The Unicorn Collective is a support system & coaching for business owners who do things differently.

Our first spots are open.  Are you in?

Happy Man

I know I am a Unicorn because:

  • I'm a business chameleon and can do 5-10 different roles - and flow from role to role easily!
  • I am not lead by ego
  • I don't say "I can’t". I say "What’s another way?"
  • I know innovation happens when we are free to be ourselves
  • I don’t believe in "keeping up with the Joneses" because comparison is not worth it
  • I ask good questions AND listen to the answer
  • I get people to think differently (because I do things differently)
  • I believe I "should" is not an option
  • I don’t think about putting other people down
  • I am aware I'm part of something larger than just me
  • I know I need a community and can’t do life alone
  • I know there is power in being grounded (and even quiet)
  • I use competition to encourage me to be my best, but not better than the person beside me (I know we are all different)
  • I care deeply about people - sometimes to a fault
Happy Woman
Tired of hiding behind what makes you different? 

Do this next:

Book a discovery call.

We will see if we have a coach who can match your energy and help you with your outcomes.

If it is a fit then you will be invited to join us for 13 sessions over a 3 month period, where you will be coached using the Unicorn Framework.

We are not the best fit for everyone, and that’s OK.

This is not a tip, a tool, or a trick.

It's coaching using a framework to... you how to lead, grow and make change using more of your unique strengths... help you say what you feel and live what you want to be!

Are we a good fit?

Register interest

We are officially launching soon.
Not ready to book a call, but want to stay in the loop?

Enter your details below.

You know what? I want it now!

Heard enough to know you want in? Want one of the first available spots?

Book in a no strings attached, no commitment chat now.

NOTE: If you have ADHD or have been diagnosed in the last few years - then this is ESPECIALLY for you.

What other Unicorns are saying

Gets to the root of what needs to be worked on.

"Adam has a way of cutting through density and uncertainty with questions on what really needs to be worked on. He holds a great container of unraveling and growth!"

Joelle Nañawa, NTP

Adam is a very talented coach.

"In just a few sessions he helped me shift a huge identity piece which had been weighing on me for a long time."

Sarah Phillips

Inspired me to draw from deep introspection and take action.

"High energy, keen focus, gentle guidance when indicated, and a flow that inspires me to draw from deep introspection and take action! I love his sense of humor which contributes to the deliverance of the work."

Barbara Meza’

Broke down my barriers and behaviors that were no longer serving me.

A fresh, incisive take on everything from how to find clients, to close the deal, to market yourself, and how to share your story. If you want to work with a top coach who has been there, Adam’s your man!"

Dr. Zarya Rubin, MD

Have unanswered questions?