People decide in 3 seconds if they will leave your website

What if your site takes 8.66 seconds to load?
(average website load time)

Our WordPress Website Care Packages can help.

Start with showing unique solution.

Then provide why, with evidence, it works (marketing argument). Must deliver evidence of why and how our package works.

What makes this different from other things in the way it will work for them?

Show evidence - Sabrina, quotes from hotjar users, full testimonial from woman who attended reed expo event, testimonial from Anna about her growth.

Sell how every month the same thing happens and you don’t want a whole year to pass again

Why on earth would you want to add one more worry to your list when running a busy business?

You don't have the capacity to worry about getting an email from a customer telling you that your site has crashed, wonder how long it has been like that, and how to fix it.

And you certainly don't want to have a slow loading site, an insecure alert popping up in your visitors' Chrome, or a site that looks wonky on different screen sizes where someone can't find the "buy now" button.

Your customers just want you to help them.  That is all they care about.
And if your website is not fast and secure they leave.


We are not overseas techies that don't speak normal talk. we are business owners; The best offers are speed and automation; Is everything I am selling making our clients feel significant?

Who is it for? Not ecommerce.

You are a service based business or local business who wants to grow your presence online. Maybe your site has served as a brochure up until now and you want it to generate leads for you.

So what do you need to have a website that performs well?

Package Box 1

All websites need
speed and safety.

Let's start with your hosting…

When you are on cheap hosting, you share it with up to hundreds of other sites. And cheap hosting companies try and scrimp on resources and give you the minimum memory your site needs to run.

All it takes is one bad 'egg' (ummmm… site) that gets too much traffic or gets hacked, and suddenly yours goes down too.

The worst thing is that when you visit your site in the morning it might be running fine, then at night your site goes down without you knowing about it... and you lose business.

Package Box 2

All websites need
speed and safety.

And here's why you need to do way more than have good hosting...

Think of your website as the garden you spent so long planting, watering and caring for. Stay with us for a second…

It looks amazing at first. Then over time the weeds creep in and the bushes become overgrown. Before you know it your flowers can't grow because there are too many weeds surrounding them.

This is similar to what happens over time to a website. Many website owners buy hosting and set up their site and think that's all they need to worry about.

Then they put up blog posts, add content and do other things to make the website look nice and work they way they want, but they don’t realise or know how to do the “weeding” required to keep their site strong.

Speed and safety only occur with ongoing optimisation.

To please Google so they list your site you need:

  • A fast site (remember the 3 seconds we mentioned above?)
  • Encryption so you have the green padlock when people visit your website on their browsers
  • Google Search Console listing and management. This tells Google what pages are on your site and allows you to address problems that Google thinks your site has.

To please your site's visitors and customers you need:

  1. Optimization so your site is fast and works across multiple device sizes - a Samsung, an iPhone, a tablet...
  2. Updates so all of your plugins and software work well (you don't want your instagram feed to stop working right?)
  3. Backups so if your site does go down you can immediately put it back up without losing any of your customer's orders or recent content edits

Here's what needs to happen ongoing behind the scenes to keep your WordPress website going strong:

We call these the "SafeGuard6".

Protect your website the “Safeguard6”.

Most people do not even know they need this stuff, and a cheap hosting company is certainly not going to do all of that for you! You get what you pay for right?

Would you like to know how to get this set up on your website for you?

Right now we have spots open for our Website Love Hosting and Maintenance Packages. Normally we only reserve these for our own website clients but have opened the doors to anyone with a WordPress website.

Why? Because technology has recently changed making it easier to take care of more people.

We know it will help stop the stress of wondering if your website is running OK, if you have the backups you need in case you accidentally deleted a page you worked so hard on editing, or even if potential customers can get your site to load properly on their phone in the first place.

If you have a website and are trying to grow your business you need this package!

Here's how it works and what you get:

WebsiteLove Service

Hosting & Maintenance Pack

Our Hosting & Maintenance Pack is just that - we will host your site and do all the maintenance required to keep your website humming along like a well oiled machine.
Your site will be fast, backed up and up to date.

Learn More
WebsiteLove Service

12 Month Growth Plan

You have a new website but it is not working how you thought and you don't have a huge budget
This package goes way beyond maintenance and actually helps you grow your business over the next 12 months.

Learn More

We have 2 packages to choose from. Both include the items in the "SafeGuard6" plus a few extras that will make your life easier as a website owner.

Why the 12 Month Growth Plan is so much more than a maintenance package!

What would you do to triple your business from your website in 1 year?

5-7 steps to get from point a to point b, we do the work, rotate back through steps.

We give you a 12 month plan of the things you need to implement on your site to grow your business online.

We have built almost 1,000 sites since 2010 and we have seen which sites make money for their owner and which ones don't.  We have compiled these items into a checklist and have turned that into a plan for you to follow to improve your website.

You get 2 developer hours to use as you want each month, but we find most people just have us implement the items in the plan for them.

So basically you can say "turn on the plan" and we just do the work. Or you can get ideas from it and customise what you actually want done.

Here's a sample of some of the items we implement for you over the 12 months.

  • Put new blog posts up, including finding images.
  • Optimise Google Business listing
  • Install and analyse Crazy Egg/Hot Jar heat maps and provide suggestions for design improvement; then do those improvements
  • Install a live chat - FB messenger or another one.
  • Add new pages such as sales pages
  • Linking sales pages to payment systems or linking up mailchimp systems
  • Adding new social feeds to sites
  • Updating staff pages with new bios and images
  • Popups

But wait...there's more 😉

You get ongoing support to in growing your business by getting access to our private Facebook Group.  In that group you can ask your questions and get support from your fellow members and us.

Plus each week Founder Heather Porter will jump in and share a quick marketing tip via a live video.

And guess what? You get some special bonuses when you sign up for the 12 Month Growth Plan

Now that you will have a fast site, you might as well send more traffic into it! And we want to help with that!  Not over the next 12 months, buy ASAP!

By joining this plan you will get immediate access to a library of mini courses.  These are paid presentations that Website Love Founder, Heather Porter, gives throughout Australia to local councils and small business training organisations.  Plus... did you know she is a certified Trainer from Facebook for their Facebook Community Boost Program in AUS and NZ? This simply means you will be getting access to some mighty fine courses you get access to as soon as you sign up!

One module/training/focus per month with weekly Q&A (same for everyone - does not matter when they start)

Here's what you get:

Package What You Get
  • Blogging for leads, sales and SEO mini course + links to article writers
  • Facebook ads 101 – Formula to sell to cold traffic
  • Digital Marketing Fundamentals
  • How to Find and Market to Your Ideal Customer
  • 10 Tips to Improve Your Engagement on Instagram and Other Social Platforms
  • The 6 things high converting websites do to get automated leads and sales


  • Daily backups so you don't lose any updates or customer data
  • Updates to WordPress, themes and plugins
  • Malware scans to find and stop any dodgy code in your site, such as hackers
  • A daily sitemap submission to Google for SEO
  • Listing your site with Google Search Console and managing the alerts
  • Database optimisation to make everything run fast (every page or post you update keeps a revision which stacks up over time)
  • Page load optimisation - if you have a bad page we will tell you how to fix it
  • Free SSL certificate for encryption (only if you use our hosting)
  • Monitor your site's uptime so we know when or if your site goes down and can address the problem
  • Monthly report
  • Premium plugins included*
  • A 12 month plan to get more visitors and more sales from your website
  • 2 WordPress developer's hours every month to action the items in the 12 month plan for you
  • Access to a private Facebook group
  • A weekly video marketing tip (delivered via the Facebook Group)
  • BONUS 1: Custom Website walkthrough - Recommendations for small tweaks you can make to get more sales and leads
  • BONUS 2: Mini Course - Blogging for leads, sales and SEO mini course + links to article writers
  • BONUS 3: Mini course - Facebook ads 101 0 Formula to sell to cold traffic
  • BONUS 4: Mini course - Digital Marketing Fundamentals
  • BONUS 5: Mini course - How to Find and Market to Your Ideal Customer
  • BONUS 6: Mini course - 10 Tips to Improve Your Engagement on Instagram and Other Social Platforms
  • BONUS 7: Mini course - The 6 things high converting websites do to get automated leads and sales

Hosting & Maintenance Pack


12 Month Growth Plan


Which package is right for you?

*Do you have a WooCommerce shopping cart?  That means there is some extra work we need to do to make sure you never lose an order.
Pricing for an ecommerce website is:
The Hosting & Maintenance Pack is $100/month
The 12 Month Growth Plan is $275/month

Here's why its a no brainer to use our packages!

If you have a Cpanel we will move your site to us for FREE (not sure what a Cpanel is? See our FAQs below.)

You can upgrade or downgrade your packages at any time

You can cancel at any time

What is your time worth?

Do you want to charge more than $75/hour? Then why would you update your site when it would take you more than an hour each month?

We just need your logins and we do the rest. The only time investment from you is signing up.

Love it or Leave it 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

You are either head over heels thrilled with your new package (i.e. website speed and the fact you don’t have to touch the annoying bits again) or cancel it at any time. No questions asked. You can cancel at anytime and keep all the bonuses. And we will help move your site over to the hosting of your choice for FREE!

Sign Up Now

Go ahead get in now so you don’t have to ever click an “update button again” or waste your time with the tedious maintenance of your website”

Stop losing sales because of a slow website that is going offline without you even realizing it! Don’t make the mistake of thinking it will get better when more and more people are having websites and just the smallest improvement in your speed can mean the different between them clicking off or clicking on.

Give a reason to respond now

Tell them why they need to buy now (to stop worrying if your website is too slow or will crash and to charge $10/hour doing the updates sign up here now…now because each time your site is slow you lose someone, another potential sale or lead - how much are you losing without knowing)

Do it now and we will handle the rest - all we need are your Cpanel logins! And by doing now you get the discount and bonuses - only have these on a hidden page


This package is perfect for anyone who knows the importance of having a fast website that does not crash and understands the importance of using the best tools to set up your website to sell.

It's also perfect for you if you have one of these situations:

  • Are a small business owner that can’t afford or does not want an IT team
  • Know you should not be messing around with website software and plugin updates or doing backups yourself and just want a site that works well
  • You want to bring in more leads and sales and are not sure what changes to make on your website to do that

You will be given an email address you can use at anytime to reach out to us for help. Your questions and requests will go directly to our developers to save time.  

Plus depending on what package you choose you might have access to our private Facebook Group. In there you can ask questions related to online business strategy.

Normally yes.  Before we can agree we do need to know who your hosting company is.  You can contact us here.  Just let us know that you are interested in our care packages, would like to stay with your hosting company and what the name is of that company (such as Go Daddy).

Some hosting companies are known to have issues and we will not be able to speed your site up or improve it. 


Ahhh, you like to move fast!  Contact us here and let us know you are interested.  We can look at doing a custom package for you.

No worries!  You can just reach out when you have some extra things you need done for the month and we can quote for that as a flat rate. Since we will be familiar with your website and have the logins we can work fast on the things you need done.

That is up to you.  Sometimes people continue and just use the developer hours on things they need done, such as putting up a blog post. Plus remember as long as you are on that package you get ongoing lessons to grow your business and help via the Facebook Group.

Or sometimes people downgrade to our hosting & maintenance pack where we just look after their site.

You can cancel at anytime. Just use the contact details we share with you when you sign up and let us know.  We request that you give us at least a 7 day notice so we have time to remove our tools from your site and stop your next charge.

Your monthly developer hours are based on a monthly credit cycle. Every month, your hours reset and do not roll in to the following month. But don't worry, we give you plenty of ideas of how to use these hours each month so they are not wasted.

About Us

We help small businesses owners without an IT team make their website fast and secure so that it does not crash and lose leads and sales. We especially like helping those who cringe at the very thought of managing your own website.