, you can certainly ask for one. I do requests. I do write a song each day. And I love doing collaborations with people. And yeah, please do. You can always request. It's remarkably rare how many requests I get. But I love doing them. And very fast.


Heather Porter (24:35.061)



Heather Porter (24:50.51)

Well, now, now that I know you're a singer and this is something that you do, you know, I'm going to be fishing around for a song after this. So who do you like to work with? What type, if we could call them your perfect client, what would that person be like?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (24:56.414)

Yeah, please do.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (25:07.254)

I would say anyone around the world from any background, any culture, any age, I have like clients from 18 to I think my oldest is something like 84. And it the only real like thing that makes you stand out as a as a client is that you've there's something in you that makes you want to explore and try these things. Like your way to explore things like meditation to explore your self love.


Heather Porter (25:35.277)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (25:36.818)

and connecting with yourself. And so it's a little bit of hunger and an openness to receive what this universe has been trying to give you for quite some time. And I'm here to help you bring it back.


Heather Porter (25:51.214)

Okay, so if people are listening and they're intrigued and they're interested and they want this five day challenge perhaps to the meditation, where do they go to learn more?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (26:01.3)

Yeah, you can just visit my website at johnbini .com and you'll see under meditations and training, the free meditations to get you started.


Heather Porter (26:10.752)

Love it. So I have a couple more questions as we start to wrap up. And the first one is, where do you think the future of healing is headed?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (26:21.396)

Well, father, he just in a couple of hours, he's getting out of hospital. So I'm really, I'm really hopeful for his recovery. He's been there for three weeks and really quite ill. And he said to me, will you be teaching the nurses here one day? And I said, I was like, I don't know. And I, and then I thought, I, you know, that's what the universe does to you, right? It's like, it you these big, huge concepts and then checks to see how ready you are. And I'm like,


Heather Porter (26:32.545)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (26:51.094)

It's quite funny because I'm working with nurses and some of the other work I'm doing. And I'm thinking, yes, like there will be, there is a move to be more holistic. And even listening to the doctors talking to my father, they were saying, talking a lot more, they saw the importance of like what hobbies are you doing? What's your exercise like? Like what are the things, you know, although you're 74, like I think, you know, it's easy to think you can give up, but no, no, it's, it's, it's still the start of an opportunity for, for exploration and join your life.


Heather Porter (27:00.525)



Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (27:21.182)

And I see that this move to including lots and exploring the usefulness of lots of different methods of healing really help people. And for instance, I blend psychic reading, quantum healing, and clinical reflexology in a service. none of that's for you. We won't take it at all. the reflexology is for you, you could have that as a separate service. But the more I think we bring these together, the more kind of alternative views you get.


of often the same problem, just like doctors and nurses work in teams, you can bring in these alternative views or complementary views. So yeah, I feel that's the way we're heading. And it's exciting and a bit unknown.


Heather Porter (28:03.82)

Nice. It's very, it's very exciting. And I would probably agree that it's very much needed as well. Like you were saying before, there's such an epidemic of burnout and anxiety and people losing their light and their paths and they need different modalities, different ways of getting there. Because like you said before, meditation is a great place to start. And depending on how far you are into your journey, you might need different paths or steps to get there. Right.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (28:31.582)

Yeah, yeah, absolutely.


Heather Porter (28:33.42)

So as we wrap up, maybe tune in or whatever you'd like to do and think about our listeners around the world. And they're here because they're stressed and they do have anxiety. What would you like to tell them to help them go through this phase that they're in right now?


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (28:52.822)

that you're not alone and that there's that light inside of your heart. There's that self -love just waiting to be rediscovered and to explore an opportunity, even if it's a 30 -minute calendar slot for yourself each week or if it's time you're doing in your hobbies with your family or those times in between. Take that time to reflect on your self -love and you'll find the answers. So all the challenges that you're experiencing right now are


will start to come to you and allow them, allow them to come back to you. Allow yourself to come back to yourself.


Heather Porter (29:32.088)

John, it has been an absolute privilege having this conversation with you. There's something about your energy that is just so relaxing and it lifts you up. Just me being in your presence. So I have a feeling that people listening and watching will feel the same. So thank you so much for being here.


Jon Binnie - Spiritual Mentor (29:47.86)

That's so kind. Thank you so much for having me on. Thank you everybody.